Sunday, January 19, 2025

Happy 12th Anniversary

12 years! Only 12 years? Sometimes it seems like this is the only life we've ever known...and sometimes it feels like just yesterday that we were kneeling across an altar. So much has happened in 12 years. I don't think either of us could have imagined how far we'd come in 12 years. It has definitely been the 12 most adventurous years of my life. I have grown more (emotionally and spiritually...and perhaps even physically) over the last 12 years than any other time in my life. We have seen tears, frustrations, heartache, anger, fear...and we have seen intense joy, happiness, and peace. I don't think words would ever be sufficient enough to adequately describe the journey our little family has been on. When I married Jeff, I hooked myself to his kids as well. Over the dozen years we've been together those kids have become mine too. The courage and faith it must have taken for them to be thrust into this journey with us in unfathomable. It hasn't been all unicorns and rainbows; in fact, there were more stormy days and ugly beasts that haunted those beginning years than unicorns and rainbows. Yet, we kept moving forward. There were days when I literally went to bed wanting to simply give up...then morning would come, I would take a deep breath, and start again. I am not perfect. There are plenty of situations (words said, actions taken, etc.) that I wish I would have done differently. I wish I was more emotionally prepared for those beginning years. Logically, I knew what I was getting myself into, but the emotional toll was unexpected. I am so grateful that we all had Jeff to lean on. He was (and is) the rock that this family stands on. I was once asked why I chose to stay...the answer was simple, Jeff. He is my best friend and my eternal love. He is the reason that the smiles you see in our pictures are genuine (except maybe some of the formal family pictures where there's inevitably someone who is grumpy). I know that our journey is far from over. I know there may be unforeseen adventures that lie ahead. I know tears, frustrations, heartache, anger, and fear may all play a role in the ensuing years, but I have every confidence that they will not define our story. Our story has been (and is) a story of love, perseverance, forgiveness, and mercy. I love where we started and where we are now. I love our story. 

We got to celebrate that story with a couple of dates this weekend. Coming off of Christmas, it's always hard to muster the energy to plan yet another event so Jeff took over this year. Last year, our anniversary was spent living the life we created. Jeff went to work. I sat with Dallin while he had surgery on his arm. Jonas went to school then I shuttled him to his extra curricular activities. It was just a normal day in the life of Jeff and Alisha. We did manage to fit in a dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, The Harvest. This year, however, we wanted to do a little more so we decided to have a Friday date and a Saturday date (our actual anniversary was on Sunday). Friday's events almost got canceled due to an emergency water main job that came in over night, but Jeff worked hard all day so he could make our date happen. That evening, Jeff and I met up to go to the Ice Castles in Midway. We did this on our first wedding anniversary. I am always amazed at the incredible artisanship that goes into creating this winter wonderland! You really feel transported to some magical ice kingdom. We actually ran into Casey and Laurin at the Ice Castles too. They were celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary. It was fun to hang out and explore together. After we were sufficiently cold, we parted ways and Jeff and I had dinner at the Lakehouse. I loved it! The food was incredible and the ambiance was serene. We were in no rush. We simply enjoyed sitting by the fire as we looked out over Deer Creek. 

Saturday's date was just as fun. We dropped Jonas off with Dallin while we were out (so Dallin could take him to his basketball game) then enjoyed brunch at the Corner Cafe before heading to Hale Center Theater. (We were hoping to eat at TRUreligion but they had a 2 hour wait! What?! Needless to say, we went with plan B. Maybe some other time?) At Hale Center Theater, we watched the musical, Beauty and the Beast. This is my favorite princess story. I'm even a little embarrassed to admit that I totally had a fan girl moment when I met "Belle" at Disneyland one trip a loooong time ago. I have just always loved the story of looking beyond what we see to peer into the heart. I love that Belle is a strong, courageous woman. And...I love her yellow dress too. The production was phenomenal. Hale Center Theater always produces incredible shows. Not only is the talent amazing, but the props and stage production is unbelievable. Even Jeff enjoyed the show.

Sunday was our actual anniversary. For Christmas, Jonas gave me a kind of "ditch day" gift certificate. Basically, I could turn it in and he would have to do all my chores. I decided to cash it in and he did a great job! I woke up to a yummy breakfast and he agreed to make dinner. He made baked potatoes, but Jeff and Jacob must have thought that wouldn't be enough because both of them (without communicating) did a version of chicken. to accompany the potatoes. Jonas then cleaned up dinner, and he and Jacob even made a little dessert. I love how they all showed up ready to help out. I'm not sure what lies ahead in year 13 or 31, but I am so grateful to have found my soulmate. He completes me in ways I never knew I needed. Jeff will always be my favorite person.

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