Saturday, June 13, 2015

A weekend alone

As I mentioned in my last post, Jeff and I have been extremely busy the past few weeks. Unfortunately, the "busy" things we've been doing haven't allowed us much time to simply be together. We have been lucky enough to have a lot of business lately, which means that Jeff has been putting in some longer days at work. Additionally, he has had some church responsibilities (e.g., meetings, going to girls camp, etc.) that have occupied the few evenings he was home earlier. On top of that, my generous, service-oriented husband is always finding time to help family, friends and neighbors with their projects. I have been pretty busy as well. I still feel incredibly unprepared for Jonas's arrival. We haven't even set up the crib or dresser. I have been focusing on trying to get Dallin and Daniel organized and moved downstairs, which has required a few shopping excursions and lots of patience as they "cleaned out" their rooms. On top of keeping the house in order, I have also had church responsibilities (e.g., meetings, projects) and other opportunities to serve. Bottom line, life is coming at us fast and we're barely keeping up. This weekend, Jeff's nephew, Grant, received his Eagle Scout, and Grant's brother, Carson, received the priesthood and was ordained to the office of a deacon. Both of these events happened in Idaho Falls. Jeff and I both labored over whether or not we could get out of our obligations and go, but, in the end (especially since Jeff will be gone all next week), we decided to send the boys (and Laurin, who came down for the weekend) with Jeff's parents so we could chip away at the ever-growing (and mostly dreaded) to-do list. We were actually quite productive. There are still a few things (like getting the boys' dressers put together and moving them into their new rooms) that need to be done, but we were able to do some much needed yard work, patching/painting walls, putting up curtains, organizing and cleaning the boys' old and new bathrooms, etc. Even though we were working, I just loved being with Jeff. I love my husband. I miss him, even when he's here but busy. I guess I'm getting a little nostalgic or melancholy as well as I realize that some of the carefree, kid-free days are coming to an end with Jonas's arrival. It won't be as easy to just drive around with Jeff while he's working or spend time with him at the drop of a hat. Therefore, I was grateful to have this weekend alone with Jeff. We even found some time to have fun. Friday (12th) night (our usual date night), Jeff took me to Comedy Sports Improv in Provo. I was feeling really overwhelmed by that point so it was the perfect date! We laughed throughout the show. Laughter is truly the best medicine!

On Saturday (13th), we took a couple hours out of our busy day to attend a charity rodeo event for one of our friends and neighbors. Jeremy Hardy was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. He has only been given a few short months to live. This news has hit our neighborhood and community really hard. Jeremy is a generous, fun-loving, always laughing, young father and husband. His oldest son, Jack, is Danny's age and often comes to play at our house. I can't even begin to imagine the emotions Jeremy, Lori, Jack, Cannon and Slone must be going through. In any case, their family organized and carried out a team roping event at the Santaquin rodeo grounds. In addition to the rodeo, there was a raffle, food and games. All the proceeds were then given to the Hardy family. Tears filled my eyes as we drove into the overflowing parking lot. There were so many people there! Friends, neighbors, family and strangers all came together to love and support this amazing family. I was constantly fighting tears as I looked around at the magnitude of the love and service that exists in this community. It is moments like these that remind me of all the good in the world. I am so grateful to live in this small, rural community. I am thankful to be a part of a community that supports each other. I was happy that Jeff and I were able to join with everyone else in showing our love and support for "Team Jeremy"! (As a post note, Jeremy died the following day surrounded by his family. His funeral was a week later. He was well loved as evidenced by the amount of people present to celebrate his life. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Lori and the boys.)

While Jeff and I enjoyed our weekend alone, the boys and Laurin enjoyed their family time in Idaho. They played street hockey, attended Grant's Eagle Scout Court of Honor, hung out, went to church, and simply enjoyed the weekend away. Here are a few pictures Kristi sent of their weekend:

No clue how my monkey child got up there!
Danny, Laurin, Grandpa, Katie, Grant, Grandma, and Dallin

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