Friday, May 5, 2023

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

Feliz Cinco de Mayo! Actually...I should just say, "Happy Random Friday!" because that was honestly what today was. It was a fun day that just happened to have a piñata in it. First off, today Jacob graduated with his Bachelors in Exercise Science from UVU. He has worked hard to achieve this. It has been fun to watch his love for physical therapy (which will eventually be his next step) grow. Jeff and I have even been the lucky (or unlucky) recipients of his personalized workout routines. We were unfortunately unable to attend the ceremony. Honestly, he wasn't even sure he was going to go so we made other commitments, but we're so glad he decided to celebrate the day. He earned it! Both Jacob and Amber have worked really hard to further their education and get a solid start to their careers.
Today Jonas also had a field trip that I volunteered to help chaperone (which meant that Jeff was home with Carter and Everly). He got to go to the Loveland Living Aquarium. When I arrived, I saw several other buses there and thought, "Here comes chaos!", but I'm happy to report my little group did well sticking together and having fun. It was fun to see their different interests and to see how excited they were to share their discoveries with each other. After an hour and a half in the aquarium, we headed to a park to have a picnic.

That evening, Danny had a lacrosse game (more on his season in a later post); however, we couldn't let the day pass without smacking a piñata. This year, it was just Jonas. I think that's how it's going to be more and more...just Jonas. Still, he didn't mind because that meant he didn't have to share any of the candy (although I wouldn't let him take it all...I know...mean mom) nor did he have to share in hitting the poor little donkey. We then ran to Cafe Rio for dinner before another chilly lacrosse game. It was a really random day, but a fun one!

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