Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Utah Symphony at Ashton Gardens

Before we were married, Jeff and I made a commitment to each other to have a date night every week. For the most part, we have kept that promise (with a few exceptions when family events conflict). Many times our dates are not necessarily blog-worthy. We enjoy attending the temple together, going to movies, going out to eat, etc. However, this week's date was different. We attended a Utah Symphony concert featuring Gentri (a trio of tenors) at the gorgeous gardens at Thanksgiving Point. I love that Jeff will do these things with me. I know he probably wouldn't have picked this event, but he enjoyed the beautiful setting and the beautiful weather...and he even loved the concert. I just loved being with him. I loved listening to inspiring, beautiful music. I even loved that the concert ended with fireworks. It was a great date!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Bear Lake

This weekend we had a semi-Southwick family reunion. Unfortunately, Julie and her family couldn't join us and Brad was only able to join us for the first day. We missed them! However, we had a blast with Stan and his family, Mom and Dad, and Katie and Greg! On Saturday (June 24), we met up with everyone at Lava Hot Springs. While driving up, our Honda Pilot decided it no longer wanted to make the trip with us. We broke down in the thriving metropolis of Malad, Idaho. It would have been a very hopeless situation were it not for the mini miracles that the Lord threw our way. First, we broke down close enough to a town that we didn't need to get towed and we weren't stranded on the side of the highway. Second, we were able to transfer all of us and our stuff into other family members' vehicles. Then, one of Jeff's employees was available to drive up the big truck to meet Jeff and Brad at the end of the day. Because Brad couldn't stay with us, he was able to drive Jeff's employee back to Payson. Even though it was a frustrating start to a rather perfect weekend, it simply reminded me that God does watch over us and cares about the small details in our lives.
Broken down in Malad. Hooking up the boat to Stan's truck and transferring all our stuff.
Finally, everyone made it to Lava Hot Springs where we enjoyed a day at the pool and on the river. I loved watching Jonas enjoy swimming with everyone. (Plus, I love that I saw he was still using some of the skills he learned during swim lessons.) He stuck to Jeff like glue. He is definitely a Daddy's boy. All the other boys took turns diving off the diving platforms and going down the slides. Later in the afternoon, Kristi took Laurin, Amber, Jacob, Daniel, Carson, Travis, Bennett, and Maci down the river. (I didn't dare take Jonas...not yet anyways.)

Bennett, Danny, and Carson

Once we were all water logged, we headed on to Garden City where we had rented a cabin for the rest of the weekend. On our way, we stopped at a hole-in-the-wall truck stop diner in the middle of nowhere Idaho and had one of the most delicious dinners! I love local establishments...especially when the food is good.

Sunday (June 25) was a much more relaxed day. We began our day by attending church in Garden City. I love the fact that no matter where I go, I can always find a local congregation wherewith to worship. As I sat there, surrounded by this wonderful family I married into, I felt indebted to my Father in Heaven for the blessings I have received over the past 5 years that I have known Jeff. These years have probably been the most challenging years of my life, but (just like with the car) He has always been there to shine down mini-miracles and mercy. I couldn't have asked for better in-laws. I am grateful to call them family. After church, Dad/Grumpy sat us all down at the cabin to deliver a small family devotional. He urged us to remember our divinity. He reminded us that we are truly children of God and, as such, we should rise above the world's standards to be a light unto all. I think I often forget my divinity. I think I often perform way below my potential. Sometimes I feel justified in being angry or stooping to the standards of the world, but I'm not. I am a princess of the most high God. I need to be an example. I need to serve more, love more, have more patience...including with myself.

The rest of the day was spent hanging out at the cabin. We played games, explored the cabin, worked on a puzzle together, enjoyed the beautiful view from our cabin, and ate TONS of food (what kind of family reunion would it be with out an excessive amount of food!?!). It was a perfect Sunday.
Sunrise from the cabin.

On Monday (June 26), we headed down to Bear Lake where we spent the day! We had a blast riding Seadoos, hanging out of the boat, tubing, surfing, wake boarding, etc. I think Dallin and Daniel loved the Seadoo the most. Jonas did too! I have a feeling Jonas is going to be just as thrill seeking as the other two boys. The girls just hung out on the boat and occasionally braved the cold water. Laurin took a tube ride with Grandma Penny! I think that was the highlight of both of their days. I was just grateful that we were all safe. There was once that Jacob and Danny were in the water that another Seadoo rode so close to them! From our perspective on the boat, it looked like it was going to hit them. Luckily, the Lord was continuing to look out for us...but that didn't stop this Mama Bear from addressing the situation with the family of the riders of that Seadoo. (Don't worry. I remembered the family devotional from the day before and was firm but polite.)
Jonas deciding if the cold water is really worth it.

Hanging out on the boat...Alisha, Gma Penny, Grumpy, Travis, Maci, Jonas, Jeff and Amber

Kristi, Travis, Danny and Maci words for this pic!

Alisha, Amber, Dallin
Jonas helping Daddy steer the boat.

Stan, Gma Penny, Grumpy, Grant

Add caption

Maci, Laurin, Amber and Bennett watching Jacob wakeboard. 
Dallin helping Bennett learn to surf.




Jacob and Danny

Travis and Danny on the tube with Dallin and Grant on the Seadoo in the background.

Gma Penny and Laurin

Bennett and Danny

Grant and Bennett

Grant and Dallin...right before they flipped the tube.

Kristi and Carson

Stan and Travis

Jonas helping Mommy maneuver the Seadoo.

Carson, Stan and Bennett with Dallin and Grant in the background.

Stan, Carson and Bennett

Stan, Maci and Amber

Jacob and Danny

Dallin and Jacob

Gma Penny and Amber

Danny and Laurin

Laurin, Danny and Jonas

Dallin and Jacob

Our beach palace!

Gma Penny


Maci and Carson

Jacob and Amber


Stan and Kristi


Sleeping beach baby

Jacob and Amber trying to paddle board

That evening, after everyone cleaned up, we ended our fun-filled family weekend with the "least famous raspberry shakes" from Zipz. They definitely were not the least famous for us! They were delicious! and HUGE! It was the perfect way to end such a fun weekend.

It was sad to say good-bye on Tuesday (June 27), but easier knowing that we'd see each other for part 2 of our Southwick summer in a couple weeks. On our way home, Jeff decided he needed to stop in Evanston, WY to pick up a "few" supplies for the upcoming firework season. Oh boy! I just have to shake my head...and slightly smile. I love my family!