Friday, December 30, 2022

The week in between...

The week in between Christmas and New Years was filled with family fun! My parents were still in town (they didn't leave until after New Years) so we spent a lot of time getting together with my sister's family. Nichole even flew into town with Kate for a couple days (she came up for a wedding, but we still got to spend some time with her). On Wednesday, December 28th, we got to celebrate Addie's birthday. In the afternoon, we met up at Kangaroo Zoo. The kids had a blast jumping and running around. That evening, Krystle hosted a family dinner at her house.

That was the evening that Nichole and Kate flew into town. We got kidnap Kate that evening so we could do a few "teenage" things the following day (Thursday, 29th). Kate was so excited to see snow the next morning that she quickly threw on whatever shoes and "snow" appropriate clothes she had to go sledding down our little hill. (Luckily we got to have a better sledding experience the next day.) We played a little VR before heading to the Peaks Arena for ice skating. After that, we met back up with the Tanners to do some glow-in-the-dark mini golf at Fat Cats. Jonas then got to spend the night at the Tanners while the adults (plus, Kate and Danny) met up with Kaia at Happy Sumo to celebrate her birthday (and Danny's).

Friday (30th), Jeff and I drove back up to Saratoga Springs to hang out with the family. By this time, my parents had transitioned to staying at our house, but since Dad was still sick, they opted to spend a quiet day with my aunt and uncle. We, on the other hand, spent the morning with sleds and snowballs. Every time someone would say they were ready to go home, another kid would refuse then all the kids would get a second wind. Finally, we did wander home to warm up before we headed back out to experience one last Christmas activity - the elves at Gardner Village. That evening, everyone (except Krystle and Jordan who were celebrating their anniversary) came back to our house for a massive sleepover! We popped popcorn and watched movies before finally falling asleep on the penultimate day of the year 2022.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning came not only with flying reindeer...but flying wrapping paper too! It was a whirlwind of paper and flutter of excitement! As with years passed, Jonas was up first and woke up all his siblings as he tried to patiently wait for them to get ready so he could finally go to the living room. Once they were all assembled, we spent the next hour taking turns as each child got to open gifts...some for him/hersself and some for the family. It may take me hours to wrap them all, but it doesn't take that long to unwrap them. Still, the excitement on their faces makes it all worth it!

Christmas Day seems to come and go so quickly! After opening gifts, we had our traditional waffle breakfast then went to church where we enjoyed an hour of Christmas music and a brief reading of Luke 2. I kind of liked the fact that Christmas was on a Sunday this year. It helped us refocus...even if just for an hour. The rest of the day was spent enjoying the gifts! I can't believe another year is in the books. 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve

Happy Christmas Eve! I can't believe this season is coming to an end. I always have mixed emotions when this day comes. I will miss all the holiday traditions and activities...but I won't miss all the holiday stresses. I feel like all my hard work comes to a culmination on this evening. More than Christmas Day, I love Christmas Eve. Once Christmas Day hits, it's just a flurry of wrapping paper and joy...and then that elusive peace that evades me all season. But Christmas Eve is different. Christmas Eve holds meaning and the traditions that I love most. It reminds me (and hopefully the rest of us) of the true reason for the season. There is always a silent, stillness as I finish all the preparations for Christmas Day then walk outside to see the glowing lights emanating from the luminaries. I take a deep breath and welcome that calm light into my heart...the light of my Savior, whose birth we celebrate. I long for that moment each season. 

The morning started with cookies galore! Jonas and I woke up to a pile of ingredients and Santa's favorite cookie recipe from our resident Christmas elf, Jingle. We whipped up a quick batch of cookies to put on a plate for Santa that night then ran up to Krystle's house for more cookie fun with my parents. We got to make sugar cookies using the same cutters that I used when I was a kid. It was kind of a fun, nostalgic morning with my mom and Jonas (and all the Tanners).

After cookie decorating, Jonas got to play for an hour or so before we returned home to meet up with Danny, Dallin, and Jeff to start our Christmas Eve traditions. The boys had been skiing/snowboarding and Jeff had stayed home sick (poor guy was sick all through Christmas!), but at 4:00 p.m., we were outside assembling our 140+ luminaries. Once assembled and lit, we welcomed more family then came inside to partake of our Bethlehem dinner and enjoy our evening devotional. Jonas played Away in a Manger then he helped me read our rendition of Luke 2 (story intermixed with scripture - using the children's book from Emily Freeman and David Butler). It may be simple, but it's a brief moment where we get to pause and truly reflect on the reason for the season. 

Finally, Jonas helped me assemble a plate for Santa and the reindeer before he excitedly went to bed...only to wake up a couple hours later! Seriously! He had to use the restroom, but then he noticed the small gifts that Santa left in his room in case he woke up before his siblings. Of course that only fueled his excitement. He woke me up (because Jeff was sleeping downstairs to try to contain all the germs), and we assembled a little Lego set and played a round of Battleship before he agreed to go back to my bed. I can't say I was really upset. These days are numbered. The magic will change in the coming years from the man, Santa, to the real meaning. For that night, I held on to the hand of a child that was still excited for the hopes that the magic of the meaning will still elicit the joy of the season (but maybe with more sleep).