Sunday, December 11, 2022

A Charlie Brown Christmas...Party!

Because Laurin's little family will be celebrating Christmas with her in-laws, we decided to have a pre-Christmas celebration and sibling gift exchange on Sunday, December 11th. To be honest, Jeff and I feel like we're establishing what will soon become the Southwick Family Christmas Party. Our family is growing and soon our kids will establish their own Christmas and Christmas Eve traditions. This will then become the party in which we can exchange gifts and celebrate the season together. We might still eek out a few more years before this becomes the end-all Southwick party, but I think it's only a matter of why not start it off with a little Charlie Brown fun?! I thought it would be cute to theme each year's party after a holiday movie. Who knows if that will stick, but I wanted it to be more than just a family dinner and gifts. I came up with some fun decorations, a themed meal, Charlie Brown trivia, Peanuts Pictionary and more. The kids seemed to have fun (and some even studied up on their Charlie Brown Christmas facts so they could win the trivia game). We ate, played games, then opened gifts. Some of the kids (Jonas and Danny) got sent on a scavenger hunt to find their gifts...or what will become their gifts. Dallin gifted Jonas a brothers-night-out with homemade pizza, ice cream, and a trip to Nickel City. Danny was gifted a trip to Spain with Laurin, Amber, and Dallin. (Jonas is still too young to join his siblings.) However, I think Jeff's gift was the one that evoked the greatest amount of laughter - "da bumper dumper". Oh my heavens! Where do the kids come up with these things?! I guess when you have parents who really don't "need" anything, you have to get creative. I just loved the whole evening. I loved the laughter and felt the love. We are definitely not a perfect family. I know there are times where we get frustrated with each other or there are misunderstandings, but I know we love each other. There are many complexities in non-traditional (then again...are there any "traditional" families out there?) families, but I feel extremely blessed for what we have created in ours. I'm grateful for this season that gives us more opportunities to gather and create more memories. 

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