Friday, December 30, 2022

The week in between...

The week in between Christmas and New Years was filled with family fun! My parents were still in town (they didn't leave until after New Years) so we spent a lot of time getting together with my sister's family. Nichole even flew into town with Kate for a couple days (she came up for a wedding, but we still got to spend some time with her). On Wednesday, December 28th, we got to celebrate Addie's birthday. In the afternoon, we met up at Kangaroo Zoo. The kids had a blast jumping and running around. That evening, Krystle hosted a family dinner at her house.

That was the evening that Nichole and Kate flew into town. We got kidnap Kate that evening so we could do a few "teenage" things the following day (Thursday, 29th). Kate was so excited to see snow the next morning that she quickly threw on whatever shoes and "snow" appropriate clothes she had to go sledding down our little hill. (Luckily we got to have a better sledding experience the next day.) We played a little VR before heading to the Peaks Arena for ice skating. After that, we met back up with the Tanners to do some glow-in-the-dark mini golf at Fat Cats. Jonas then got to spend the night at the Tanners while the adults (plus, Kate and Danny) met up with Kaia at Happy Sumo to celebrate her birthday (and Danny's).

Friday (30th), Jeff and I drove back up to Saratoga Springs to hang out with the family. By this time, my parents had transitioned to staying at our house, but since Dad was still sick, they opted to spend a quiet day with my aunt and uncle. We, on the other hand, spent the morning with sleds and snowballs. Every time someone would say they were ready to go home, another kid would refuse then all the kids would get a second wind. Finally, we did wander home to warm up before we headed back out to experience one last Christmas activity - the elves at Gardner Village. That evening, everyone (except Krystle and Jordan who were celebrating their anniversary) came back to our house for a massive sleepover! We popped popcorn and watched movies before finally falling asleep on the penultimate day of the year 2022.

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