Sunday, September 27, 2015

2 months

Today Jonas is 2 months old!! In some ways, it seems like he's been with us forever. Yet, there are so many ways that the time is just flying by. Jonas seems to be growing so quickly. I finally had to pack up his newborn clothes a couple weeks ago. I have to admit I got a little teary-eyed. In the past 2 weeks, Jonas has seemed to come alive. His little personality is showing more and more each day. He actually reacts and responds to smiles now. Sometimes he will open his mouth trying to vocalize something. He will get super excited and occasionally get a squeak or coo out. During the past month, Jonas has had greater control over his head and gross motor movements. I swear Jeff is determined to have him stand up by the time he's 3 months! Jeff always picks him up under his armpits and Jonas will try to support his own weight. He actually does a pretty good job. Jonas still isn't too fond of tummy time, but is starting to pay attention to toys and track them better. In some ways, I want him to quickly grow up so he can play with toys and sit up by himself, but in other ways, I want him to stay permanently little. He is such a good baby. He is easy to console and sleeps pretty well (still not sleeping through the night, but that's ok). We couldn't have asked for a more perfect angel to join our family! Happy 2 month birthday Jonas!

PS - Jonas went in for his two month check up on the 28th. He now weighs 10lb 14oz and is 23 inches long. He seems so big but he's still so little. He got his two month shots (3 of them!). Jeff had to hold him...and we both cried. I don't like anyone hurting my little guy...even if it's a good thing. Still, he was a champ! He screamed a little, cried a little more, then whimpered and was over it. He's a tough little man! I love him so much and love to see his little personality develop.
Here he is with the little band-aids.
The next day he was pretty cuddly. I was sad he wasn't feeling well, but I didn't mind the cuddle time.

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