Friday, June 26, 2015

Laurin receives her endowments

Today Laurin went to the Payson Temple to receive her endowments. Now for those of you who aren't members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and/or aren't familiar with "Mormon" temples, this may sound pretty funny or you may be wondering what an "endowment" looks like. Basically, Laurin received instructions then made promises and received blessings that we believe are necessary for her to be able to return to live with our Father in Heaven after this mortal journey. Each worthy adult member of the Church is able to receive these same instructions and blessings if they are willing to make promises to follow the commandments and will of the Lord. I have received these instructions and blessings in my life, and I can say that the promises or (as perceived by some) sacrifices I've made are nothing in comparison to the blessings I have received in my life. Top among those blessings have been my family and the love and peace I have felt as I have made choices and decisions in my life that have lead me closer to my Father in Heaven. I have sought refuge from the storms of life in the hallowed halls of temples all over the world. I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to have a temple so close to me. I am thankful to have the knowledge that I have received therein. I am extremely proud of Laurin for making the choices that have led her to this holy house and to this point in her life. It was definitely a proud moment for Jeff as well. He was beaming as he saw his baby girl dressed in white inside the temple. It was one of the few moments I have actually seen his eyes brim with tears. We love you Laurin!
Jeff and his little girl

All in attendance: Mitchell, Aunt Trudy, Grandma Penny, Laurin, Grandpa Rodney, Alisha, Jeff and Aunt Katie

Proud Grandparents!
The first two Southwicks of the next generation to go to the temple to receive their endowments - Mitchell and Laurin

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