Saturday, December 14, 2013

12 Days of Service: Day 3

Today was one of those days when I felt like I had succeeded as a mom. I really enjoyed being with the kids and there was little if any arguing. We all simply enjoyed being together...and enjoyed doing a little act of service. Today, after Laurin finished her ACT, we took the kids to Provo where we had a quick lunch at Sizzlers (a Southwick family favorite) then headed to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. This is a rather large hospital close to BYU. Prior to leaving the house, Dallin, Danny, Amber and I prepared 120 little notes that we taped to candy canes to place on cars in the parking lot of the hospital. The notes simply read, "You are thought about and cared for this holiday season. Merry Christmas!" We pulled into the visitors parking garage and went to work. Each kid had a bag of 30 candy canes to place on the cars. The kids LOVED this activity. They were excited to help each other and were bummed there weren't more to do. They all agreed that this was an activity that we needed to continue for next year. I agree too! We worked quickly so that we wouldn't get caught. When Dallin and Laurin finished, they jumped in the car as I started to pull out to drive over to the adjacent parking garage where Amber, Danny and Jeff were finishing up. As we were pulling out, an elderly gentleman walked up to his car. He had been walking slowly and was a bit slumped over as he approached his car. He seemed to be caring a rather large, invisible burden when he saw the candy cane. At first he looked a little confused, but finally picked up the candy cane and carefully read the note. As he did so, we noticed a subtle smile cross his face and he seemed to stand a little taller. Who knows what burden he had been carrying as he shuffled to his car that afternoon, but I couldn't be more grateful to that man and that subtle smile that showed my kids how just a simple act of service can brighten their own lives. This is the meaning of Christmas!

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