Saturday, November 9, 2013


Like I briefly mentioned in a previous entry, Jeff has been super busy with work since we've been home (which is a great thing seeing as we're coming up on the time of the year when work starts to slow down) and I've been catching up with normal household chores, church responsibilities, etc. Basically, I haven't been taking pictures or feel the need to document the mundane routine of the Southwick family. The kids are enjoying/enduring school and already looking forward to their next holiday break. Dallin has started basketball and had his third game today. He has won two and lost today's game. I enjoy watching him play. He is one of the shortest players but he has a lot of heart. He is not afraid to drive in to the basket or foul a player (which may not be a good thing). He has the same team as last year so it's been fun to watch them meld together more this season and almost work together effortlessly. We'll see how the rest of the season goes, but so far so good.

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