Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day

Welcome to the unofficial start of Sumer 2021! I honestly can't believe it has been over a year since the pandemic hit and the world turned upside down. For the most part, things have returned to some semblance of normal. There are still some places that require face masks and there are still social distancing signs, but as more and more people become vaccinated (Jeff, Danny, and I received our vaccines in April), states are opening up and events are being planned. We still don't have any big family vacations planned (although I heard Disneyland is opening up so I'm hoping to head there perhaps in January or February), but we are excited to have a more relaxed summer! Now, before I get too far in my post, yes, I know what this weekend's holiday is really about. Believe me, I haven't forgotten those men and women who have given their lives for me. I constantly tear up at the sound of the National Anthem or when I watch military reunions. I am forever grateful for what this day represents and who this day honors. I am indebted to those people who sacrificed everything so I can have my freedoms. The freedoms that I enjoyed with my family this weekend. We started our weekend with a trip to Yuba Lake on Saturday (May 29th). This was our 2021 season maiden voyage. We started at Utah Lake, but the windy conditions made it impossible to maneuver the boat so we headed south. This was my first time at Yuba and I doubt it will be our last. It was so much fun to be out on the water! I didn't jump was still a little too chilly for me and not hot enough outside to entice me to jump in, but everyone else did. Jonas wasn't as much of a fish as he usually is, but he did jump in and he enjoyed tubing. Danny was (of course) all over whatever water activity we were doing (e.g., wakeboarding, surfing, kneeboarding, tubing). He brought a couple of his friends with him too. We all had a blast!

On Sunday (30th), Jacob and Amber decided to camp overnight up Payson Canyon. They found a little spot near Pete Winward reservoir (just south of Payson Lakes). They invited us to join them. Danny was the only one who decided to stay overnight, but we all went up to enjoy an evening of hiking, impromptu swimming (crazy boys!), and hanging out around the campfire. I love that we live so close to the canyon. It really is a beautiful place to recreate...even with all the burn scars and charred trees. 

Too much fun!
We loved the little place up Payson Canyon so much that we returned the following day with Jeff's parents, Laurin, Casey, and Carter for a picnic! We love that Laurin wants to come down to join us for things like this. We enjoyed a little more hiking and the boys enjoyed a little more water time. Jeff even got in this time. That evening, we invited everyone over for a burger BBQ. Life is always better with family. I am looking forward to a fun summer with lots more family time and fun memories!

Monday, May 24, 2021

20 states! Why not?! the past month, Jeff and I have officially driven through or to 20 states. We hadn't planned to hit the last two, but an opportunity presented itself in which Jeff was able to purchase a solar trailer in California with a diesel generator, solar panels, battery banks, and all the components that he just couldn't pass off we went. Can I just say that California is not my favorite place to drive in? No sooner had we hit the border than the traffic came to a stand still. We honestly didn't see anything "touristy" or fun in CA and only for about 10 minutes did we stop somewhere picture-ish worthy on the way home, but we enjoyed being together...and we hit 20 states. (Enjoy the pictures from a little art installation just south of Las Vegas called Seven Magic Mountains.)

The solar trailer.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Class of 2033!

I can't believe this crazy COVID school year has come to an end! I can't believe Jonas has completed his first "real-ish" year of school. Where did my baby go? Why is he getting so big so fast? Aren't these the moments that should last longer than the teenage ones where the eye rolls and rebellious tendencies exist? Yes, I cried. It took all my willpower to hold back the flood gates as I stood in the kindergarten play area after Jonas received his promotion certificate. He proudly announced that he was now technically in the first grade and was excited to be able to go to the older kids playground next year. There wasn't any moment of sadness on his part as this minor milestone quickly passed. He is on to bigger and better things...and I have to let go a little more. Thankfully, he still wants to cuddle with me and he'll still hold my hand. I still pick him up too! All 60+ pounds of his tall 5 year old frame! I'm not ready to let go. I'm not ready for him to see me as just an imperfect, somewhat annoying mom. He is my world and for now, I am his. So for today, we celebrated...and I let all the precious moments settle in my heart. Because of the weird year and the restrictions that are still in place, Jonas's kindergarten graduation was very simple. In fact, it took us all of 5 minutes to receive his certificate, collect his gift, and snap a few pictures. Thankfully, in the group we were assigned to come in were his two best buddies: Madden Wall and Winston Gourley. They played together for a few minutes as us parents marveled at how quickly the year had passed...and then we left, just as quickly as I had dropped him off on his first day.

Jonas and I then spent the next few hours celebrating his achievement. He surpassed all the academic goals. He is doing well above grade average in math, reading, and writing. I know he has worked hard and hasn't always loved that I continue to encourage at home work/study as well, but it has paid off! So today, we just played. He wanted to go to AirTime in Orem before grabbing lunch at Chick-fil-A and an ice cream cone at the Wall Brother's Barn in Spanish Fork. Jonas is on to bigger and better things! The world is waiting for what he will (and does) bring to it! 2033 seems like forever away, but it will be here before I know it. In the meantime, I will hold his hand just a little longer and fortify the flood gates that threaten to explode each time he reaches the big and little milestones of what it means to grow up. Congrats Little Man!