Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Payson Canyon

With the boys in Idaho Falls this week, it has allowed me to completely focus on adjusting to being a mommy. Jonas is such a good baby. He suffers from a bit of reflux, which causes him to be fussy sometimes, but other than that, he is generally pretty calm and content. Still, it has been an adjustment for both of us. We are still trying to figure each other out and establish somewhat of a routine...all with little to no sleep for me. On top of it all, I've had a touch of cabin fever. It's hard to even want to go out because I'm so sleep deprived. Plus, I don't want to expose Jonas to any unnecessary germs. Moreover, it seems that nursing an infant is a full time job! By the time he finishes nursing and I get him to sleep, he's ready to wake up and start the process all over again. Yet, I wouldn't trade any of this. Jonas is a dream come true and has been such a joyful addition to our family. I can't imagine our life without him. As much as nursing has been a bit uncomfortable at times, I love holding his little hands and watching his funny little facial expressions. Those moments aren't going to last, but the memories will. As much as I have longed to be able to sleep through the night, I cherish the connection I feel to my son as I tend to his needs. Sometimes that may feel a bit overwhelming, but I have an amazing support system to help. While I have been concerned with Jonas's health and well-being, Jeff has been concerned with mine. Today was no different. After finishing up a few work items, Jeff came home, grabbed Jonas and I, and headed up the canyon after getting a bite to eat. I loved the hour or so we spent at a little park in the mouth of Payson canyon. I needed to be outside, and I needed some time with Jeff. He has been my lifeline through all of this. Work and church responsibilities often pull him away, but when he's home, he's present. He's with us. He grabs Jonas from me and gives me the break I need. Jonas couldn't have asked for a better father...and I couldn't have asked for a better husband. Thank you for loving us both!
Jonas loves car rides.

Jonas has such a sweet little smile. He likes being outdoors.
My two loves.

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