Friday, May 16, 2014

You are beautiful!

Today Jeff and I met at the Provo Temple to do some sealings. Jeff was a little late to arrive so I took advantage of the beautiful weather and sat outside in the gardens. While contemplating the sacred beauty of this magnificent edifice and pondering the things that have currently plagued my heart, a young woman approached me and handed me what appeared to be a business card. She simply smiled, offered a quick greeting, then left. "You are beautiful," the card proclaimed. I may not be struggling with feelings of low self-esteem (even though I'm not fond of the few pounds I've gained over the last year), but I am laboring under the load of other emotional trials (the fact that I may never have a child of my own). This simple gesture from an unknown young woman let me know that I was noticed and cared for. Sometimes a compliment is all it takes to lift someone who feels fallen. I needed that today. I don't understand why I seem to be denied the righteous desire of having a child. I know the Lord has His reasons. I also know He loves me, but that knowledge doesn't always quell the intense feelings of longing and loss. At least, inside the temple, I can feel peace and receive reassurance that everything will work out for my spite of all the pain.

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