Saturday, July 30, 2016

Amber's day at the Temple

Today Amber went through the Payson Temple for the first time. This was a big moment for all of us. In the temple, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints make covenants with our Savior and receive blessings that we consider sacred. Because of the sacred nature of the ordinances we do inside the temple, we don't discuss it outside the temple. Many people have imagined various unusual, untrue acts we do inside the temple, but I can tell you the temple is a place a refuge. It is an edifice of peace and serenity in a world of chaos and noise. It is where I feel closest to my Father in Heaven and his Son, Jesus Christ. It is where I receive inspiration and instruction. It is where I was married for time and all eternity. It is where I am reminded that I am a daughter of God. It is where I understand the importance of family and where my love for family grows. I felt honored that Amber asked me to escort her through the temple for the first time. It was a uniquely humbling experience. I am not Amber's biological mother. There must have been some sorrow on Amber's part that her biological mother is not in a position to be in her life for these moments; yet, Amber opened her heart to allow me to have this opportunity. I love Amber. She is one of the most happy, forgiving, open-minded individuals I know. She is a light in a world of darkness. She radiates sunshine wherever she goes. She is going to be an amazing missionary to the people of Spain. Jeff and I are so proud of her! Words can not describe how we felt to sit with her in the celestial room of the temple and see the woman she has become. We love you Amber!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Happy birthday Jonas!

Today was Jonas's first birthday! I can't believe it's been a year! A year ago today, my life changed forever. He entered my world and a whole new aspect of love grew in my heart. This year has been the most transitional year for me. If I thought life was crazy before, it definitely got crazier. I had to reinvent myself in so many ways. Gone were the carefree days when I could go out shopping all day or just hang out with Jeff as he drove around. I now had to plan any outing around naps and feeding schedules. I could no longer just jump up and run out of the house in a moment. I had to grab diaper bags, diapers, baby food, etc. But, you know what? I wouldn't change it for the world. Jonas has brought so much joy into our home and our lives. There is just something about the innocence of a child that makes us all a little kinder, a little more loving, and a little more joyful. It has been a fun year! That's not to say there weren't moments of frustrations, anxiety, and helplessness, but those moments were grossly overshadowed by the laughter, joys, and love. Jonas is a spunky little boy. He definitely has opinions and makes them known. However, he is inquisitive and social. He likes to be around people and in new places. He likes to explore and figure out how things works. He is completely mobile. He can climb stairs, walk, run, and get into about anything he wants (and especially those things we don't want him to). He still likes bath times and loves to swim. He can say "mama", "dada", "ball", and "moo" (he even knows "moo" refers to the cows!). We're pretty sure he's also said "no" a couple times, but I'm still in denial. He knows how to point to what he likes and loves being outdoors. (I can't wait for it to cool off a little more so I can love to be outside with him!) He has 6 teeth and I'm pretty sure there are a couple more on the way. Since we had already had a birthday party, today we decided to go back to the Museum of Natural Curiosity to celebrate. I still wanted to do something fun for his birthday even if we'd already had a big party with all the family. Jeff and Danny joined Jonas and I. We first ate lunch at the Tower Deli at Thanksgiving Point before going to the museum. Jonas loved the museum this time just as much as he did the first time...and he got just as wet. Luckily, I was a little more prepared this time. Jonas explored everything! It was fun to watch Jeff interact with him and help him explore. Jonas is extremely loved.

Pure joy!

I love this picture.

After we finished at the museum, we headed back to the house. We had a normal dinner then Jonas got to open a few more small gifts I got him. I wanted to save some of our gifts for him to open on his actual birthday. He got a Nike basketball (that he saw and wouldn't let go of when I took the boys shoe shopping at the Nike outlet) and a few small cars. After the gifts, I tried the cake thing again. He still didn't like it. I had a slice of cake left over from a cake smash he did yesterday at his one-year-old professional pictures. Jonas was still unimpressed. Jeff helped him blow out the candle, but he still wanted nothing to do with the cake. Oh well...more for us to enjoy! It was a great day! We are so glad we have Jonas in our family. We can't imagine life without him. Happy birthday Baby J!

Totally less than thrilled with the cake thing again!

Monday, July 25, 2016


Today I dropped Dallin off at BYU for EFY (Especially for Youth). This is a program sponsored by our church for youth ages 12-18. It is focused on inspiring the youth to be a little better, to work a little harder, and to gain a greater testimony of their Savior, Jesus Christ. Dallin has really been looking forward to this week. Both Laurin and Amber have attended in years past and loved it. Dallin was no different! He was a little nervous because he wasn't sure who his roommate would be or if he would get along with the kids in his group, but that quickly changed once he met the group of kids he would hang out with for the week. He had a blast! He loved the different classes, but mostly the games, dances, and just hanging out with like-minded youth. I would say the week was a success!
Checking in!

Getting settled in the dorm.
Dallin's EFY group

The group Dallin hung out with the most.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Pioneer Day celebration

Today we had a little Pioneer Day celebration with our friends and neighbors. Pioneer Day is a state holiday in Utah. It commemorates the day that the early Latter-day Saint (or Mormon) pioneers entered the Salt Lake valley after being run out of every town/city/municipality they tried to settle in towards the east. I have many pioneer ancestors. I grew up listening to stories about the trials they encountered as they crossed the plains. I often think of those beloved ancestors as I face trials in my life. Could I have been as strong as they were? Is my faith that great? They are truly my angels. I like to think that I have felt their angelic embraces during times of tears. I feel like I can hear them say, "This too shall pass" or "You are stronger than you think you are." I can't imagine the persecutions, dangers, and heartbreaks they endured. I have truly come from some of the best blood lines I have ever seen. These ancestors are my heroes. I am who I am today because of choices they made over a hundred years ago...and for that I will be forever in their debt. In any case, as a neighborhood we decided to put together a community BBQ and fireworks show. I really love the area we live in. I love the fact that I know all of my neighbors. I love that there is such a strong sense of community. I know if we were ever in need, my neighbors would be right there to help and assist. I have seen it done a thousand times over. I truly enjoyed socializing with them this evening. It was a night full of good food, amazing people, and fun fireworks!

The men on the deck doing the grilling while Katie watches Jonas below.

Love these ladies! Julie, Cathi, Michelle, Katie and I.
Jonas just kickin' back at the BBQ.

Jonas and Jeff enjoying the fireworks.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Fun visit and dry ice FAIL!

Today my best friend from college, Lauree Strong, and her family stopped by for a quick visit while they were in Utah for a family reunion. Lauree and I were almost inseparable during our undergraduate years. We actually both knew each other in high school and graduated together, but we didn't really start hanging out until we shared a Spanish class our freshman year at ASU. She is such an incredible friend! It doesn't matter what is going on or where we are in our lives, we can just pick up where we left off. Lauree lives with her husband, Dallin (also a friend from college) and five kids in Round Rock, TX. Needless to say, she is a busy girl! They only stayed a couple hours, but it was fun to catch up and introduce her to Jonas. She never lost hope that I would one day get married and have a baby. I have appreciated her love and support all these years.
Dallin, Lauree and I

That evening, the boys, Jeff and I went to Katie's to celebrate Greg's (the brother not the husband) birthday. Katie makes a dessert each year to commemorate his birthday. It's hard for everyone to believe that next year will mark 20 years since he passed away. After enjoying some yummy desserts, the boys decided to create dry ice bombs. I guess this was something Greg liked to do so Grumpy made a dry ice bomb gun out of PVC pipe to make things more interesting...and boy did it! The first few bombs went off as expected. The gun worked according to plan as well. However, the blissful fun came to a blasting halt when the gun exploded in Dallin's hand! We're not sure if it was the fact that the water bottle was more sturdy or the position of the water bottle in the gun, but whatever it was caused the pressure to build up so much that it shattered the PVC pipe and gouged Dallin's finger. We're lucky it didn't blow his whole hand off! Needless to say, there won't be any more dry ice bombs.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

San Antonio, TX to Payson, UT

Earlier this week, Jeff found a new diesel truck he loved in San Antonio, Texas. After pulling our camp trailer to Bear Lake with our old 1999 Ford F-350, Jeff was finally convinced it was time to let it go. That truck has served us well for many years, but it just doesn't have the pulling power Jeff needs to continue to operate his business. So when we got back from Bear Lake, Jeff started searching for a new truck. The search ended when he found a shiny black Ford F-450 in San Antonio. It had all the pulling power Jeff was looking for plus all the fun amenities (including air conditioned seats?! Who needs those?). In a quick whirlwind of last minute decisions and total spontaneity, Jeff and I flew to San Antonio to purchase the truck then drive it back to Utah. Yup, I left Jonas behind and got to spend a weekend alone with my husband! This hasn't happened since our second year anniversary trip to Moab (and we've now been married three and a half years). I was quite the bundle of emotions as we were dropped off at the airport on Thursday (7/14) morning. I was so incredibly thrilled to have this time away with Jeff. I needed it! But I was also anxious about leaving Jonas. I had only left him once before for one night away in Salt Lake with Jeff. I wasn't as worried about that one because I was close enough to come home if needed. This time I wasn't. Still, I knew he would be in good hands. Nichole graciously volunteered to watch him all day Thursday until she left my house Friday morning to continue her Utah vacation at another family's house. The boys loved having Aunt Nichole watch them because it meant another day at the pool with pizza for dinner and a stop at Sip 'N for drinks and dessert. Grandma and Grandpa Southwick took over on Friday morning until we got home Saturday evening. Having each of them looking out for all the boys (especially Jonas) set my mind and heart at ease...and I was able to thoroughly enjoy the weekend with my favorite person in the world, Jeff.

Our flight was a little delayed, but we finally made it to San Antonio and signed all the paperwork at the dealership before starting our little adventure home. We couldn't leave San Antonio without first going to the Alamo and strolling along the River Walk. It was incredibly hot and humid, but we toughed it out to enjoy the little time we had in San Antonio. Jeff really liked the River Walk. It is a serene stroll through the heart of downtown. We decided to eat at a riverside restaurant before leaving the area. We also made a stop at Ghiradelli's for an ice cream sundae to cool off before starting our journey home. That night we made it to Ozona, Texas.

One of the cannons Santa Ana's army commandeered during the siege.
One of the original doors.
The iconic River Walk.

*While we were away, Nichole played favorite aunt and took the kids to the Payson Pool then out to Fat Jacks for some pizza and Sip'N for drinks and dessert. We are sooo grateful she was willing to help out! The kids were grateful that she was willing to keep the party going!

The next day we started out pretty early because we had planned some stops along the way. What's a road trip if there aren't planned (and even unplanned) adventures along the way? Our first stop was Carlsbad Caverns National Park. I must have been Danny's age the last time I was here. Jeff had never been, so we traversed the desolate oil fields of southwestern Texas to finally arrive at the isolated caverns in southeastern New Mexico. It was not the prettiest drive I've ever done, but it was interesting to see all the oil fields. The caverns did not disappoint. They were just as massive as I remember them. Jeff wasn't sure what to expect, but half-way through, he was wishing the boys were here to see this. I know I've mentioned this before, but it is fascinating to think that these caves and all the stunning formations have been formed by little drops of water. Thousands and thousands of years have resulted in something so spectacular that it has become a national park. Jeff and I were without words by the time we finished the tour.

Jeff at the mouth of the caverns.
Me starting our 2.5 mile hike down into and through the caves. 

We ate lunch at the caverns before we headed towards Albuquerque (where we planned to stop for dinner). Along the way, we passed through Roswell. Well when you're going through Roswell it's only appropriate to stop at the UFO museum. Yup...this was one of the unplanned adventures. In 1947, an unidentified flying object crash landed at a ranch in Roswell. It sparked quite a stir at the time because some of the debris left researchers baffled. Most believe it was just a weather or surveillance balloon, but there are still some people today (many of whom were wandering around the museum) who still believe it was aliens. It was such a comical stop for us. We snickered at all the speculation, but enjoyed quickly walking through the museum.

After our extraterrestial experience, we continued on our journey. We did stop in Old Town Albuquerque for dinner at the Church Cafe. This is one of the original homes in the area dating back to the early 18th century. It continued to be the residence for the generations of Ruiz family until 1991. After the death of Rufina Ruiz, it became a restaurant showcasing New Mexican cuisine (which is basically Mexican food). Jeff and I devoured the tamale, chile relleno, and enchilada plate we ordered before strolling through the main square to admire the church, San Felipe de Neri, and listen to a live band in the plaza's gazebo. It was all picturesque. I was glad we got to stop and enjoy a little time there.

We didn't stay long because we were still 3 hours away from Farmington, where we booked our hotel. Luckily, with a little Dairy Queen blizzard to sugar us up a bit, we made it to Farmington in one piece at around midnight. The next day we began our adventures at the Four Corners. Again, I have been there, but I was young at the time. Jeff had never been. Like the caves, it is largely isolated from any town. You're simply driving around in the Arizona/New Mexico dessert then there it is! They have really fixed up the monument since the last time I'd been. It has little platforms for taking pictures and bigger plaques designating each state. Jeff and I got there early enough that we were able to avoid any crowds. We took a few pictures then browsed the different Native American vendors before leaving.

I often feel like I have to be in multiple places at once. Today I was!
Our next, and last, stop was Mesa Verde National Park. This was another unplanned stop. I hadn't even considered it because it was about an hour out of the way, but Jeff pointed it out and since we were close enough, we went. I'm glad we did. This park houses a myriad of Puebloan pit houses and cliff dwellings. The cliff dwellings are breathtaking. We didn't have enough time to do an actual hike to the dwellings, but we did drive a scenic loop that had several stops where we could see cliff dwellings and remnants of pit houses. Jeff and I enjoyed speculating about the people that lived there. We discussed their culture and drew comparisons to the people described in the Book of Mormon. We spent more time there than we planned, but it was worth it.

We had a delicious BBQ lunch there before we made our final push home. I thoroughly enjoyed spending an entire weekend with Jeff and no kids! I thought I would miss Jonas more than I did, but I think I was ready for a little break from motherhood. I needed time with my husband. He is my best friend. He is a big part of who I am and why I do what I do. He always inspires me to be a little better. I needed to reconnect with him. It's hard to maintain that romance when we are both being pulled in different directions. This weekend was just what we both needed. We are so grateful for Nichole, Grandma Penny, and Grandpa for overseeing things while we were gone! And...the boys didn't even miss us. All of them, including Jonas, were more interested in the truck when we pulled up than in us. Oh well! Maybe we just need to be gone longer next time.