Thursday, May 29, 2014
Payson Pool
I'm still getting used to the fact that high school graduations occur before the last day of school! It's weird that yesterday we were celebrating Laurin's graduation and today the kids were back in school...well sort of. Amber went to Lagoon with the high school (sorry...she didn't take any pics) and Dallin got his yearbook and spent the rest of the day signing it. Danny had his end of year swim party at Payson Pool. This is the first year that Danny has been able to go. The younger grades do a field day at the school. He (of course) convinced me to go...and actually got me in the pool too! That was a feat that Dallin was unable to accomplish last year, but (in Dallin's defense) it was colder last year and there was NO WAY I was getting in the pool. It was fun to spend the afternoon with Danny. I'm grateful that I get these opportunities. There will come a day when he'll probably be embarrassed to be seen with me. Sigh. After the kids finished swimming, we went to the park and ate a picnic lunch. It was a great way to spend my afternoon although it was weird to think that it was a year ago I was there with Dallin. I swear this school year has flown by! At least I think I'm a little more prepared for the summer months this year. Bring it on!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Laurin's Graduation
Today is the big day! Laurin graduates from Salem Hills High School with high honors!! We are extremely proud of her. I (obviously) haven't been around for all her years in school, but these past two years, I have seen first hand the effort, time, and (at times) tears that have gone into her stellar academic performance. Laurin does not settle for anything less than the best. She strives for perfection and almost always achieves it. She has earned a scholarship to Weber State University where she plans to study nursing. She simply excels in anything she puts her mind to. We are so excited for all the new adventures that lie in wait for her. It was such a great day. Jeff and the kids would say it was a little hot sitting outside for the graduation (it was about 90 degrees....a good 15 degrees cooler than what I'm used to for graduations!) and the wind was blowing, but none of that could damper the energetic, excited spirit of these graduates! The graduation ceremony was really nice. The speeches that were delivered were short yet poignant. I pray that all the graduates listened to the counsel given as they move forward with the rest of their lives.
True Southwick picture!
Our beautiful graduate!
It was sooo awesome to see skydivers come down with the flag!
SHHS 2014 graduates doing their senior dance.
After the graduation ceremony, we headed back to the house where family gathered to celebrate Laurin and have some yummy food! Later that evening, she attended her senior all-nighter party at Hang Time. She had a blast! She came home about 8:00 the next morning after having breakfast with her friends. I know I have only known this beautiful young woman for such a short amount of time, but that time seems to have flown and there is a sense of sadness and loss at the time I've missed out on. Yet, I am so excited to be able to witness her future and all the amazing things she has yet to accomplish
Monday, May 26, 2014
Memorial Day
Memorial Day has always been a special day for least once I realized its significance. For so many people, it is simply a day off to be with family and have a BBQ, but this day means so much more than that. I am the proud daughter and granddaughter of two amazing men who fought for the freedoms we enjoy. My dad and my grandfather have instilled in me a love of and loyalty to this amazing country we live in. I cannot see a flag flying without a sense of pride welling up inside of me. I can rarely make it through a national holiday without shedding a tear. I have traveled all over the world. I have seen, first hand, the results of communist ideals and the hazards of an impoverished nation. I wouldn't trade this country for any other country in the world. I realize we have our flaws, but there is so much to celebrate and to be proud of. I am grateful for a day dedicated to honoring those who have sacrificed their lives for this country. I am grateful to be able to share my love of country with my family. I was thankful that we were able to start our day out with a flag ceremony that preceded a ward breakfast. I loved being able to spend some time with my ward family. I truly love the ward I am blessed to live in. There are so many amazing, talented, giving, selfless people in this ward.
Dallin took part in the flag ceremony. |
My uncle Rick was a cook. |
After we finished breakfast, we took a short drive over to the Benjamin cemetery. Jeff and I wanted to make sure the kids also knew that this day isn't simply a day off school or a reason to have a yummy BBQ, so we decided to do a little service project. We visited the memorial wall and saw the crosses with flags to commemorate each fallen soldier from this area, then we set out to tidy up the headstones. It was only after our little service project that we took the time to have a little family fun. We went to see the new X-Men movie then, later that evening, we all got on our 4-wheelers and motorbikes and road the canal road to Jeff's parents' house for an ice cream sandwich. It was a great Memorial Day!
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Seminary Graduation
Tonight was Laurin's seminary graduation. I can't believe we're already starting with graduation festivities. I realize that it has been an extremely short time that I have even known Laurin, but this time has passed rapidly. There are definitely moments in which I wish time would slow down; in which I wish I had more opportunities to build memories and relationships; in which I wish I could go back to change certain things that were said or done, but it is not meant to be. The only consoling factor is that our future is still open. I may not have been able to see her grow as a child, but I get to enjoy watching her grow into the incredible woman I know she is meant to be. We are so proud of her achievements. We are so amazed by the testimony she has gained and the foundation she has built upon the gospel. Way to go Laurin!
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Laurin with Grandpa and Grandma Southwick |
Friday, May 23, 2014
Planets and Stars Align concert
This year, Jeff and I decided to invest in a Thanksgiving Point family membership. We figured with summer coming up, there would be plenty of opportunities to utilize the pass. Plus, Jeff and I always enjoy strolling the gardens at least two or three times during the year. Well, because of our membership, we were able to attend a spectacular concert for free! William Joseph (a professional pianist) was accompanied by the Lyceum Philharmonic Orchestra (an incredibly talented group made up of high school students). Lexi Walker (a 12-year old vocalist) was a guest artist during the concert as well. I loved it! And, surprisingly enough, so did Jeff. The weather was perfect (just a little chilly towards the end). The backdrop was gorgeous! (It was set in an amphitheater in front of the waterfalls). And the music was inspiring! I love attending events like this. I think both Jeff and I enjoyed the relaxed setting we were in. We could lay down on the lawn and watch the clouds and stars while listening to the intoxicating melodies. It was the perfect date night!
Welcome Summer!
Ok so this is a little early, but today I helped the kids welcome summer by giving them some new beach towels, water shooters, and a volleyball. School doesn't technically end until next week (May 30th), but today was Laurin's last day of school (seniors don't have to go to school the last week) and since many of the kids have upcoming swimming parties, I figured, "What the heck!". I have to admit that a couple months ago I was dreading the end of school. Last summer was really rough. We were just beginning our family's blending process, which was easier when the kids weren't around 24/7. We had several bumps along the road and it didn't help when Jeff was gone for several weekends because of youth activities he had to attend. Now, fast forward a year later, I feel more confident going into this summer. There were many things I feel we did right last summer, but quite a few things I am going to change as well. I feel incredibly grateful to have such forgiving, resilient kids. It has been a difficult transition for everyone; yet, they are still willing to wake up each day and keep trying. Bring on the fun family summer activities!
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Today Dallin got to go to Lagoon with his school. Lucky! I haven't been to Lagoon since I was a teenager. All the kids that maintained good grades and didn't have any unexcused absences or tardies were eligible to attend. He said he had a blast! I feel extremely grateful that we have good kids who actually care about their academic performance. It sure makes our lives easier!
Dallin's attempt at a selfie. Pretty good! Now if he'd just smile.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Today the kids had the unfortunate opportunity to go to the dentist...only one kid escaped without any cavities. Way to go Amber! I seriously think she should win a prize. She is our healthiest eater as well as our best at dental care. No wonder she scraped by unscathed. The other poor kids have to go back in a couple weeks to have their cavities filled. Hopefully, they'll take Jeff and I seriously when we remind them to brush and floss! (I doubt it.)
Poor Danny looks really uncomfortable.
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