The next day, my sister's family (the Lowes) flew in for a long weekend. (Stan and Kristi's family also joined us for the day of the baptism as well.) It was so nice to celebrate with family near and far. After we picked up the Lowes from the airport, we met up with the Tanners for a day outside. My AZ family just wanted to enjoy "cooler" weather so we decided to take a picnic up Provo Canyon to Bridal Veil falls. The kids ended up hiking all the way to the top! After our canyon adventure, we stopped for some fresh Utah peach shakes (no one beats Wall Bros Barn!) then ended the evening with the Payson Salmon Supper. I love this community event! Not only do we get awesome food (the firefighters actually cook the salmon on open flames), it's fun to be at the local park and enjoy a sense of community.
Saturday, August 5th, was the big day. Jonas was so excited! He had been waiting for this day for quite some time. He helped me plan the program (which we shared with another family), approved the decorations, and picked out the food for the luncheon (donuts were definitely on the menu!). The whole event was perfect. The talks and music were beautiful. There was a spirit of peace and faith that permeated the room. Tears filled my eyes as I offered the opening prayer. I can truly say this was Jonas's choice. He was well aware of the promises he would be making and he was more than ready to take that step. Laurin spoke on the Holy Ghost's role in our lives. She likened it to a flashlight. His job is to always illuminate the way to our Savior Jesus Christ. Jeff baptized Jonas then confirmed him a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and gave him the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was simply perfect. After the baptism, we invited friends and family over for a luncheon and to simply hang out. We enjoyed good food, swimming, and each other's company. I loved having all our kids present. Even Danny got to Zoom in for the baptism. I loved having all but one of my siblings (and nieces) there. (We missed Mikey!) I loved that my in-laws showed up in force too. (There is a side-by-side picture of Maci and Jonas on her baptism day and his. So cute!) Jonas is truly blessed with an amazing family on both sides.
Here are a few pictures we took of Jonas for his special day:
Stan, Kristi, and their family drove home on Sunday while the Lowe's flew home. Mom and Dad stayed an extra day, which meant more time with cousins. We took Jonas back-to-school shopping then met up with the Tanners at a park to play before grabbing a treat and saying good-bye. I can't believe the weekend was over. It was the perfect weekend to celebrate Jonas!
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