Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Light of the World

For several years, I have anticipated the completion of a sub-garden in Ashton Gardens at Thanksgiving Point called The Light of the World. The artist Angela Johnson created 35 life-sized, bronze statues depicting several moments in Christ's life and ministry. Until this year, most of these statues were still in their minitaure, model sizes. These models were displayed in the area of the garden that would eventually house all the life size models. Each year, Jeff and I would attend the Tulip Festival and admire these small models. Each year, I excitedly anticipated what the garden would look and feel like once completed. This year, I got to have that experience. Jeff was away with Amber this week so Jonas was my date. We woke up early to get to the gardens when they opened in hopes that there wouldn't be a lot of people. There weren't. In fact, it felt like we had the garden to ourselves. As we approached that specific garden, the sun was just crowning over the tall trees casting its warm rays over the entrance. I stood in awe as the rays gently fell over the large statue of Christ walking on water. I couldn't help but wipe a tear from my cheek as a feeling of peace and love washed over me. This is Christ. This is my Savior. This truly is the Light of the World. That peaceful feeling lingered with me as Jonas and I explored the beauty of the garden. The statues were incredibly detailed. Jonas gravitated toward Christ in each setting. Jonas held His hand in the depiction of Christ gathering the chickens. He looked up at Christ as He was walking in a crowd when the woman with "the issue of blood" touched his garments. Jonas grabbed His feet as Christ stood above the prophet Joseph Smith in a grove of trees. I marveled at Jonas's fascination with this man. Jonas knows His Savior. He knows that Christ came to earth to atone for him. He knows that Christ loves him more than I do. He knows that he can find peace in Christ. He knows to whom to look for guidance and direction. Do I? I had that thought several times as I quickly tried to capture pictures of the moments Jonas spent with his Savior. Do I know Christ? Do I know He died for me? Do I know He loves me? Do I know He will lead and guide me? I am ashamed to say I think I have forgotten. I think in the busy-ness of life I have overlooked Christ's importance in my life. I feel like I have distanced myself from his outstretched arms. I think I have fell into the trap of seeing my Savior as a person to whom I can turn only when I need Him instead of being a person I walk with on a daily basis. He is my Savior. He knows me perfectly and loves my imperfection. He is the Light of the World. I wish words could more adequately describe the feelings I felt that morning in the garden. However, what words cannot describe I pray to make up for in my actions. I need my Savior. I need His love. I need His light. It is time to return to His embrace. I am grateful that Jonas is innocent enough to remind me of the innocence I have lost. I hope everyone can remember Christ, especially as we enter this holiday season. I hope that we can all let His love and His light shine brighter in our hearts.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


This month has flown by...and not much has happened. I guess I'm used to recording so much during the summer months that life has seemed pretty monotonous since school has started. However, we haven't been doing nothing. Between school, Dallin's basketball, Danny starting orchestra, getting Amber ready for her mission, and harvesting the fruit from our orchard, we have been keeping busy...just nothing I've really recorded in pictures. Yet, here are just a few random shots from the month so you know we haven't been sitting around doing nothing!
Beautiful fall flowers from Jeff...just to say he loves me!
I spent several days in the kitchen. This year I learned how to can peach and strawberry jam!
We had so many we get to savor some year round!
Jonas LOVES to play the piano! It has become a daily ritual.
We had a ward softball party. Good fun! Good people! Good times!

Dallin opted to play basketball instead of softball.
Another daily ritual...Jonas playing in the sink while I get ready. He is a little water baby!
A couple pics from Dallin's pre-season basketball games.

Jonas LOVES to sit in the recliner and "read" books! Hopefully it's a habit he'll keep when he's older.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Amber's farewell

Today we had Amber's farewell celebration in anticipation of her leaving on a mission in 8 days! Can you believe it? Time has flown. This year the holidays are going to be different without either of the girls here. Still, we are so incredibly proud of the choices they have made to serve as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are dedicating 18 months of their lives to bring the joy of the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are ready and willing to accept it. This gospel has brought such peace and joy into my life. Life isn't always easy...but it is made easier by knowing its purpose and having faith in an all-knowing, all-loving God. I know my Savior Jesus Christ loves me. I know He sacrificed His life for me so that I can one day return to live with Him. I don't understand everything, but I do know the peace I feel in the knowledge I have...and I know that knowledge comes from God. In any case, today Amber gave a talk in church about her knowledge and faith. Prior to that, we held a brunch at the house for family and closest friends. There were about 50 people present so I was a little stressed, but as Amber hugged me and thanked me that night, I knew I would do it all over again. I love Amber. I admire her positive attitude and her tenacity. I love how honest she is and how willing she has been to accept me into her life. I will miss her, but I can't imagine a better place for her to be than serving the people in Barcelona, Spain!