Saturday, March 8, 2014

New Beginnings and Springville Art Museum

Today started off with Jeff, the girls and I attending New Beginnings. We have one of the most amazing young women's presidencies! They are so creative and so great at helping our young women know they are loved - not only by themselves but by our Father in Heaven. Today's activity was centered around the current theme - Come Unto Christ. They utilized that theme and added a fun little owl flair by posing the question "Whoooose coming unto Christ?". They had a waffle breakfast (with toppings that matched the colors of the young women's values) and a couple speakers before welcoming in all the new young women that will be turning 12 and joining the organization this year. After the speakers, there was a photo booth and a fun craft to do before going home. What a great way to start our day!

Our crazy bishopric!
After New Beginnings, everyone seemed to split up with various activities. The boys helped Jeff trim our fruit trees. Amber went to BYU to attend EFY Express and Laurin focused on getting her homework done before going to Mr. Skyhawk (a male "beauty" pageant the school puts on as a fundraiser). I met up with my sister-in-law, Mel, and my niece, Kaia, to head to one of my favorite places - Springville Art Museum. This was an extension of my birthday celebration. I don't often get to just hang out with Mel and Kaia so that was fun in and of itself, but it was even more enjoyable to be surrounded by art. I love museums. I think that's one of the things I miss the most about living in a more urban environment - access to cultural arts. I love symphonies, musicals, plays, etc. There is a current exhibit by James Christensen and two of his daughters, Emily McPhie and Cassandra Barney. Mel and I both admire James Christensen's work so we were excited to see some original pieces and a few I'd never seen before. I love the emotion that art evokes. I love interpreting personal meaning and wondering why certain pieces speak to me at this time in my life. It was an incredibly enjoyable afternoon followed by a quiet date night (dinner and a movie at home while all the kids were away!! Thanks Katie for taking the boys!) with my favorite person in the whole wide world, my husband! Definitely a good day!

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