Saturday, August 29, 2015

Trip with Dad...

This week, Jeff took Laurin on a trip to visit some church history sites before she left on her mission. They visited the Sacred Grove, Hill Cumorah, Nauvoo, Carthage Jail, Liberty Jail, Independence, and so much more. They even took a quick trip into her mission in Kansas to have some BBQ before they ended the trip. They had a blast! Plus, they were able to accomplish their goal: build a solid relationship and create memories! (I have yet to train them to take pictures, but here are just a few they remembered to take.)
Their LARGE rental car
Hill Cumorah
Sacred Grove
Niagra Falls

Carthage Jail
Liberty Jail
Looking back at the Welcome to Kansas sign.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Jonas - 1 month!

Today Jonas celebrated one month of life! Now I wish I could say this past month has flown by with him, but that hasn't really been the case. I have never felt so exhausted, confused, frustrated, anxious, overwhelmed, and, at times, helpless in my life; yet I have never felt so much love and joy, or experienced so many tender mercies from my Father in Heaven, or felt so much pride as I've watched the other kids step up to the task of being his older siblings in my life. Overall, Jonas has been a really easy, content baby. During the last week, he has experienced some more reflux and has been more fussy, but he is generally easy to console. It is fun to watch him grow. He is learning to control his body more. He is gaining physical strength. He is so much fun to watch as he makes faces when waking up or after feedings. We have discovered that he really enjoys the vacuum cleaner noises. One day, when he was super fussy, I spilt some cereal flakes on the floor as I was trying to console him. Instead of picking them up one by one, I decided to quickly grab the vacuum. As soon as I turned it on, he immediately stopped crying and fell asleep! It has worked the same ever since. He also really enjoys his swing. I think he likes the gentle motion and the way it cradles his body. Jonas also loves the outdoors. Again, when he's fussy, we can generally get him to calm down by taking him outside to feel the breeze and listen to the sounds of nature. Car rides are another thing Jonas enjoys. He almost always falls asleep..even though the car seat itself is not something he enjoys. Finally, bath times are some of his favorite times...once we discovered that he likes the water really warm. He is definitely a bit of an Arizonan. I have to admit that there are some days when I wish he would hurry and grow up a little more, but then I would miss out on those quiet moments when I am nursing him and he grabs my finger or when he just snuggles up to you when he's tired. I can't wait to see his little personality develop more over time. I often wonder, "Who are you?" Only time will tell.

Jonas always likes to sleep with his arms up and around his face!

Love his little grin! Again with the arms up.

Going to church...Super Baby J! 

Love these tiny hands! They may not be able to hold much, but they hold my heart every day.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Laurin's mission farewell

Today Laurin spoke in church for the last time before leaving on her mission. I know I keep saying this, but time is seriously flying by! I can't believe in a couple weeks she'll be at the MTC then onto Kansas. She spoke on giving service. It was a great talk. She emphasized the importance of listening to those small promptings to serve even when it may seem silly or we may be afraid to do so. She listed the blessings we all receive through service, and she provided examples of people in her life who have served her - Jeff and Grandma Penny. It is amazing to listen and watch her grow. She gets it. She gets life. We may not always act in accordance with what we know, but she knows the truth and is striving to live it. We are so excited for her to be able to share that truth with others. While we will miss her here, we know that she is doing the Lord's work and is in the best place possible. She will receive more knowledge and instruction on her mission than any university could provide her. We are so proud of you Laurin and can't wait to see what adventures lie ahead for you!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Back to school

Summer is officially over! Where did it go?! This has been an eventful one for sure. There were moments that seemed to drag on forever, but looking back now it seems to have flown. It was weird to only be sending the boys off on their first day. Laurin actually finished her last day of summer school (and school in general) until she gets back from her mission. Amber also finished her summer semester but will be starting back for the fall semester in a week. It's crazy to think that it's just me and the boys at home now...all of the boys including Jeff and Jonas. In any case, as much as Dallin and Daniel protested, I secretly think they were ready to go back to school to see their friends and have something to do (although Dallin is getting a taste of high school life being in 9th grade and he isn't too fond of it). This year Dallin is in 9th grade and Danny is in 5th. Good luck boys!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Last day of summer 2015!

Summer is officially over...for the boys! I can't believe we are starting a new school year tomorrow. The boys soaked up all the last minute fun they could over the last week. They spent nights out on the trampoline, went to Seven Peaks with Amber, enjoyed the Payson pool with friends, and just lounged around. To be honest, this is one summer I'm not so sure I want to end. Yes, Dallin and Danny are bored and are ready to head back to school, but they are to the point where they pretty much take care of themselves and are huge helps around the house. Still, I'm excited for them to start a new year with all the new adventures it will bring. Goodbye Summer 2015! (Here are just a few pics from the last trip to the Payson pool with friends. I'm thankful that my boys have such good friends! Unfortunately, I haven't been the best at taking pictures of the other fun moments. Oh well...I'm sure the boys have appreciated the picture-taking reprieve!)
Tyler, Tanner, and Dallin
Daniel and Jaemon
Dallin and Tyler

Monday, August 17, 2015

Happy 18th Birthday Amber!

Amber is officially an adult! Is the world ready to handle that?! I'm not so sure if we're even ready for that. It has been fun to see Amber evolve over the past 3 years. I can't believe it's actually been that long. While she is still young in many aspects, she is heading in the right direction. It's been fun seeing little glimpses of the adult maturity that will develop more over the years. Amber has always been such a fun-loving, forgiving, kind, inclusive, beautiful, young woman. We are excited to watch what the next 18 years will bring for her! Happy birthday Amber!

The life of a newborn...

As you can imagine, my life has consisted of feeding, changing, and rocking Jonas to sleep. I have been excited the few times I've gone to the grocery store...alone. All the boys (Jeff, Dallin and Danny) have been a great support! Dallin has really stepped up and taken an active role in tending his little brother. However, I don't really like to leave him with anyone but Jeff, but I'm sure that will change with time. I have had to fight through some anxieties and have learned that babies really are resilient. Still, when I look at his tiny fingers, toes, ears, and facial features, I am reminded of his fragility and the dependence he has on others. I wish I could capture all the tiny moments that make the work of motherhood worth it. Here are just a few random pictures I've taken over the 3 short weeks we've had with our little blessing.
He loves being outdoors. When he's fussy, we can usually get him to calm down by being outside.
Just some fun play time on his blanket...although he doesn't look like he's having that much fun.
I love his little facial expressions!
Napping is his favorite pastime.
Mine too!
He's a Sun Devil at heart!! Fear the fork! (I wanted to take a picture of his little hand when he made the Sun Devil hand gesture. He's his mommy's boy!)
He was super fussy this morning. I put him in the bouncer and quickly tried to eat my cereal. Unfortunately, some of my cereal spilt as I tried to soothe him. When I pulled out the vacuum to clean up the flakes, he immediately went to sleep!
Mommy and Jonas ready for our first day back at church. We only lasted through Sacrament meeting but he did a great job!
We've been putting him in his crib for naps. He's still so tiny!
I love all the funny little faces he makes after a feeding while trying to wake up!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Salem Days

Today was the annual Salem Days parade and car show. Jeff is usually not one for parades or festivals, but this is one that we've made an annual tradition. It's even more fun because Scott's house is right on the parade route so we gather there, and Mel has brunch goodies and more waiting for us. Plus, there's always a hose nearby to fill up the boys' squirt guns. Silly boys! I wasn't sure if I was going to make it this year, but Jonas was doing well and I needed to get out. Moreover, Jonas still hadn't met his Aunt Mel or cousin Kaia. Last night, Michael and Jenn dropped in (and dropped off our boys) on their way to Mexico. Jonas looked so tiny next to Michael. Unfortunately, they didn't stay long, but it was fun to see them and have them meet Baby J.

The parade and party were great as always! The boys had a blast squirting whomever would let them (and even some people who weren't too fond of it). I enjoyed sitting in the shade and watching it all. 
Who needs a squirt gun when you have a hose?!

All my boys!
Meeting Aunt Mel
Meeting cousin Kaia.
Metting Uncle Scott
After the parade, the boys wandered down to the car show. I stayed behind to feed Jonas. Little did I know, I should have gone to control my husband. Before the day was through, Jeff found and purchased (he did ask my permission) his dream car - a '56 Chevy Bel Air. He has longed for this car for years! It has been fun watching the smile on his face each time he takes the car for a cruise. He loves that car! He is excited to work on it with the boys. It needs a few tweaks to the engine and some refinishing of the exterior. It will be a fun project for years to come I'm sure. All in all, it was a great day!