Thursday, November 28, 2013


This year I got to host Thanksgiving at my house. My amazing parents flew into town last night so luckily my mom was there to help! I loved being able to have them, my sister, Krystle, her husband, Jordan, their baby, Nolan, Jeff's parents, and his sister, Katie join us for dinner. Since there were other Thanksgiving obligations from other family members, we chose to have our meal at dinner time to accommodate everyone. So what do the Southwicks do to pass the time? Well Jeff took the boys on a motorbike ride. I swear I have a minor heart attack every time I see them buzz by but there are only so many ways I can try to contain them.  I am very grateful for helmets!
That evening we feasted on our traditional Thanksgiving meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, rolls, jam, and more! I wish my stomach was twice the size it is because I never seem to have enough room for all the delicious foods I want to have. During dinner, as is tradition, we all went around and said something for which we are grateful. As I reflected on all the reasons I have to be grateful, I chose to verbalize my gratitude for the trials I have experienced, including the most recent trial of my miscarriage. There is still a sense of loss and a void in my heart that seems impossible to fill, but I have been so blessed to feel the loving arms of my Father in Heaven surround me. I know He loves me. I know I have a Savior that will fill that void in my heart. I have incredible husband who never ceases to amaze me with the depth of his love and the gentle way he protects my heart. It is only through trials that my soul has been stretched to feel the intense joy that is sure to come. I am truly grateful for incomparable parents who taught me more than I could ever return to them. I appreciate all the love and support my siblings have given me over the years. They know who I was, who I am, who I am becoming and love me anyways. I am grateful for children who love me despite the fact that I did not physically bear them. I am grateful for my husband who, although not perfect, is my perfect match. I am incredibly grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and His gospel that provide perspective and understanding that make life not only bearable but enjoyable. I truly hope everyone had time to reflect on all that they have this Thanksgiving holiday!

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