Monday, July 27, 2020

Jonas's 5th Birthday

When did that happen?! How can Jonas be 5 already?! I have seriously struggled with this birthday. He is definitely not a baby anymore, and he left toddler status a looong time ago. He is now a little man and I'm not entirely sure I like it. What am I going to do without my little buddy? I know I will eventually love those precious few hours where I can get things done without juggling him, but he has been my world for the past 5 years. I don't know if I'm ready to give that up. I guess parenting really is about preparing them for the world...but who prepares us for a world without them? Ok...enough sappiness! This year (as in years passed), we celebrated his birthday early so more family could join us. He chose a camping theme for his party this year. I really love planning his parties! It's fun to coordinate games and foods into the theme. I even made a "mountain" pinata! It wasn't the easiest, but the homemade pinata out-lasted the store-bought one! We started with games. Each of the kids got to decorate a backpack then we did a scavenger hunt to find items to fill them. 

Next, we headed outside to clean up our "campsite" (aka toss wet sponges into buckets), go fishing (for pool noodle fishes), put out campfires, and smack a couple pinatas. 

For dinner, we had "sleeping bags" (aka sandwich wraps), logs and sticks (veggies), tents (watermelon triangles), and campfire flames (Cheetos and Nacho Cheese Doritos) with River Water to drink. 

Finally, it was time for presents and cake. Jonas was so excited to receive the gifts he was anticipating (thanks Amazon gift list!) and even a few unexpected. Once he thanked everyone, we all enjoyed his cake...and yes, he was subjected to the Southwick tradition of trying to stop the birthday individual from blowing out the candles. 

I think the most exciting part of his day was spending the night in our new camp trailer with his cousins! We sold our old toy-hauler and bought a new trailer with a bunk room. In addition to already having a TON of sugar from the candy they got from the pinata, the excitement of the new trailer kept the boys up until nearly midnight! We continued the party into the next day with an inflatable bounce-house/water slide (see previous post).

Finally, Jonas's "real" birthday arrived! All the cousins were back home doing their normal routines. The fun definitely slowed down, but we kept it going for one more day. For breakfast, Jonas requested French toast (only because he likes to douse it in powdered sugar).

Danny and Jeff had to go to work, but Jonas and I celebrated! Jonas requested that we go to Lowe's Xtreme Air. He can finally go in the "big kid" area! He was so excited!! Honestly, I think he thought it would be more exciting, but he did enjoy the "super bouncy" trampolines.

Next, we hit up Chick-fil-A for lunch before meeting up with Jeff at the mall to find a toy. Jeff and I never buy an actual gift for his birthday party. Instead, we wait until his actual birthday, take him to a store, and let him pick something out. This year, he wanted to go to the Disney store. He ended up buying a Hawkeye bow, arrow and quiver set.

On our way home, we stopped by Krispy Kreme to pick up some donuts for his birthday treat.

That night, he requested a baked potato dinner followed by blowing out a singing candle on his donut. I still don't know if I'm ready for the next chapter of his life, but I'm excited to see his growth. I couldn't have asked for a more patient, intelligent, forgiving, fun-loving, witty, kind-hearted, little boy. Happy 5th birthday Little Man!