Saturday, December 5, 2015

Danny's 11th birthday!

Like I always say...why celebrate your birthday on just one day when you can stretch the festivities out?! Well that's just what Danny did. Instead of a birth"day", he had a birth"weekend"! On Friday, I picked Danny up from school and took him out to lunch. This was something my dad did with us and I am carrying on that tradition with my own kids. Danny chose to go to Hickory Kist. After we ate, I dropped him back at school with a bunch of sugar cookies (store bought of course) to share with his class.

Saturday (5th - Danny's actual birthday) was a pretty busy day (as most Saturdays are). Still, we found time to celebrate. Danny had basketball tryouts that morning then we had his birthday breakfast. This year he chose German pancakes with buttermilk syrup (secretly I think he wanted the syrup more than anything else). That afternoon Danny helped Jeff, Dallin and Jake start to shingle the barn roof. He loves working on projects with his dad...especially when it involves playing on a roof!
That evening he had 6 of his friends over to play night games. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures...obviously it was too dark. They literally played for 3 straight hours. Most of the time they were outside! Crazy kids!! It's cold! Oh well...Danny had a blast! Finally, on Sunday, we celebrated Danny's birthday with family. I can't believe he's already 11! Time flies! He was just 8 a second ago. Next year he will be old enough to have the priesthood and pass the sacrament. Crazy! In any case, we enjoyed an evening of Olive Garden soups (his choice again), brownie sundaes, fun gifts, and family. All in all I think he had a great birthday!

Jeff trying to intervene in the "candle blowing" process.
Danny was successful in blowing them out.

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