Friday, May 26, 2017

School's out!

The boys have been DYING for this day since pretty much the second day of school. SUMMER BREAK is HERE!! I can't believe how quickly this year has flown by! I know I've said that about a million times before in relation to a million different things, but it's still true...and I'm still amazed by the rapidity of time. Danny was so excited to be done with elementary school! I'm pretty sure the 6th grade won't be his favorite grade, but he survived. Still, this week he had an after school party with pizza and games for reading achievement, did a field day, had a 6th grade vs. staff kickball game, and went to the pool. Not too shabby to end his elementary school days. Dallin is just as ready for the break too. He has enjoyed basketball and meeting new friends, but he won't miss the homework. We have a busy summer (which means it will probably fly by too!), but I am excited for all the fun times to come! Bring on summer!!

They don't look thrilled in this picture...but they were.

Danny with some of his friends on the last day of elementary school!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

6th grade graduation

Today Danny had his 6th grade graduation ceremony. There is still one more week of school, but, let's be honest, there isn't much going on next week other than party after party after party. I know Danny is already DONE with school. He is ready to move on to junior high! Still, I think there were some fun moments throughout the year. This year's graduation theme was Adventure Is Out There. Danny got to emcee the event as Charles Muntz from Disney's Up. As I listened to the funny program, I couldn't help but get a little choked up. Just like Dallin, Danny is growing up. He is going to find new adventures to pursue. I realize his full independence is still years away, but he is "moving on" (like it said in the song they sang), "letting go", and "holding on to tomorrow". I am anxiously excited to see where his future will take him. but for now I'm still holding on to his youth as long as I can. Congrats Danny boy! We are proud of you! Junior high here you come!

Cute Danny as a kindergartener.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Basketball banquet

I'm pretty sure basketball never ends, but tonight Jeff and I attended the end-of-season basketball banquet to honor the players. I am truly proud of Dallin. He has worked his butt off this season! I wish I could say there was no politics in sports, but there is. For better or worse, Dallin was not the favorite player and never considered the MVP, but that never stopped him from giving his all on the court. I don't think there is another player on his team that plays with more heart. When Dallin received the certificate his coach made, his coach called him the "defensive bloodhound" of the team. It is so true! Dallin would often frustrate the other players because he wouldn't let up. He made sure that they wouldn't score. He caused turn overs left and right. What he didn't do in the form of points, he made up for in the form of points not made by the other team. Dallin was also honored for being the second best free-throw shooter on his team with a 79% accuracy. I am so proud of him!..and I am excited to see what this next season brings.

Dallin and Tanner (Tyler wasn't there).

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! I know there are many women who don't necessarily look forward to this holiday because of all the emotions that come with it (e.g., pain of childlessness, pain of loss, regret, feelings of insecurity and inadequacies, etc.) I used to be one of them. Even after I married Jeff, I still didn't feel I could celebrate the holiday because I wasn't a "mother" in a traditional sense. How dumb that was!! With age usually comes wisdom, I would like to think that's what I'm experiencing. I now realize that motherhood isn't a biological privilege - it is a divine characteristic that each woman possess regardless of her ability or opportunity to have children. To be a mother requires so much more than 9 months gestation and hours of labor and delivery. Motherhood is work! It is all-consuming. It is sacrificing self for others. It is sleepless nights and endless days. It is kissing "owies" and wiping away tears. It's weathering the literal and figurative storms to support the children in your life. It is laughter. It is tears....none of which requires a DNA donation to a child. Every woman who has ever loved a child has been a mother. I will admit that since I've had Jonas, it has been easier to feel like a "mother" in every sense of the word; however, since having Jonas, I have also realized how much I discounted my maternal divinity. I fully expected to feel some astronomical difference once I had my own flesh-and-blood child, but I didn't...and I don't. Sure there are differences in my love for Jonas and my love for the other 4 children I get to raise, but there are differences in my love for Dallin and my love for Daniel or my love for Amber and my love for Laurin. Just because there are differences in my love doesn't mean that I don't love fully. All this love comes from one Mama's heart...even if that Mama's heart is pumping different blood through her veins than the blood her children are pumping. I simply wish every woman could celebrate this day. I wish I could impart my new found wisdom with the world, but everyone is on their own journey. I just want to wish every woman a Happy Mother's Day. You are loved...even in all your imperfections and failings. You are needed...even if the children you serve don't live under your roof. You are valued...simply because you are a woman!

I did have a Happy Mother's Day. I felt very loved and very spoiled. There wasn't anything particularly spectacular about the day (other than the fact that I didn't have to cook or clean up!). Instead, it was just the small thoughtful gifts and the kind acts that made the day special. The boys made me breakfast before church. After church, we all just enjoyed a relaxing day. Before they made me dinner, they presented me with several thoughtful, humorous gifts. From the girls, I received a bracelet with all the kids fingerprints. Laurin said it was to remind me of all the ways I've touched their lives. Jacob gave me a heartfelt card to thank me for my kindness and friendships. The boys then presented me with 3 separate gifts: Dr. Pepper for all the time they fight, lemon Oreos for when the house just won't stay clean, and Ben and Jerry's ice cream for when Jeff decides to buy another new toy. Jeff then gave me a handmade card with chocolates that had letters written on them. I unscrambled the letters to read "Let's get away". For Mother's Day, he wants us to plan a little weekend get away! That's always the best gift! A weekend away with my best friend. It was a great day! I know there are days that I feel unappreciated and undervalued, but not today. I know I am loved. I know I am appreciated...and today I could really feel that. Thank you!
Breakfast with my boys.

The boys preparing my salmon, mashed potatoes, and asparagus dinner.

Let's Get AWAY!

Jonas made me this little card in nursery.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Dallin's 16th birthday!

Well as is fast coming tradition (or just scheduling necessity), Dallin didn't just have a birth-"day", but rather a birth-"week". It is often hard to find time to celebrate with family when there is so much going on during the week, so the Sunday before Dallin's actual birthday (May 6) we invited everyone over for dinner, gifts, and dessert. Dallin picked roast, potatoes, and rolls for his birthday dinner (I made sure to include a nice salad...since he conveniently "forgot" to include vegetables) and Texas sheetcake for his birthday dessert. I had to do something a little more special since he's turning 16 so I turned the cake into a stoplight with red, yellow, and green M&Ms.

Blowing candles is always an adventure in the Southwick home!
Thursday (May 11) was Dallin's actual birthday. This is the birthday he has been anticipating since his last birthday! He finally gets to drive...and date!! After breakfast, Jeff took Dallin to the DMV to get his license then to an auto parts store to make sure he was outfitted for emergencies in his truck. Jonas and I then met up with Dallin and Jeff for lunch. This is a tradition I started with the boys after Jeff and I got married. Growing up, my dad would check us out of school for lunch on our birthdays. My dad often worked out of town so this was always a special treat with Daddy. It is something that I always wanted to do with my least while they'll let me. Luckily, Dallin hasn't gotten too good for his parents...yet. In any case, Dallin chose to have lunch at Magelbys before he returned to school for the rest of the day. I had a mixture of emotions as I saw Dallin drive off without us. I was so excited for him and this new chapter of his life; yet I was immediately gripped with worry and concern about his safety and the choices he'll make. Then I was sad as I realized that this is the first major step in his independence. My heart ached as I realized that there is no going back. He is growing up and moving on; yet, I couldn't be more proud of the man I see him becoming. Happy birthday Dallin! (As a side note, he drove the day he turned 16 then went on his first date the day after! He didn't waste any time!)

Friday, May 5, 2017

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

Growing up in Arizona, this was always a big holiday...and you know me, any excuse to celebrate a holiday is a good enough excuse for me! I remember learning the Mexican hat dance in school and eating yummy Mexican foods. I enjoyed the few times we broke a pinata, but most of all, I simply enjoy celebrating my roots. My grandmother was born and raised in Mexico and my mother spent most of her childhood there. For better or worse, Mexico shaped two of the most amazing women in my life. Plus, I am an Arizona girl to my core...and that means embracing the southwest cultures and customs. So tonight we indulged in yummy Mexican food and broke a pinata. It wasn't anything big, but it is something I like to celebrate and share with my family. Siento muy bendecida y agradezco a mi Padre Celestial por cada dia de vida en que tengo la oportunidad de estar con ellos. Son mi vida...mi corazon...todo para mi! Les amo! Feliz Cinco de Mayo!