Saturday, September 13, 2014

The past two weeks...

So for the past two weeks, life in the Southwick home has been incredibly...routine. Nothing overly exhilarating or adventurous has happened...and I am totally ok with that! The kids are still in school and Laurin is still surviving life as a college student. Jeff and I continue to keep food on the table and a roof over everyone's heads. We are extremely grateful for good kids and for good employment. We have been abundantly blessed so when life seems to be a little "boring", I enjoy the smooth ride and slow moments! Still, there have been a few noteworthy happenings during the past two weeks. First off, remember how I said that Jeff is a great provider and keeps the roof over our heads...well he even does that for the cow and the goat. Jeff decided to finish building the lean-to the full length of the shop. This will provide extra shelter for the animals and also provide a space for us to store the hay we'll need to feed the animals during the winter months. Jeff's dad and sister, Katie, were troopers and came out to help. I am not particularly fond of heights so putting screws in the metal sheeting for the roof was not on my to-do list that day. Luckily, with everyone's help, it only took a few hours to finish the roof.
In other news, Amber was cast in her high school musical! Salem Hills has decided to perform Footloose: The Musical for her high school musical. (Kind of fitting since Footloose was partially filmed here in Payson, Utah!) Amber was cast as Wendy Jo, one of Ariel's (the main girl) friends. She has been really excited about this year's performance and has loved rehearsals. We get the benefit of hearing all the songs when she gets home. We can't wait to see the finished product in November.
Laurin has also had some exciting new roles to play. She was recently called to be the 2nd counselor in the Relief Society presidency in her singles ward (church congregation of all single members from 18-30). Jeff and I are tremendously proud of the woman she is. She has grown so much during the past couple years. It has been rewarding watching her make the good choices she was taught to make, even when she is out on her own. She has become actively involved in the Institute Program (a church sponsored program with classes, activities, and more). She has been excelling in her academic classes as well. We are excited to see her continued spiritual, emotional, and academic growth.
Last Friday (September 12th), Jeff and I had the opportunity to attend the sealing of one of the youth he mentored, Beau Marrott, Beau married Kira Davenport in the Manti, Utah temple. I love attending sealings in the temple because it reminds me of the covenants, promises, and blessings I made or received on my own wedding day. Plus, the Manti temple is really beautiful. It was finished and dedicated in 1888. Much of the original work is still visible inside the temple walls. It is like walking through a beautiful museum. It was a great way to spend our day!

Finally, Dallin has been playing football but was injured a couple weeks ago and hasn't been playing in the games,..until yesterday. I think Dallin is finally realizing that he is not invincible, but he still plays with heart. Even though he is smaller than most of the boys his age, he can pack a punch when he wants to. I enjoy watching him play and glad that he has healed from the strain to his hip. Hopefully, he'll remain injury-free for the rest of the season. 

All in all, life is great in the Southwick home! There is much to be said about being grateful for the circumstances you find yourself in. We are not immune from trials or hardships, but even during those difficult times, we have much to learn and much to be grateful for. I am especially grateful for the love and support I receive from my family and friends. We are truly blessed. 

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