Monday, September 2, 2019

Flaming Gorge

With the exception of one (now two) Labor Day weekend since we've been married, the Southwick family would usually find themselves in Santaquin Canyon camping for the weekend. However, because of the massive fires last year and the mudslides from this year, our Labor Day camping spot was closed for the season. We were incredibly disappointed because we love that secluded little spot deep in the pine trees by the small river, but we still managed to make this a memorable Labor Day weekend! Instead of tent camping in the woods, we took the trailer and headed to Flaming Gorge! Several of us have never been to Flaming Gorge so it was something new and fun. Danny, Jonas, Jeff and I drove up on Friday (Aug 30th) afternoon to set up camp. Amber, Jacob, Laurin, Casey, Scott, and Kaia joined us later that evening...and the festivities started the next day! Saturday (August 31st) we rented a pontoon boat and spent the majority of the day on the lake. Jacob and Casey attempted to fish while we trolled around the lake floating into the small canyons to find fun places to swim and go cliff jumping. At one point, we met up with Casey's parents (Kelly and Becky). The older kids decided to hop on their pontoon with all Mr. Irons' fishing equipment to try their luck but were ultimately unsuccessful. However, Mr. Irons offered to tie our boat to his so we could all jump out together and go cliff jumping. We had a blast! I even jumped off a 15-foot cliff, which is saying a lot for me! We were all proud of Jonas too! He was brave enough to jump off a 6-foot cliff. I think it was everyone's favorite part of the day.

The following day (Sunday, Sept. 1st) was mostly spent hanging around the trailer and playing games. We did venture out to tour the dam. It is really impressive to see what went into creating the large lake we enjoyed the day before.

That evening, a few of us decided to go down to the river to enjoy the scenery. We hiked along the river's edge, threw rocks, and Jeff even dunked himself! Crazy man!

Monday (Sept. 2nd) we went back to the river but with rafts this time! We rafted for about 7 miles. I'm pretty sure this was the best activity of the weekend. Jacob, Amber, Laurin, and Casey had two 2-man kayaks and the rest of us enjoyed a larger raft. We were in no hurry to get down the river. We stopped to discover little waterfalls or to jump (this time I didn' was much colder than the lake!) in the river. Jonas loved the rapids the most (although he kept pronouncing them "rabbits").

And just like that, the weekend was over! I can't believe that summer is now "un-officially" over. Summer always seems to be marked from Memorial Day to Labor Day...and now we get to look forward to Fall! It has been a very eventful summer for our little family. I know I've said that before, but over the weekend, I was able to take a little time to reflect on how blessed we are....and how blessed I am. This is a crazy family! We are loud! We don't always get along. We have hit some bumpy roads as Jeff and I have tried to navigate a non-traditional family...and now navigate an evolving family as our kids are becoming adults. We have experienced growing pains as we have tried to allow the girls to become adults and as they have realized that doesn't always mean they are entitled to all the same privileges as before. We have encountered differences of opinions and power struggles at all ages with all the kids. We are not perfect as parents or as a family. We have unfortunately had moments in which we have made hurtful choices; yet through all the chaos, we keep trying. We keep loving. We keep moving forward. We fight for each other and for our family. I am certain there is no "perfect" family, but I feel incredibly lucky to be loved by this imperfect family.