Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!! To say this year has been "abnormal", "weird", or even "otherworldly" would be a gross understatement! Sometimes it feels like we're existing in an alternate reality as we realize that this pandemic has modified our traditions, routines, etc. into a world of facemasks, canceled events, shuttered businesses, and more. The virus is still increasing in numbers across our nation as the fight rages between different factions who hold different beliefs about its reality. Some believe this is all a conspiracy. Others believe that it's basically the end of the world. Most vacillate somewhere in the middle. In addition to the pandemic, protests rage that amplifies what is wrong in our nation. Too much focus has been placed on our faults as groups demand freedoms. Gone are the simple days of backyard BBQs without the worry of whether or not the group that gathers violates local restrictions about how many people can congregate. Gone are the carefree moments of being in public without concern to either transmit or receive a potentially life-threatening virus. Gone is the era of assuming businesses will be open and operate as they have in the past. Will those days return? What will it look like when this is all over? Will facemasks be a "new normal"? Will social distancing remain? When will this end? With all this uncertainty and foreign realities, I still took pride in today. I live in a country where at least there can be a debate about the reality of the virus. I live in a land where protests are protected under the law. I benefit from a history of brave men and women who saw injustice and fought for it. Because of these historical rioters, trouble-makers, protest-wagers, authority-questioners, I am able to enjoy the freedoms that are denied so many other world citizens. Since March when this pandemic really began to affect our way of life, I have had many opportunities to reflect on how blessed I am. I have a husband who has worked hard to build a business that has still maintained to thrive when so many others have lost jobs and businesses. I live in a place where there is ample space to roam instead of being confined to a small apartment in the middle of a congested metropolis. I am still allowed to enjoy my religious beliefs in my home, which has allowed for meaningful discussions on faith. We are still healthy. We can still purchase items we need. We have been able to slow down and focus on the essentials instead of all the "busy-ness" of sports, activities, etc. While I am anxious for this virus to slow down and for there to be a return to "normal", I am finding the divine tender mercies in all the mess. 

For the past couple of years, we have enjoyed the latest Hollywood blockbuster at the movie theater on the 4th, followed or preceded by grabbing a meal at a restaurant. Today was different. We were able to still go out to breakfast at Cracker Barrel to start our day. 

The rest of the day was a mix of work and fun. The boys continued to work on Katie's barn. We bought two mules this week and Katie bought one. Yup...we now have 3 cows, 4 pigs, a gaggle of chickens, and 2 mules. Jonas has named our mules, Tornado and Tiger. Tiger has stripes on his legs and Jonas just liked Tornado. In any case, we have been modifying Katie's original barn to provide separate stalls and a training space for the mules. Plus, we have cleaned it out and put down a roadbase rather than just the dusty dirt that was in there. 

Jonas only worked for a while before deciding he was done. Jonas and I then spent the rest of the afternoon building forts, playing with the army helicopter he bought at Cracker Barrel, and building our own little rocket.

Finally, the evening came and so did good food and fun family times! Katie, Greg, Amber, Jacob, and the Tanners joined our celebration. We had a yummy burger BBQ, played with the animals, enjoyed the shade and splash pad, indulged in sugary treats, and ended the evening with our traditional neighborhood fireworks show! There is nothing better than our own personal incendiary display of bright, colorful lights and small crowds. It may have been a little different than last year's celebration when all our kids were here plus my parents, sister, niece, brother, cousins, aunt/uncle, and a herd of high schoolers, but it was still a fun holiday and one definitely worth celebrating! I am proud to be an American!

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