Saturday, November 30, 2013

Krystle's birthday

Today, since literally ALL of my family (which doesn't happen often) was in town, we decided to celebrate my little sister Krystle's birthday. I can't believe she'll be 28 years old on Monday!! I will be the first to admit that we didn't always get along. She was the pesky little sister that always seemed to annoy me (more so when we shared a room), but I couldn't ask for a better friend and sister now. She has one of the biggest hearts I know. She often reminds me of my grandmother (which is a HUGE compliment). Krystle is naturally able to give of herself and love all. She's a great example to me. Happy birthday baby sis! To celebrate, we all had dinner at the Art City Trolley then came back to my house for yummy Oreo cheesecake cupcakes (thanks Jenn!). It was a fun night to spend with my family!

Jordan, the birthday girl, and Tyler 
My cute parents with baby Nolan.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


This year I got to host Thanksgiving at my house. My amazing parents flew into town last night so luckily my mom was there to help! I loved being able to have them, my sister, Krystle, her husband, Jordan, their baby, Nolan, Jeff's parents, and his sister, Katie join us for dinner. Since there were other Thanksgiving obligations from other family members, we chose to have our meal at dinner time to accommodate everyone. So what do the Southwicks do to pass the time? Well Jeff took the boys on a motorbike ride. I swear I have a minor heart attack every time I see them buzz by but there are only so many ways I can try to contain them.  I am very grateful for helmets!
That evening we feasted on our traditional Thanksgiving meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, rolls, jam, and more! I wish my stomach was twice the size it is because I never seem to have enough room for all the delicious foods I want to have. During dinner, as is tradition, we all went around and said something for which we are grateful. As I reflected on all the reasons I have to be grateful, I chose to verbalize my gratitude for the trials I have experienced, including the most recent trial of my miscarriage. There is still a sense of loss and a void in my heart that seems impossible to fill, but I have been so blessed to feel the loving arms of my Father in Heaven surround me. I know He loves me. I know I have a Savior that will fill that void in my heart. I have incredible husband who never ceases to amaze me with the depth of his love and the gentle way he protects my heart. It is only through trials that my soul has been stretched to feel the intense joy that is sure to come. I am truly grateful for incomparable parents who taught me more than I could ever return to them. I appreciate all the love and support my siblings have given me over the years. They know who I was, who I am, who I am becoming and love me anyways. I am grateful for children who love me despite the fact that I did not physically bear them. I am grateful for my husband who, although not perfect, is my perfect match. I am incredibly grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and His gospel that provide perspective and understanding that make life not only bearable but enjoyable. I truly hope everyone had time to reflect on all that they have this Thanksgiving holiday!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pie Night

Tonight we indulged in our second annual Southwick Pie Night! This has become a tradition for our little family that we have opened to other family members and friends. Basically the evening is as it sounds - a night full of pie! Often times, I'm so full after eating turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls, veggies, etc. that I don't get to enjoy the pie on Thanksgiving Day. Now we get to enjoy it the night before...and days after! It was a great night. I spent all morning making 6 different "pies". I made a pecan pie bar, pumpkin pie cake, apple pie slab, white chocolate raspberry pie bites, banana cream pie and lemon cream pie. Now don't be too impressed...most of these were very easy to make. I am definitely not Betty Crocker or Julia Child! We invited many of our neighbors, family members, and other friends. All in all, I think we had over 100 people cycle through the house during the 3 hours of indulgence. It was wonderful to be able to have so many people we care about in our home at the same time. I am immensely grateful for family and friends. I can't even begin to count the numberless hours of service I have received from them. I only hope to be half the person they have shown me they are.
A few of the "pies" I made. 
Getting ready for the crowd! 
My goofy husband with his dad, bro, sis-in-law and nieces in the background. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Peter Pan

Tonight we headed to Salem Hills High School to watch Peter Pan. Amber has been tirelessly working on this musical since the beginning of the school year. She was cast as Curly - one of the "Lost Boys". I have to admit I was a bit skeptical about how it was going to end up. I wouldn't have chosen that as the production to put on for a high school musical, but I was totally wrong! I was amazed at all the sets, musicality, dancing, acting, EVERYTHING! Those kids (and teachers) worked really hard and it paid off! We were all impressed with the finished product. I enjoyed every second of it. I am really proud of not only Amber's talents, but her commitment to the production as well. It was definitely a proud "mommy" moment for me. However, between Shrek over the summer and Peter Pan now, I think she's ready for a break!
They actually had the equipment to make the kids "fly"! 

Amber is the "Lost Boy" in the black hat in the center. 

So proud!!!

Date with Danny!

Since the beginning of school, Danny has struggled with his extra social energy in class. He is the most caring, inclusive kid I know! I love that about him...but it has led to a few problems in class with talking out of turn. Jeff and I have been working with him on knowing when it is appropriate to talk and when it isn't. I think the biggest thing we've done is to make him report back to us daily on his progress. There is something to be said for consistency in parenting and simply being present - making sure the kids know that you love them...even if you're disappointed with the choices they are making. Danny is a great kid! He has been one of my biggest life lines as I've made this huge adjustment in my life. I couldn't ask for someone more loving and forgiving as a son; yet, he has also been the most energetic out of all the kids and the most difficult to calm down if needed. He's an 8 year old Southwick boy! I should have known that was coming! In any case, I received an email from his teacher today reporting that Danny has made an incredible improvement in controlling his social energy in the I dropped everything to run over to the school and take him out to lunch (we let Jeff join us too). I think one of the most difficult things to do as a parent is to find the balance between reprimanding and providing consequences for the not-so-great choices and praising and celebrating the good things. Sometimes I feel I lean more on the negative end of that scale than on the positive. Well today I wanted to make sure Danny knew how proud I am of his choices and what a great kid he is! He was surprised and pleased when I showed up at the school unannounced. I hope to have more one-on-one dates with the kids. I think it's important...for each one of us. I may not have given birth to these four kids, but I am incredibly blessed to have the honor of being their mom now. I couldn't have asked for better kids. We all have our imperfections, but these four kids are some of the most amazing people I know. Good job Danny! I love you!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Deck = Done (mostly)!

Today Jeff finished the railing on the deck. We sealed the deck with linseed oil yesterday and it looks great! For the railing, we ended up buying the metal then fashioning our own railing (actually one of Jeff's employees did most of the cutting/welding). It was cheaper that way and we were able to make sure each piece fit perfectly. I am extremely pleased with the way it turned out. There's nothing fancy about the railing, but there's nothing really fancy about the Southwicks so it's perfect! I am looking forward to next spring/summer when I can really go out on the deck and enjoy the weather (it's getting a little too cold for this AZ girl to enjoy being outside). We still have a few minor details to complete on the deck (e.g., taking the brackets off the walls from the old deck, finishing the stair railing and stoops, and capping the short posts), but for all intents and purposes the deck is finished! We have been extremely blessed to have done as many home improvement projects as we have over the summer. I can truly say that this is my home. It has taken a complete 180 degree turn since I stepped into the house for the first time a little over a year ago. I love my little home (ok...maybe not so "little"), but I especially love the people that reside therein that make this house a home.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

10 months!

I can't believe that ten months ago today I married the man I had been praying to have for years! I never thought that day would come; yet here I am, 10 months later and more in love with him than I was then. I've come to realize that love stems from not only the good, fun moments, but more from those tough, heartbreaking moments that draw us closer to each other. I would be lying if I said that it has been an easy transition for me to go from being single, living close to my parents in a state that I love to being married with four kids living away from my parents (and a more urban lifestyle) in a state that has snow! There have been more tears than I would like to admit (and I'm sure many more to come) as Jeff and I have bumbled down this unknown path. There have been more mistakes than I would like to admit as well - more times when I have looked back and wished I would have handled situation's differently. I expected and anticipated much of what has occurred in the last 10 months, but I never expected the emotional toll it would play...especially this last week. You see, on our 9 month anniversary, Jeff and I discovered that I was pregnant. However, one month later, I am no longer pregnant. I lost the baby at 8 weeks gestation and yesterday had a d&c to remove the lifeless embryo. I can't even begin to describe the vast, black void that entered my heart the day we discovered our loss. I won't detail all the questions and emotions that have flooded my mind and heart in the past week. I will, however, say that Jeff has been my rock through it all. He has been the constant ray that could illuminate the lightless nothingness that filled my heart and soul. He has given me strength when I've felt weak, positivity when I could only see the negative, hope when I feel all is lost, and so much more. Jeff completes me in a way that I never imagined possible. He balances out all my weaknesses and makes me a better person. He provides fresh perspectives when all mine seem skewed. He inspires greatness. I know he is not perfect. I know there are moments of frustration (for both of us), but he is my perfect prince. I love you Jeff - more than flowery words could ever describe. You are my heart, my soul, my everything! Thank you for the last 10 months...and for the many more ahead.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Tonight both girls went to Sadie's. Since this was a girl-ask-guy dance, the girls were in charge of the activities. Amber chose to invite her group over to our house (thank goodness for the shop!) to play games and have dinner (we grilled up some hamburgers for them) before the dance. Laurin went with her group to University Mall to have dinner and a scavenger hunt. They both seemed to really enjoy the evening with their groups and their dates. It was fun to see them having so much fun. After all, isn't that what high school is about?!
Amber with her date, Spencer, when she picked him up. 
Laurin and her date, Christian, goofing around at the mall.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

1st and 2nd Class

Tonight Dallin (finally) received his first and second class ranks in boy scouts. He actually earned them awhile ago but it has taken this long to jump through the hoops to get them. Scouts seems to be run a little differently here in Utah so I'm trying to still get my bearings. Needless to say, I now fully understand why the moms generally receive the rank advancement pins. I feel like I'm trying to earn my eagle! Still, I'm proud of Dallin. He has worked hard to earn his ranks and merit badges. I like the scout program and what it teaches these young men. Congrats Dallin!

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Like I briefly mentioned in a previous entry, Jeff has been super busy with work since we've been home (which is a great thing seeing as we're coming up on the time of the year when work starts to slow down) and I've been catching up with normal household chores, church responsibilities, etc. Basically, I haven't been taking pictures or feel the need to document the mundane routine of the Southwick family. The kids are enjoying/enduring school and already looking forward to their next holiday break. Dallin has started basketball and had his third game today. He has won two and lost today's game. I enjoy watching him play. He is one of the shortest players but he has a lot of heart. He is not afraid to drive in to the basket or foul a player (which may not be a good thing). He has the same team as last year so it's been fun to watch them meld together more this season and almost work together effortlessly. We'll see how the rest of the season goes, but so far so good.