Saturday, April 27, 2019

Senior Prom

Yesterday, while we were at Laurin's graduation, a post from 5 years ago popped up on my Facebook feed. It was a picture of Laurin and Amber going to prom. 5 years ago Laurin was attending her senior prom and now Dallin is attending his. Where did the time go?! When I married Jeff, I honestly felt like the day in which we would be down to just Danny (we didn't know about Jonas at the time) in the home was forever away...and now it's here (plus Jonas). It has been a privilege to be a part of raising such an incredible young man. I have loved watching him experience high school. I know I've said this before, but I feel like he did high school "right" (if there is such a thing). He found good friends, participated in fun activities, and maintained high goals/standards. I am going to miss all these boys as they graduate and start leaving on their missions. I'm grateful that they found equally good girls to hang out with and take to dances. Dallin took Jackie Earnest to prom this year. Their group went to Tucano's for dinner then to the dance. They ended the evening with an outdoor movie across the street at the Chisholm's. Can this really be the beginning of the end of Dallin's high school sojourn?! He keeps reminding me he only has 15 school days left. It's going too fast! At least, he's enjoying the ride.
Dallin with his rather tall friend, Matt, prior to picking up their dates. Dallin's trying to look as tall as wasn't working.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Congratulations Laurin, ADN, RN!

This week started the whirlwind of events for the Southwick family! First, we welcomed Jacob home. Now we got to celebrate with Laurin as she graduated from Weber State University with her Associates Degree of Nursing! This has been a goal since she was in high school, and she has worked hard to achieve her goal. She is focused, determined, and unyielding when it comes to her academic and professional future...and it paid off! We were able to go up early to enjoy lunch together before the convocation ceremony. Of course, we had to take a few pictures after lunch then we went to the Dee Events Center for her convocation. We are so incredibly proud of the beautiful woman she is and is becoming. She is a great example for her younger siblings. Congratulations Laurin!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Welcome Home Jacob!

Finally! The moment Amber (and Jacob) have been waiting for! Both have finally returned with honor. I couldn't be more proud of both of them. They sacrificed much to serve faithfully. They had bumps in the road, but they would not let that deter them from finishing what they had started. They did it right! Amber went to the airport to be with his family as he came home; then we all had the chance to meet up with Jacob that evening for dinner. In some ways, it feels like they never left. They have been inseparable. I am so excited for their future! Bienvenidos a casa Jacob!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tulip Festival

I have to admit that Spring is no longer my favorite season. In Arizona, it was my absolute favorite time of the year...all two weeks of it! Haha! But in Utah, the weather is too varied and too wet for me to really enjoy; however, the vibrant blooming flowers and blossoming trees remind me that Spring isn't that bad after all. The Tulip Festival at Ashton Gardens is one of those reminders about the beauty of Spring. I love these gardens. I love the serenity I can find there. I love the beauty that surrounds me. I especially love sharing it with those I love. I was lucky enough to go to the festival twice this year. Jeff and I went on opening day then we returned with Jonas a week and a half later. It was interesting to see the changes in the tulips in just that week. There were so many more blooms when we returned; yet, both times were equally magical. I enjoyed looking at all the varieties. Jonas enjoyed running around and feeding the fish. Jeff just enjoyed being with us. Maybe I should give Spring another chance.
Round 1...

Round 2...definitely warmer!