Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Moving Day

Only a few short days after her high school graduation and Amber has already moved out! On Monday, Laurin (thankfully) helped Amber focus long enough to finish packing her stuff. Amber has been more ambivalent about the move than Laurin was. She is understandably excited but also scared and feels too young (after all, she is only 17). It actually made Jeff and I feel slightly good knowing that Amber wasn't completely ready to move out. However, she is working up in Provo and will be starting BYU in a couple weeks so the move was inevitable; although the packing was a chore. Luckily, she finished it up and Laurin, Jeff and Amber moved all the boxes over to her new apartment near BYU. (The boys were already at the Payson pool enjoying the first official day of summer.) Tuesday the boys, Jeff, and I met up with Amber at her apartment to help her unpack and get settled. It took pretty much the entire day, but by the end of the day, she was settled and feeling pretty good. She really likes her roommates and is starting to see the benefits of living on her own (e.g., no curfew, no parental oversight, etc.). I think she is going to have a blast. We just hope she balances all the fun with some work too!

The rest of the week the boys have been working on their own move. Since the girls have officially moved out, the boys are moving downstairs (to allow for room upstairs for us to set up a nursery for the baby). The spent many hours this week going through their stuff, throwing things away or donating to Deseret Industries, cleaning their bedrooms (both up and downstairs), washing windows, and sanding down their bed frames. They are getting pretty excited about having a "new" room and a decorating budget from Mom and Dad. Now we just need to get the carpets cleaned and the fun part can begin (decorating and moving in)!

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