Monday, June 29, 2015

Dallin's day on Utah Lake

Today Dallin was invited by one of his good friends, Tanner Dehart, to accompany his family on a boating trip to Utah Lake. To say that Dallin was excited would have been an understatement! He is now obsessed with boating. He is trying to convince us to buy a boat or to take an extended vacation to Lake Powell (both of which are not on the agenda any time soon). Dallin was able to go tubing and even wakeboarding. He loved it! I'm so grateful that Dallin has such good friends. I never worry when he's out with Tanner. I feel that friends are such a huge influence on kids' lives. I'm just glad that Dallin seems to have some positive influences!
Tanner, Tavah and Dallin


Leah, Tanner, Dallin

Friday, June 26, 2015

Laurin receives her endowments

Today Laurin went to the Payson Temple to receive her endowments. Now for those of you who aren't members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and/or aren't familiar with "Mormon" temples, this may sound pretty funny or you may be wondering what an "endowment" looks like. Basically, Laurin received instructions then made promises and received blessings that we believe are necessary for her to be able to return to live with our Father in Heaven after this mortal journey. Each worthy adult member of the Church is able to receive these same instructions and blessings if they are willing to make promises to follow the commandments and will of the Lord. I have received these instructions and blessings in my life, and I can say that the promises or (as perceived by some) sacrifices I've made are nothing in comparison to the blessings I have received in my life. Top among those blessings have been my family and the love and peace I have felt as I have made choices and decisions in my life that have lead me closer to my Father in Heaven. I have sought refuge from the storms of life in the hallowed halls of temples all over the world. I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to have a temple so close to me. I am thankful to have the knowledge that I have received therein. I am extremely proud of Laurin for making the choices that have led her to this holy house and to this point in her life. It was definitely a proud moment for Jeff as well. He was beaming as he saw his baby girl dressed in white inside the temple. It was one of the few moments I have actually seen his eyes brim with tears. We love you Laurin!
Jeff and his little girl

All in attendance: Mitchell, Aunt Trudy, Grandma Penny, Laurin, Grandpa Rodney, Alisha, Jeff and Aunt Katie

Proud Grandparents!
The first two Southwicks of the next generation to go to the temple to receive their endowments - Mitchell and Laurin

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


This week Dallin left again. This time he went to St. George for a basketball camp. Poor Danny has had some rather boring weeks without his brother. As much as they get on each other's nerves at times, they really do like hanging out together. Still, we were able to find some fun stuff for Danny to do. He got to hang out with several friends, and, one evening, Jeff and I took him to see the new Disney Pixar movie, Inside Out. I also found some time to have "fun" this week. Now many people wouldn't consider washing and organizing baby clothes, putting together a crib and dresser, or hanging pictures on a nursery wall "fun", but it has been something I have been waiting to do for a long time. Sometimes it still seems surreal. For the longest time, I had given up on getting married, which meant that having children was even more unrealistic. I just can't believe that it's finally my turn. I love feeling Jonas move (which is more and more the bigger he gets). I even love it when he's sitting on my bladder or shoving his leg in my ribs. I will take all the pain and discomfort to receive this miracle in my life. I've even started feeling more frequent contractions. At our most recent doctor's visit, Dr. McCarter determined that I am starting to dilate (only to 1 cm but hey, it's better than nothing!) and that I'm 70% effaced. Only 4 more weeks! (Hopefully!) I can't wait to be able to hold him in my arms (not just my bulging belly). I often found myself sitting in the rocker in the nursery this week. I can't help but feel overwhelmed with excitement, peace, and love (and yes, a little trepidation for the delivery process). It's finally my turn. In any case, here are some pics of the nesting process that took place this week.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day

I love that we have days set aside to celebrate the divine roles of a mother and father. I feel that too often our society demeans or discredits these divine roles. We may feel like less of a woman if we are "simply a homemaker". We feel inferior if we list our parental roles among those of our greatest accomplishments. Yet, these are the roles that shape the children of the future. Why wouldn't we take more time to perfect and revere these roles? I have been blessed with the two most perfect (even in all their imperfections) parents. My dad is one of my heroes. He has taught me how to love life, be positive, and laugh. He has always been there with a sympathetic hug and a listening ear. He showed me the type of man I wanted to marry and to be the father of my children...and I can honestly say (for better or worse), I married my dad! I love Jeff more than words could ever express. I was grateful to have a day set aside to honor and spoil him. I once asked him what he would want other people to know about him when he died. His response was not surprising. He wants to be known as a man who loved his family. Jeff shows that in all that he does. Family is his most valued treasure and most important accomplishment. He is an amazing father. He has devoted his life to loving, nurturing, and guiding his children. Like most parents, he is not perfect but he loves perfectly. I have admired that about him since the first weekend we met. In many ways (and for many years), he was both mother and father to these kids...and he has done a great job! I don't think any of the kids would argue the fact that they are who they are because of their amazing father. It was nice to be able to spend the day in his honor. Unfortunately, the girls weren't able to join us, but the boys and I made sure to spoil Jeff. We made steak and mashed potatoes for dinner (along with a salad, which was more my doing than Jeff's desire) then gave him a couple gifts. The boys got him some "muck" shoes that he can wear when he's taking care of the animals or out moving the water lines across the alfalfa. I got him a "pistol pocket" insert that he can install on the back of the safe door to store some of the smaller guns. After dinner and gifts, I called my dad then we went over to Jeff's parents' house to celebrate with Rodney. It was a nice day to celebrate some amazing men!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Just me and Danny...

This week Jeff and Dallin left for a rafting trip down the Green River from Flaming Gorge to the Colorado border with the scouts. Dallin had been anticipating this trip for quite some time. Both he and Jeff were pretty excited about the trip. Of course, they didn't take a camera (nor would they have thought to take pictures anyways) so this is the only pic I snapped of them before they left.
They were gone from Monday through Thursday. They had a blast! The were both a little tired when they returned, but had a lot of fun stories to tell. I'm glad that Jeff was able to go with Dallin. I'm grateful that I have a husband who wants to create these memories with the kids. In any case, with Jeff and Dallin gone, it was just Danny and I at home. We're still trying to get used to not having the girls around. Danny was my best helper during the week! He had to double up on his chores since Dallin was gone, but he never complained. Luckily, we also found time to have some fun. He spent a couple afternoons hanging out with his friends (which allowed me to go to the Payson Temple to serve) and one afternoon I took him to Creativity Art Studios where he painted a BYU mug.

The last day before Jeff and Dallin returned, Danny and I spent the afternoon assembling his dresser and finally putting his "new" room together. (As a side note, being 35 weeks pregnant and sitting on the floor to assemble a dresser isn't necessarily the most comfortable way to spend an afternoon!) Danny was pretty excited to finally move out of the kitchen downstairs and into his room. Now to decorate!
Jeff and Dallin returned Thursday afternoon. Jeff was only home for less than 24 hours before he took off again. This time Danny got to go with him. Jeff and Danny flew down to Arizona on Friday to buy a new work truck for his employee, Chad. They were able to spend the evening hanging out with my parents, Nichole, and Kate before they got the truck and drove home the following day. Danny had a blast swimming in Aunt Nichole's pool with Kate (and trying to survive the 115 degree temperatures)! I was glad that he was able to have a little more fun this week since Dallin had been river rafting all week.

I was even more glad when Jeff finally came home Saturday evening! I missed him. He is my best friend. What's even better is that he came home with some of my favorite foods from one of my favorite Arizona restaurants. I'm a lucky woman!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Laurin's mission call!

All last week, we were eagerly awaiting a large, white envelope in the mail containing Laurin's "call" to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Thursday and Friday came and went without any sign of the elusive envelope. Laurin, a little disappointed, assumed the call wouldn't come until the following week so she decided to go to Idaho Falls with the boys, Jeff's parents, and Katie. Little did she know that later that day Jeff and I would open the mailbox to see the anticipated white envelope! It had finally arrived!
Of course, there was no choice but to wait until she returned to Utah the following day for her to open the letter. She invited family and friends over to join her as she revealed where she had been called to serve. Once everyone arrived, Laurin anxiously opened her envelope. The excitement in the room was palpable! Laurin was reading a letter that would determine the next 18 months of her life. "Sister Laurin Southwick", she read, "You have been called to serve in the Kansas Wichita Mission!" Yup, Laurin will be going to serve the people in Kansas. She will report to the Missionary Training Center in Provo on September 2, 2015. We are so extremely proud of the choices she has made that have led her to this point. We are exceptionally grateful for the example she is to her younger siblings. We know that she will be an amazing representative of Christ and His gospel. We are excited for the adventures that lie ahead. We will miss her, but we know that she will be where the Lord needs her to be. The people of Kansas are lucky to have such an amazing young woman called to serve them.

Laurin, Mitchell and Evan looking at Laurin's mission map.
The three Southwick missionaries! Mitchell, Laurin and Evan - all leaving within 6 weeks of each other.
We love you Laurin!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

A weekend alone

As I mentioned in my last post, Jeff and I have been extremely busy the past few weeks. Unfortunately, the "busy" things we've been doing haven't allowed us much time to simply be together. We have been lucky enough to have a lot of business lately, which means that Jeff has been putting in some longer days at work. Additionally, he has had some church responsibilities (e.g., meetings, going to girls camp, etc.) that have occupied the few evenings he was home earlier. On top of that, my generous, service-oriented husband is always finding time to help family, friends and neighbors with their projects. I have been pretty busy as well. I still feel incredibly unprepared for Jonas's arrival. We haven't even set up the crib or dresser. I have been focusing on trying to get Dallin and Daniel organized and moved downstairs, which has required a few shopping excursions and lots of patience as they "cleaned out" their rooms. On top of keeping the house in order, I have also had church responsibilities (e.g., meetings, projects) and other opportunities to serve. Bottom line, life is coming at us fast and we're barely keeping up. This weekend, Jeff's nephew, Grant, received his Eagle Scout, and Grant's brother, Carson, received the priesthood and was ordained to the office of a deacon. Both of these events happened in Idaho Falls. Jeff and I both labored over whether or not we could get out of our obligations and go, but, in the end (especially since Jeff will be gone all next week), we decided to send the boys (and Laurin, who came down for the weekend) with Jeff's parents so we could chip away at the ever-growing (and mostly dreaded) to-do list. We were actually quite productive. There are still a few things (like getting the boys' dressers put together and moving them into their new rooms) that need to be done, but we were able to do some much needed yard work, patching/painting walls, putting up curtains, organizing and cleaning the boys' old and new bathrooms, etc. Even though we were working, I just loved being with Jeff. I love my husband. I miss him, even when he's here but busy. I guess I'm getting a little nostalgic or melancholy as well as I realize that some of the carefree, kid-free days are coming to an end with Jonas's arrival. It won't be as easy to just drive around with Jeff while he's working or spend time with him at the drop of a hat. Therefore, I was grateful to have this weekend alone with Jeff. We even found some time to have fun. Friday (12th) night (our usual date night), Jeff took me to Comedy Sports Improv in Provo. I was feeling really overwhelmed by that point so it was the perfect date! We laughed throughout the show. Laughter is truly the best medicine!

On Saturday (13th), we took a couple hours out of our busy day to attend a charity rodeo event for one of our friends and neighbors. Jeremy Hardy was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. He has only been given a few short months to live. This news has hit our neighborhood and community really hard. Jeremy is a generous, fun-loving, always laughing, young father and husband. His oldest son, Jack, is Danny's age and often comes to play at our house. I can't even begin to imagine the emotions Jeremy, Lori, Jack, Cannon and Slone must be going through. In any case, their family organized and carried out a team roping event at the Santaquin rodeo grounds. In addition to the rodeo, there was a raffle, food and games. All the proceeds were then given to the Hardy family. Tears filled my eyes as we drove into the overflowing parking lot. There were so many people there! Friends, neighbors, family and strangers all came together to love and support this amazing family. I was constantly fighting tears as I looked around at the magnitude of the love and service that exists in this community. It is moments like these that remind me of all the good in the world. I am so grateful to live in this small, rural community. I am thankful to be a part of a community that supports each other. I was happy that Jeff and I were able to join with everyone else in showing our love and support for "Team Jeremy"! (As a post note, Jeremy died the following day surrounded by his family. His funeral was a week later. He was well loved as evidenced by the amount of people present to celebrate his life. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Lori and the boys.)

While Jeff and I enjoyed our weekend alone, the boys and Laurin enjoyed their family time in Idaho. They played street hockey, attended Grant's Eagle Scout Court of Honor, hung out, went to church, and simply enjoyed the weekend away. Here are a few pictures Kristi sent of their weekend:

No clue how my monkey child got up there!
Danny, Laurin, Grandpa, Katie, Grant, Grandma, and Dallin

Monday, June 8, 2015

Pain and chaos

How do you like the title of this post? Well, that's pretty much what this week has been. Luckily (except unfortunately for Amber), Amber was the only one to experience the "pain" portion of that title. On Monday (June 8th), Amber had her wisdom teeth extracted. Fortunately, three out of the four were reportedly easy to remove, but that last one is the one that probably tipped her over the pain threshold. Poor thing was swollen and sore for the rest of the week. However, during the process, she was pretty giddy. She won't admit she was feeling loopy, but she would laugh at the littlest thing. My favorite post-extraction moment was when Grandma Penny (with whom I left Amber after the appointment so I could run some errands with the boys) commented that Amber wouldn't be able to sing now. Amber quickly mumbled, with the gauze still in her mouth, that she was still able to sing - just without words. She then demonstrated by attempting to vocalize a melody using "ah's" and "oo's". We all broke out laughing at that point! In any case, Amber stayed with Grandma Penny until that evening when Jeff and I took her home. For the next two days, Amber hardly moved from this position:
Now, for those of you familiar with our house, you will notice that the couch is not in its usual location. That's because also on Monday, we had the carpets cleaned. This is where the "chaos" portion of the title comes in. Yup, Amber chilled on our couch in the kitchen until Wednesday when we were finally able to move furniture back onto the carpets. To be honest, the house is still in disarray and it's already Sunday (14th). The Saturday before our carpets were cleaned, I helped the boys clean out their rooms upstairs and transfer everything downstairs. Since the girls have moved out, we decided to move Dallin and Daniel downstairs so we could set up the nursery upstairs. The poor boys have been camping out in the kitchen downstairs for nearly a week. However, they have been troopers about the whole thing! (Probably because they are excited to finally be able to get some new bedding, dressers, and decorations for their rooms.) Needless to say, life has been a bit busy and a bit chaotic...and it doesn't seem to be letting up any time soon. Jeff has been super busy with work, church responsibilities, and helping out friends and neighbors. I've been busy trying to keep the house running and somewhat organized. I'm still hoping that I'll be able to set up the nursery before the 4th of July. Keep your fingers crossed! (As a side note: Jeff and I have been seeing my OB weekly now. Jonas is doing great! He is measuring and weighing what he should. We also had another ultrasound and everything appears to be developing as it should. Only about 6 more weeks to go before we get to finally hold this little miracle in our arms!)

I guess they can't say they never "shared" a room!
Jeff, Laurin and the boys starting to put together the boys' nightstands and dressers.