Friday, August 23, 2013

West Mountain date

For this week's date night, Jeff and I took the 4-wheelers up West Mountain. We had wanted to do this a few weeks back to commemorate the year anniversary of when he took me up there to watch the sunrise and held my hand for the first time, but with my back injury we decided to postpone it. Well today was just as good a day as any to make the trip. This time we actually went further up the mountain. I am a novice at driving 4-wheelers so the first time we drove up last year, we decided to stay on the road that led up to an observatory. This year we took off onto more rugged trails. Jeff still had to maneuver some of the roads for me. In fact, we ditched one 4-wheeler and I hiked up some hills that Jeff expertly drove up until I could join him on the 4-wheeler. I'm happy to report that we made it to the top without any accidents or injuries. The view was breathtaking! Like last year, it was sprinkling a little when we got there, but after about 10 minutes the sun came out casting out the dark clouds and spreading a warm, golden glow over the valley. Sometimes I think the Lord delivers messages through nature if we are willing to see the symbolism in His creations. I felt that the little storm we experienced represented the storms of the past few months as I struggled with various aspects of parenthood. The sun represented the bright dawning of a new day as it chased out all the dark, gray moments. I am not (and never will be) a perfect parent. I think I did more stumbling over the summer than actual standing, but I'm grateful for forgiving children and a patient husband who work with me as we all labor together to make this home and our family a refuge from the storms of life. I feel so lucky to have the family I have. I feel blessed to be married to the amazing man I am. Thank you Jeff for your love! Thank you for taking a chance on an overly structured, overly organized city girl. Thanks for being the balance I've needed in my life. I love you!
My best friend! 
I will never let go. 

The sun breaks through the clouds.

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