Saturday, January 27, 2018

Weekend getaway

This weekend was an extension of our anniversary celebrations. For Christmas, Jeff gave me tickets to see Bill Engvall at Abravenal Hall. As an added bonus, he also booked at room at the Grand America. That was seriously the best Christmas present! I didn't need the swanky hotel or even the hilarious comedy show, but I did need a weekend away with my best friend. Sometimes life comes at us so quickly that we are frantically juggling all that's thrown our way...and often times that means we are dividing and conquering. There have been days that have passed with no more than a few minutes spent together in passing before the day ends. Needless to say, this weekend was the perfect little excursion to reconnect and relax. We started our getaway with dinner at The Roof restaurant, which overlooks Temple Square. Jeff brought me to that restaurant on our first date. It seemed only fitting to return to celebrate 5 years together.

After dinner, we wandered around Temple Square, the Church History Museum, and City Creek Center before the comedy show. Again, this is something we did on our first date. A lot has happened over the last 5 years. There have been more bumps than we predicted and definitely more differences of opinion than originally anticipated; yet, through it all, our love has only grown. It is amazing how even during the most difficult moments you can feel so much love and respect for each other. I married my best friend. I am in awe by his goodness and his patience through it all. It is comforting to know that he is committed to an eternity with me...and vice versa.

This was a painting by Joseph Paul Vorst of the Garden of Gethsemane that was on display at the Church History Museum.

Jeff and I sat at this fountain at City Creek Center on our first date and were surprised to see the fire and water show. It was fun to see it again.

Finally we made our way to Abravenal Hall where we enjoyed an evening of laughter! Bill Engvall is a very talented comedian. He can turn a common story into a hilarious escapade. I'm not sure when the last time was that we laughed that hard. It felt good! We continued to laugh all the way back to the hotel...and into the next day.

We are actually in this picture sitting on the first tier, second row, first two seats from the right side of the first section.

I loved the fact that we didn't have to rush home after the comedy show. I loved it even more knowing that I wouldn't have a toddler waking me up in the middle of the night (although honestly I woke up about the time he normally does thinking, "Where's Jonas?"). The room was beautiful. We were on the 14th floor. While there isn't much of a view, it was still charming. The next day we had a delicious breakfast at the Garden Cafe before walking through some of the little stores at the hotel. We checked out and returned to Temple Square and City Creek Center to wander a little more before heading home. It was another perfect weekend!

Sunday, January 21, 2018


For the longest time, I thought we skipped winter and went straight to Spring! It has been an extremely mild winter thus far, but that all changed yesterday. We finally got snow! Jonas couldn't be more excited...and Dallin and Danny were loving the fact that the ski resorts had fresh powder. Growing up in AZ, I never cultivated a love for snow, but I have thoroughly loved watching the boys enjoy it. I have a feeling I will be experiencing more outside days than I would like in the near future, but I love to see the smile on the boys faces and the magic that snow can bring!

Building a snowman with Mom.

Snow angel...Mama's angel

Friday, January 19, 2018

5 years!

Today Jeff and I celebrated our 5th anniversary! I seriously can't believe that it has been 5 years. I think I've experienced more life in the past 5 years than I have in the 33 years that preceded it! I have been humbled by the blessings I've received as Jeff and I have made this journey into uncharted waters. I wish I could report that the past 5 years have been free of any major typhoons or tsunamis...but that is not true. We have had moments when it has seemed that our little ship would be utterly destroyed, but one thing I have learned is that our love is stronger than any wave in the sea we're on. I think we both knew that we would have obstacles to overcome, but I don't think either of us anticipated the emotional toll it would take. Still, I wouldn't change those moments for anything. It is because of those moments that we have grown so close. It is because of the tears that the laughter becomes so sweet. It is because of the heartache that the capacity for love has grown. It is because of the dark times that the light is brighter. I am eternally grateful for a husband who loves me when it's hard to see why...and whom it's easy to love even when I may be frustrated or hurt. I can't imagine what life would be like without him in it. He truly is "my life, my love, my only" (lyrics from our wedding song - Never Stop).

Our 5th anniversary was simple. There was no huge trip or blaring fanfare. I woke up to three dozen roses and chocolate (that's how every morning should be!), and he woke up to a hammer. Haha! The traditional gift for a 5th anniversary is wood. I wasn't sure a cutting board, cheese board, or picture frame would I had a wooden handled hammer engraved with "Building our Lives Together since 2013!" That seems more practical for my practical husband. The rest of the morning/early afternoon was simply spent together...with Jonas. We ran some errands, had lunch, and indulged in the BEST donuts EVER! I have heard about these donuts from several people. We were finally up near Lehi to go to Lehi Bakery to get some. It was well worth it! I seriously think I experienced sugar shock...but I couldn't stop eating them.

That evening, Jeff and I left Jonas with the older boys for a real anniversary date. We started the evening at the Provo City Center Temple. I couldn't imagine a better way to celebrate our anniversary than to go to a temple to remind us of the promises we made on our wedding day...and to give thanks to the one who made it all possible - our Father in Heaven. I am grateful for Jeff's faith. I am grateful for mine. I can't fathom what our lives would be like if we didn't have the guidance of our faith and our religion. It has been our North Star through all of this. I love that I get to walk along side a man who wants to do right, to be kind, to make the world a better place because of what we believe. I am the luckiest girl in the world!

After the temple, we had dinner at a charming European style restaurant in the Riverwoods called La Jolla Groves. The food was great, but the company was priceless. I loved today. I loved that I just got to spend it with Jeff. We didn't do anything spectacular, but we made each other a priority. We talked, we laughed, we planned for the many more years we get to enjoy together. I love you Jeff! Thank you for a wonderful day!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Back to Basketball

Lest you think that we are done with basketball, Dallin started his games this week! This year, Dallin decided to do community ball rather than high school ball. He was a bit discouraged by the punitive way his high school coaches handled the team last year, and he wasn't looking forward to the constant demands on his time; thus, he and some of his friends (who also decided to skip high school ball) decided to create a community team...and he is much happier! It was fun to simply watch him enjoy the game he loves. They played great together with smiles and laughs all around! Let the season begin!