Saturday, September 28, 2013

More projects! you thought we'd be through with the projects by now...well we're not, but we are slowing down. It has been a great summer of home improvements, but now with the holidays approaching, I think the kids would appreciate us allocating our financial resources to something other than rock, wood, etc. Still, we feel immensely blessed to have had the resources and connections to make the changes we have and to do so within a budget. I know I have felt more and more like this house is really my home. I have appreciated being able to pick out paint colors, countertops, rock, deck materials, etc. In any case, this week we had someone come out and complete the interior of our deck roof. I think it turned out great! Now all we lack are the railings (which we have the material for but not the time yet) and the stoops.

Also, we had our bathroom countertops installed. Up until now, they have been Formica, which has been stained and peeling. We updated them to cultured marble so that they now match the tub/shower surrounds.

Lastly, I finally figured out (or at least think I've figured out) what I would like to do with this odd shaped wall in our formal living room. It has remained blank for nearly a year as I've struggled to try to figure out what to do with it. Now I have some ideas of what I'd like to do. I want to turn the larger frame into a mirror to place above the white credenza/bookshelf we have. The smaller frames will be for family pictures that I plan to put on the wall in between ceiling medallions. We'll see if I like it when I see the stuff on the walls. I'll post pics of the finished product...if I can ever really decide!

Friday, September 27, 2013


I thought we were entering fall NOT WINTER!! all fairness I'm sure that most of these temps are fall temperatures for Utah (even though they are AZ winter temps...and I will admit that I already busted out my Christmas CDs because it felt like an AZ Christmas outside), but it has been a roller coaster of temperatures for the past week+. I'm loving the 70s but I wish the 50s would hold off for another month or more. This week I was so cold that Jeff even started a fire for me in the morning. I thought I'd be able to ramp up for colder weather since I didn't have a brutally hot summer, but I don't think my blood is thick enough! Seeing the snow on the mountain is just an evil omen of what is to come! I'm bracing myself now (and planning trips to AZ) for the winter!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Flag football!

Today Danny started flag football! This is the first year that he has been able to play and to say that he has been "excited" would be an absolute understatement!! He has been anxiously waiting for his turn to play football. He's even more thrilled because Jeff volunteered to be his coach. (I wasn't too thrilled about that, but I love that my husband loves to be with the kids and help any way he can.) For Danny's first game I remained in the car. It was in the 40s and raining! I was able to see the game from where I had parked, but the pictures I tried to take aren't that great. I will have to get some more. I was honestly surprised that they still continued with the game. Luckily neither Danny nor Jeff got sick, but I'm not sure the other kids or spectators were as lucky! Jeff said that during the game he felt like he was herding cats as he tried to get the boys to their correct positions to run the plays, but the boys seemed to have fun (even if Jeff was exhausted in the end). It will be fun to see what kind of progress the boys make during the next 6 weeks of games.

Danny is playing quarterback in this pic.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pack Meeting

Today was another cub scout pack meeting. Tonight Danny earned his art belt loop. He has been working hard to continue to earn belt loops and arrow points even though he can't achieve another "rank advancement" (is that even what they call them in cub scouts?!) until he turns 9 in December. I'm still so proud of him for his motivation and desire to continue to learn and grow.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Cousins and dances

This was a busy weekend! Not only did we juggle the normal routine of morning chores and football games, but we had Jeff's brother Stan and two of his boys, Grant and Carson, come down for a quick visit. (Stan came down for the BYU v. UofU football game. He's a HUGE BYU fan...yes, I will still let him in the house. We can't all be perfect.) The boys loved having their cousins in town. I remember growing up with my Tarwater cousins and always being so excited about their visits. I'm glad that the kids get to have those same experiences. While Stan was at the game, the boys stuck around the house and played Air Soft wars, basketball, and whatever else they could find. At one point, they had exhausted all of their activity options here at the house so I took them to our local skate park to have fun (only minor injuries were sustained...but only by my boys! Sheesh!!). It was great to have them in town for the quick weekend!

While the boys were in town at the skate park, Amber was home preparing for her first high school dance - Homecoming! I know I've only been here for a short period of time, but I can't believe how quickly that time has flown and I can't believe Amber is already dating and driving! On occasions, I get a little teary-eyed thinking about how quickly the time will come that both the girls will be gone. However, I feel incredibly lucky and immensely blessed to share these memorable moments with them. Amber looked gorgeous! She is such an amazingly fun, kind person that any guy who chooses to go out with her should consider himself lucky! She had a great time on the date. They ate a fancy dinner at one of her friend's houses before going to the dance then they had dessert and played games after the dance. (As a side note, she said that while they were having dinner, she impressed some of her friends with her knowledge of proper etiquette - like waiting to eat until everyone is served. She said that she simply responded by stating that was how we do it at home! Yaay!! At least one of my kiddos is learning and it is making a difference!) I'm so glad she had a great time!
Laurin helping to pin up Amber's dress. 
Laughing as they try to figure out the whole boutonniere thing! 
Don't worry - they got it! 
Amber and Tyler Cooper 
Part of their group (there were 7 couples total!). 
Oh to be young and carefree again!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

High school date night!

It's Friday, which means date night. I am so extremely grateful that Jeff honors his promise to take me out weekly. I can't even begin to list all the benefits I've felt of our date nights. I love courting my husband! I love that we keep sacred that time together - even if we've spent time together during the week. I always look forward to Friday evenings. Tonight we weren't quite sure what to do, but ended up having a blast! We started out by going to the Red Barn south of Santaquin on the I-15. I've passed this Red Barn numerous times on my countless road trips to and from Utah. They advertise ice cream and other goodies so why wouldn't I be curious about going there?! We finally decided to travel the 5 miles or less down the interstate to the Red Barn. It was a cute little place. They have fresh fruit, juices, jams, fudge, and other goodies besides ice cream. The ice cream is actually from the BYU creamery (I didn't hold that against them), but it's a lot closer to us and less crowded so while I'd eaten it before, I would go to the Red Barn over the creamery any day! It was fun to explore more of my new place of residence. It was also fun to have dessert before dinner! We did the quintessential Mormon date. We had BYU Creamery ice cream and Café Rio for dinner. We met up with a few other couples from our church congregation (ward) for dinner. I love being able to socialize with others. I really enjoy the fact that there are so many great people here with whom to socialize. After dinner, we didn't really feel like going we went to the high school football game! It was random, but fun. I actually got to kiss a cute boy (don't was Jeff) at a high school football game. It brought back so many memories of my high school football games. I was in the marching band (yes, I realize that I just labeled myself as a geek!) so I attended all the football games. I think that may have been where I really started to enjoy the sport. Football is my favorite sport to watch. In any case, it was a fun night with my best friend and eternal companion. Thanks Jeff!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Eight months!

Each month seems to come and go faster and faster! I almost didn't remember it was our 8th month anniversary. I was busy taking care of Relief Society responsibilities as Jeff was working on the deck no, we didn't do anything grand to commemorate the day, but I don't want to let this opportunity pass to reflect on our 8 months of marriage. Just this week, I had been reading an article about divorced and blended families. In the article, it reported that the average amount of time it takes a family to be fully functioning and "blended" is approximately 5 years! I was a little disheartened by that statistic until I realized that we don't seem to fit that statistic. I have been amazed at how well Jeff, the kids, and I have adapted to being a cohesive, loving family. Now, before you think I'm completely delusional, I am very aware of all the bumps, bruises, and tears we've sustained as we've bumbled down this uncertain path together. It has not been easy...and there are still things that are hard to assimilate, change, or simply deal with. Still, as I see Danny come home from school and feel his arms around me as he gives me a hug or when Laurin will come home from work or school and discuss her day with me or when Dallin proudly tells his friends, "That's my mom." or when Amber shares her fun date stories, I can't help but feel that we have come farther in 8 months than most families can do in those 5 years. I can't imagine my life without Jeff and the kids. We are a family! It is frustrating that in the eyes of the law and even the church, I technically have no claim to these kids, but I have felt (on more than one occasion) that while I may not be the biological mother, I am the mother - no matter what the law or church have record of. I love my little family. I couldn't have asked for a more supportive, loving husband or more fun, loving kids. I truly am the luckiest girl in the world!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

More football...

So I know I said that I wouldn't post a ton of pictures of football, but...I'm a mom and I can't stop taking pictures. Dallin has done really well this season. I know I may be a little biased in my opinion, but for a small guy, he is one of the most aggressive on the field. It doesn't matter what size his opponent is Dallin will take on any one that has the ball. He has played both offensive and defensive positions - his favorite is middle line backer, but he has played free safety, running back, defensive end, and left line backer as well. I'm really proud of his commitment to his team and his dedication to the sport. Great job Dallin!
 Dallin (#7) running to make a tackle.  
Dallin jumping to tackle his opponent. 
Dallin taking down the quarterback.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


As you know, we've had many home improvement projects going on this summer. The deck has been the latest of those projects. I am so excited to see the ongoing progress. I'm more excited to think about all the fun parties and casual family moments that will be spent on the deck. This week Jeff focused on finishing the roof. For the most part, the work progressed without any incident...until Grandpa Rodney decided to spear his finger with a nail. I was inside taking care of laundry and other household chores when I happened to glance in the kitchen. There was Jeff fumbling through the medicine cabinet as Grandpa was insisting that there was no need for medication and to simply cut it out! I was appalled to discover the reason behind the discussion and even more mortified to see the nail speared through Grandpa's skin and fingernail. Grandpa Rodney is seriously one of my heroes! He was so calm about the whole situation. I couldn't believe how serene his demeanor was. He took a couple ibuprofen as Jeff prepared a sterile knife then proceeded to cut through the skin and fingernail to release the nail. I insisted on soaking the wound in hydrogen peroxide and wrapping the bandage with Neosporin applied. Once the nail was out, Grandpa was back on the roof to finish the job. Amazing! I would have been passed out on the floor and needing to be revived if that were me! I don't handle injuries too well...especially my own. Still, by the end of the week, we had a roof on our deck with all the shingles in place. The deck is coming along quickly! We still have to finish the railing and the stoops, but hopefully we can get that done in the next 3-4 weeks.

Dr. Jeff Southwick performing emergency surgery. 
No...he is not flipping off the camera!

Monday, September 16, 2013


After about seven years of no production, our peach tree finally yielded fruit! I was so excited to go out to our little orchard and actually see fruit on the branches. I love fresh produce (even though I totally neglected and killed our garden)! My parents have several citrus trees in their backyard. I loved just being able to go out and grab a grapefruit or an orange whenever I wanted (obviously only during the winter season). I am thrilled to be able to have fresh peaches. I never have to nag the kids to eat their fruit with all the peaches and apples around. Now I just need to learn (or actually remember since I've done it before) how to can and freeze everything! One step at a time. Right now, I'm just learning how to be a wife and a mother (among my other responsibilities). That's a full time job, but I think in the very near future I'll feel confident to open up another chapter of learning in life's book of knowledge.

Friday, September 13, 2013

I would still say, "YES!"

One year ago today, Jeff asked me to marry him and with a simple one word response my life was changed forever! Today was like any other day. It wasn't until we got the kids out the door and we're getting ready for the day that I realized it was the anniversary of our proposal. I still remember opening my front door a year ago to see a middle-aged man with an army green backpack kneeling on my front porch. Jeff wasn't supposed to fly in until later that day so I was surprised and confused as to why a "homeless veteran" would be begging for money door to door. It wasn't until he looked up at me that I realized it was Jeff. I was so completely taken off guard (which rarely happens)! I wasn't even sure how to respond or if I could even speak when he looked up at me and asked, "Alisha Laynette Shumway, will you marry me?". Once I regained my senses, I said yes...and knowing what I know now, I would still say yes. It has been a crazy year! I went from living alone to sharing a house with 5 other people. I went from living in a state that I could wear flip-flops year round to a state where I've learned how to dress for snow (or the "white stuff" like I call it). I could continue to itemize all the changes that have occurred but the list would be too long. There have been challenges in stepping into a parental position with children that I didn't have the privilege of creating. There have been challenges with ex-in-laws. There have been challenges and humbling moments as Jeff and I have worked through changes in the way we've done things, but I would still say yes. I have never been happier. I have never felt more at peace. I have found my eternal prince. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect spouse and best friend. I love you Jeff and I would still say yes!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Just another week...

This week has been an unusually calm week - that's not to say that Dallin still didn't have football practice every night or that Amber wasn't already starting her new musical play practices or that I didn't have Relief Society meetings/visits or that Jeff didn't have bishopric responsibilities; it simply means that there wasn't anything else thrown into the mix to deviate us from our normal schedule or routine. In fact, there were a couple days this week when I was actually able to go run business errands with Jeff (I love when I get to spend time with him...even if it's running errands) and go shopping with both my sister, Krystle, and sister-in-law, Mel (although I didn't really buy anything...I'm too indecisive and too frugal to spend money!) Because of the normality of the week, there weren't really any picture taking opportunities; however, I still found a couple random moments to capture.

On Monday (Sept. 9), I went searching for Jeff so that we could start Family Home Evening with the kids (a weekly evening that we get to sit down with the kids to make sure our schedules are updated, share a brief lesson, and have some goodies). I looked all over the house then finally looked outside to see him in our pasture with the cow and goat. He was walking Daisy (the cow) in an effort to try to get closer to the goat. Silly boy! Still, he was having a blast, which prompted Danny to join him as well. I love how much Jeff loves our little piece of land and how willing he is to work and to learn as we embark on our "farm" life adventures.
Wednesday night (Sept. 11) the girls had mutual while I took the boys to Dallin's football game. This whole month the Young Women have been focusing on becoming daughter's of God. All their activities have revolved around this theme. Tonight they had a little fashion show and got their hair and make-up done. Here's a quick pic of all the YW. Laurin and Amber are in the front row. We have such gorgeous daughters! I love their modesty. I love that they take pride in being virtuous. I wish all young women (and older women) would do so. I think our world would be a much different place if so!
Harvest season has been in full swing. I would love to take a picture of our garden...but I'm too embarrassed. Let's just say that it has been woefully neglected. I did not do a great job (or any job) of tending it. Still, several tomatoes survived and I've enjoyed making lots of fresh salsa. I'm not sure if it's out of pity or overabundance, but our neighbors have graciously shared their harvest. The Millers (who live directly behind us) came over one evening with a bowl full of fresh peaches! I was ecstatic! Growing up in Arizona, we would get boxes of Utah peaches and I would devour them! Now I can just get some from the neighbors. I immediately took a peach and paired it with some vanilla ice cream. The ultimate peaches and cream! Next year I promise to do better with the garden. I think I'm going to do it on a much smaller scale and there will be mandatory family weeding days.
Well, as you saw from my previous post, there has been a TON of rain lately (Jeff tells me this isn't normal). It has dropped temperatures and the fall colors are more visible on the mountains. One morning, I woke up to see the clouds hovering on the mountains and felt the crisp morning breeze. 
Fall is definitely in the air and I love it! I finally get to experience all the seasons...although I'm not looking forward to the next season. This is my absolute favorite time of the year! I love all the holidays, all the food (not surprising), and all the excuses to spend time with friends and family. In any case, Jeff has been working hard (in between rain storms) to finish the deck so that we can enjoy some family moments on the deck this fall. We still have a little ways to go and, while frustrating at times, I think Jeff has enjoyed it. I don't think he'd ever be happy or content unless he had some project he was working on.

Now this last picture isn't going to mean much to most of you, but if any of you have watched Gilmore Girls you will understand...candy sushi! Gilmore Girls is my absolute all-time favorite TV show. I own all the seasons. I'm not sure if it's their witty banter or the small town charm, but I've loved every episode. Over the summer, Laurin took season one and started watching it. It has been fun stealing random moments downstairs with Laurin as we've laughed at the silly moments and quoted their hilarious lines. Yesterday (Sept. 14) she decided to make candy sushi (which was in one episode). I love that I get to share silly little things like this with Laurin. I haven't had all the growing up years to form a relationship with her so any chance I get, I enjoy.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Today started like any normal day...then ended in disaster! At least we didn't experience the height of the disaster as some of our neighbors did. We got up and Jeff started working on the roof for our deck. I ran Dallin to his football practice/game where Jeff joined me later. My brother Scott, his wife, Mel, and Kaia joined us as well. They then came over to the house so Scott could give Jeff some pointers on the deck while I chatted with Mel. After they left, we had an hour or so to enjoy some downtime before Jeff had to leave for the priesthood session of our stake conference. During that hour, it started to rain. This wasn't a light kind of rain. The rain came down in sheets. At one point, you could barely see the mountain or even our neighbor's house. Jeff still left the house as I prepared dinner for the kids. About a half hour had gone by before Danny alerted me to some water on the floor in the basement. I had seen a slight drip in our cold storage room but hadn't been too concerned about it. Still, I decided I better investigate. This time I found a waterfall cascading down the wall from the window well. Our window well was half full of water! The water was pooling in from a broken downspout and it wasn't stopping. I quickly yelled for the kids to come down as I heard the glass creak! I was certain that the window was going to break - releasing more than just a waterfall! I frantically tried to call Jeff but the cell towers must have been down because it took forever to get through. In the meantime, the kids ran to get buckets to try to bail out the water. When that didn't work, they pulled out the shopvacs with only minimal success. I finally contacted Jeff and he raced home in enough time to pull out his industrial pump and pump out the water...then we were off to work! Several of our neighbors weren't as lucky as we were. Windows did shatter and basements were under 6-12" of water. Streets were flooded when the canals crested and broke the embankment. I was proud of my kids as I watched them quickly take action without complaint. While there is still a lot to be done to clean up, I am grateful that there was only minimal damage to our sheetrock and a small leak in our living room ceiling. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve. I was brought to tears as I saw groups of people gathered at the houses that were hardest hit. I am grateful to have a ward family that takes care of each other. I am grateful to live by so many friends. My heart goes out to all those most effected. My heart breaks as I think about all those lives who have been effected by much larger natural disasters. It makes me all the more grateful for bright, sunny days. I know we all pass through the proverbial storms in our lives, but the disasters are lessened by those friends and families who help us through them.

Once I knew the window wasn't going to shatter, the kids decided to pose for a quick photo op. 
Jeff to the rescue! 

Our neighbors house...this was just the water we pumped from outside. The damage to the interior was more extensive.