Saturday, April 24, 2021

Celebrating Jackie (and Michael)

This past weekend, I took a quick trip to AZ to attend my soon-to-be sister-in-law's, Jackie, bridal shower (and to simply spend time with family). It was nice to be "home". There were moments when I was running quick errands by myself and reminiscing about times past. This little part of the world, and all the people in it, shaped who I have become. Thankfully, there were far more good memories than painful ones. I am grateful for my childhood/adolescence/young adulthood. It wasn't perfect, and I certainly wasn't perfect, but it was perfect for me. In any case, memories from the past were sprinkled with moments of the present throughout the weekend. I enjoyed spending time with my parents, sister, and niece. We girls spent time preparing for the upcoming wedding. The night I arrived, we went to Nichole's friend's house where we picked out matching bracelets for the wedding. 

The next day (in addition to enjoying foods from my favorite and semi-nostalgic restaurants), I spent the day helping Michael (who was working) pack up his stuff and transport it to what will now be his and Jackie's house. Nothing too exciting...but I was proud of how much I accomplished!

Saturday (April 24th), Mom, Nichole, Kate, and I spent the morning shopping. We were searching for shoes for Mom and jewelry to finish off our wedding outfits. And what shopping trip isn't complete without a little treat?! We tried this new donut place that Nichole discovered and it did not disappoint!

Later that afternoon, we attended Jackie's bridal shower. It was a smaller event due to ongoing COVID concerns (which is getting better and less "concerning" but still present), but it was fun. Jackie looked  beautiful as we celebrated her moment. She is such a sweetheart. I am hopeful that she and Michael will be able to create a beautiful life together.

After leaving the shower, we made a quick stop by a cemetery in Phoenix where my third great-grandmother, Sophia Atkins Whetten Huff, is buried. Yes...I'm still on my ancestry quest. It has been such a meaningful experience for me as I've been in the places they lived prior to death. It has made me feel a greater connection to them and to myself as I've read stories and seen traits/values that have trickled down the generations. These people, who I've never met in this life, created waves that have rippled through time, and I can't wait to meet them someday. The rest of my trip was simply spent relaxing and enjoying my family and friends. I was even able to meet up with an old high school friend for a few hours. It was a great weekend. I can't wait to come back in a couple of weeks to celebrate their wedding!

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