Our summer is quickly coming to a close. It was another uneventful week for the Southwicks. Even though the kids complain about going back to school, I secretly think they are all ready to do so. I know Jeff and I are! We're just ready to have the routine back again...and to not have to scramble to find things to keep the kids entertained. In any case, I took some random pictures this week to illustrate our every day comings and goings. First off, Jeff's sister, Julie, made Jeff and I a beautiful quilt as a belated wedding present. She and Katie (Jeff's other sister) also pitched in to make one for Laurin for her graduation/off-to-college gift. Thank you Julie! They are beautiful...and now I have a blanket to throw on me when I get cold (which is more often than not thanks to my husband who likes to keep the thermostat low).
On Monday (August 4th), I decided to tackle my New Year's goal - learn to make bread. I already know how to make banana or zucchini breads, but I have had an abnormal aversion to making any bread that requires yeast. This aversion dates back to 8th grade Home Economics class when we had to learn to make bread and I must have killed the yeast because mine was the only one that didn't rise. Since then, I'd simply told myself that I couldn't make bread. Well I decided it was time to tackle the challenge...and my first loaf turned out pretty good. I didn't kill the yeast!, but it didn't rise as much as it needed to. I'm definitely still learning, but it was fun to eat the end result and see that it all turned out. I'm excited to try again. I have my grandmother's recipe that I'm going to try next.
This week the boys have been keeping themselves entertained by going on motorbike rides with some of our neighbors. We are lucky to live in an area that they can do this. Summer's can get pretty boring (especially towards the ends of summers) but the kids have had so many opportunities to do things (e.g., riding, ziplining, etc.) that others may not be able to do simply because of where they live.
On Tuesday (5th), I took Dallin to get registered for school. Can I just say that for public education it is still pretty spendy to register your kids for school?! In any case, Dallin can be seen pouting in this picture, but again, I secretly think he's ready to go back to school. He has a few electives (e.g., PE, Exploring Technology, etc.) that he is pretty excited about. He decided that he wasn't going to pursue choir. I think he'll stick with sports.
Friday (8th) morning, Krystle came over to pick raspberries at our neighbors house and make freezer jam. It's still a little early in the raspberry season so it took us awhile to get a bucket full, but the weather was nice and the company was great so we didn't mind. Nolan got to try his first raspberries. I don't think he's a fan. He seemed to wear more than he actually consumed. We stripped him down to his diaper when we got back to the house and let him play in the sprinklers to wash off. He is so much fun at this age. I am still very sad that they will be moving to Houston at the end of the year. I'll miss watching him grow up and having them so close.
Saturday (9th) was the annual Salem Days celebration. This is one thing I really enjoy about Utah - the small town festivities. Last year, we made it to quite a few (Art City Days in Springville, Fiesta Days in Spanish Fork, Salem Days, and Golden Onion Days in Payson - I'm still not sure who chose the name for that!), but this year this was our first. Since my brother, Scott, and his family live in Salem, they invited us to join them. Luckily their house is right on the parade route so we went over in the morning and had fruit and muffins while we waited for the parade to make it's way down Main Street. The boys LOVED the parade - mostly because Scott gave them both squirt guns to squirt the people in the parade. Thankfully, no one got too upset. In fact, most of the parade participants welcomed the spray of water. One individual from our ward actually got off his horse drawn buggy and chased down the boys. That was pretty funny. I think some of the participants that know us are going to be prepared for next year.
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Jeff and I on Scott's front steps with Dallin, Scott and Mel behind us. |
Krystle, Nolan, and Jordan |
After the parade, Scott had a small jump house set up that we played in before walking down to the classic car show. We then returned to Scott's house and let the boys swim for a couple hours. (The girls were at home asleep. They still hadn't finished their graveyard job at Payson Fruit Growers. Luckily, they only have one more night! Then they can readjust to a normal sleeping schedule before school starts.) It was a really fun day with family. Thanks Scott and Mel for inviting us over!
One car owner (56 Chevy Belair) let the boys sit in the front seat. They were in heaven. |
Dallin flying through the air. |
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A happy little boy with a large, sugar-dipped marshmallow! |
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