Friday, September 13, 2013

I would still say, "YES!"

One year ago today, Jeff asked me to marry him and with a simple one word response my life was changed forever! Today was like any other day. It wasn't until we got the kids out the door and we're getting ready for the day that I realized it was the anniversary of our proposal. I still remember opening my front door a year ago to see a middle-aged man with an army green backpack kneeling on my front porch. Jeff wasn't supposed to fly in until later that day so I was surprised and confused as to why a "homeless veteran" would be begging for money door to door. It wasn't until he looked up at me that I realized it was Jeff. I was so completely taken off guard (which rarely happens)! I wasn't even sure how to respond or if I could even speak when he looked up at me and asked, "Alisha Laynette Shumway, will you marry me?". Once I regained my senses, I said yes...and knowing what I know now, I would still say yes. It has been a crazy year! I went from living alone to sharing a house with 5 other people. I went from living in a state that I could wear flip-flops year round to a state where I've learned how to dress for snow (or the "white stuff" like I call it). I could continue to itemize all the changes that have occurred but the list would be too long. There have been challenges in stepping into a parental position with children that I didn't have the privilege of creating. There have been challenges with ex-in-laws. There have been challenges and humbling moments as Jeff and I have worked through changes in the way we've done things, but I would still say yes. I have never been happier. I have never felt more at peace. I have found my eternal prince. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect spouse and best friend. I love you Jeff and I would still say yes!

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