Thursday, July 30, 2015

Eagle Scout

Tonight Dallin officially became an Eagle Scout. He had his Eagle Scout board of review. Dallin spent most of the day reviewing all his scout material in preparation for the board. I think by the end of the day I could recite the scout law and oath. I am super proud of Dallin. He worked hard to get to this point and he earned it! Way to go Dallin!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

First bath

Today Mommy gave Jonas his first bath. It was a bit of an adventure. Definitely something that will be refined with time. Jonas wasn't too excited about being exposed, but he loved having his hair washed. I think he's like his mommy in that he enjoys having his head massaged. As I was washing him, I just couldn't get over all of his tiny, perfect features - his two little hands with long fingers, his long, skinny feet, his beautiful blue eyes, his cute little nose, his tiny little ears. The creation of life is truly amazing. It is incredible how the body is able to produce another human being...and to have that child turn out so perfectly. There is not a day that goes by that I don't express unending gratitude for his perfect little body. I know it is truly a blessing...he is truly a blessing.


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Going home...

Jonas did well over the next 24 hours, which allowed us to be discharged the following day. I have to admit that I have even been surprised at my own recovery. I had heard horror stories about all the physical ramifications of giving birth, but I have experienced very little of what I had heard. Now the emotional impact of post delivery life has definitely taken hold. It seems like it hits as soon as the sun starts its descent. Jeff has found me crying in the nursery several times as I nursed Jonas. Most of the emotions are derived from new mom anxieties. It is overwhelming to think that there is this tiny little being that is completely dependent on you for his survival. It didn't help that Jonas initially had some issues with choking. I hated the evenings because I was so worried that I (or Jeff or my mom...we all took shifts throughout the first couple nights) would miss hearing his little choking fits or his cries. Luckily, he quickly got over those choking fits and has learned how to spit up and control his tongue placement. Still, I struggle with a myriad of other postpartum anxieties. I can't wait until my hormones and emotions stabilize! Yet, through it all, I just need to look at Jonas's sweet little face and his ever increasing facial expressions and know that it is all worth it. Welcome home sweet boy!
Jonas and I in our "going home" outfits.

He looks so tiny in his little carseat.
Welcome home!
Introducing him to the nursery.
Mommy getting him in his jammies.
Cuddling at home.
Flowers for me from the boys and Katie.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Jonas Tage Southwick

He's here!! Our little gift from God has finally arrived! Jonas Tage Southwick was born on Monday, July 27, 2015 at 3:53 p.m. He weighed 7lbs 12 oz and measured 20 inches long. I started laboring around 2:30 a.m. The pains were irregular until about 6:30 a.m. when Jeff and I headed to Orem Community Hospital. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep from 2:30-6:30. I worried and fretted about every little pain and whether or not I was feeling Jonas move. This was all new to me. I wasn't sure what was "normal" or not. Part of me even questioned whether or not I was in labor. Luckily, Jeff felt like it was time to go so we quickly grabbed our things (that I had packed weeks earlier) and rushed out the door. I was scheduled to be induced on Tuesday, but Jonas was ready to come a day earlier. We reached the hospital at about 7:00 a.m.

I checked in and was escorted to an interim room to determine if I was really in labor or not. At this point, I honestly wasn't sure. The pains I felt had subsided on the ride to the hospital, but I still couldn't tell if I was feeling Jonas move or not. I was relieved when I heard his little heartbeat after being hooked up to a fetal heart monitor. Nothing else mattered. It was his little heartbeat that soothed my nerves during the next several hours as I labored and prepared for delivery. After an hour in the interim room, I was given an internal exam and discovered that I had dilated more than a centimeter during that time. I was in labor. Jonas was coming! I was then escorted to another room where I would remain the rest of the time in the hospital. I labored, delivered and recovered in "Sweet 16". Reportedly, this was the favored hospital room because of its view and plenty of space.

Obviously, I was less concerned about the view or space. I was just interested in making the pain stop. Jeff was the best support I could have asked for! He patiently rubbed my back during labor pains and held my hand during moments of calm. Luckily, I was able to get an epidural (best decision ever!) shortly after being transferred to Sweet 16. I had already been laboring for 3 hours at the hospital, in addition to the hours of laboring at home. I was ready for a little relief.
Before the epidural...
After the epidural.

After the epidural, I was actually able to sleep a little to allow my body to rest for what would be nearly two hours of pushing! My labor had progressed quickly but the delivery process was a little lengthier. It wasn't until Jonas made his grand entrance that we understood why - he came face up! I guess he decided he didn't want to see the floor. It was because of his position, the largest part of his head was what was trying to fit through the birth canal. At nearly two hours of pushing, Dr. McCarter could see that Jonas was getting tired. His heart rate was dropping with each contraction. Dr. McCarter then made the decision to use the vacuum to get him out. With a few more pushes, Jonas was out! I can't even begin to describe the physical relief I felt as he entered the world and the emotional relief I experienced when I heard his tiny little cry. Because of the method of his entry (and concern that there was meconium in the amniotic fluid), I wasn't able to immediately hold him. However, I made sure Jeff followed Jonas to the little heated nursery bed where he was being checked by the nurses. Jeff stayed with him while he got wiped off, checked out, weighed and measured - all the while advocating for him to be placed in my arms as quickly as possible.

Finally! My arms are no longer empty. My angel is here!
I can't even begin to describe the emotions that swept through my body as his tiny little body was placed in my arms. I had held him inside for the past 9 months, but it was nothing compared to holding him in my arms, feeling his tiny breath against my skin, and experiencing his warmth. My heart has never experienced such love or joy. My angel has finally arrived. The child I have prayed to have for years was in my arms. The miracle I felt would never happen had finally come to pass. I wish words could describe all the emotions I felt in that single moment. It was love at first sight. Poor little Jonas's heart rate and respiration were up because of the traumatic delivery so the nurses had to continually monitor him, which meant that I was only able to hold him for a short time before I had to let him go...but only momentarily. Jonas never left our room without Jeff going with him, and while he was in our room, he was in our arms. My heart melted over and over as I saw Jeff holding his little son. Jeff's hands are as big as Jonas's little body. The size difference makes the tenderness displayed all the more special. I couldn't hold back the tears as I saw Jeff immediately connect with and have a desire to protect his little boy. I can never express the gratitude I felt to my Father in Heaven for this precious gift. Welcome to the world Jonas!

My mom took this picture. I think it's one of my favorite. It still seems surreal.


Friday, July 24, 2015

Pioneer Day

Today was Pioneer Day! This is definitely a Utah holiday, but one that we love to celebrate! I am grateful for my pioneer heritage. I'm grateful for the men and women who were courageous enough to traverse the plains to come to this valley to escape religious persecution. I'm grateful for their examples of faith that I can lean on during times of my own trials. I'm grateful to have my family here to celebrate this holiday this year too! We decided to head to Spanish Fork in the morning to see the parade and enjoy the carnival rides (or rather Danny and Kate enjoyed the rides while we watched).

Kate grabbing the candy!

That evening, we decided to make some homemade biscuits and butter to accompany our meal of grilled chicken, potato salad, veggies, and fruit. For dessert, we made homemade ice cream to accompany pies. We ended the day with our own fireworks show at the house. It was a great day!

Mike and Jenn were fighting over who got to shake the butter!