Thursday, September 19, 2013

Eight months!

Each month seems to come and go faster and faster! I almost didn't remember it was our 8th month anniversary. I was busy taking care of Relief Society responsibilities as Jeff was working on the deck no, we didn't do anything grand to commemorate the day, but I don't want to let this opportunity pass to reflect on our 8 months of marriage. Just this week, I had been reading an article about divorced and blended families. In the article, it reported that the average amount of time it takes a family to be fully functioning and "blended" is approximately 5 years! I was a little disheartened by that statistic until I realized that we don't seem to fit that statistic. I have been amazed at how well Jeff, the kids, and I have adapted to being a cohesive, loving family. Now, before you think I'm completely delusional, I am very aware of all the bumps, bruises, and tears we've sustained as we've bumbled down this uncertain path together. It has not been easy...and there are still things that are hard to assimilate, change, or simply deal with. Still, as I see Danny come home from school and feel his arms around me as he gives me a hug or when Laurin will come home from work or school and discuss her day with me or when Dallin proudly tells his friends, "That's my mom." or when Amber shares her fun date stories, I can't help but feel that we have come farther in 8 months than most families can do in those 5 years. I can't imagine my life without Jeff and the kids. We are a family! It is frustrating that in the eyes of the law and even the church, I technically have no claim to these kids, but I have felt (on more than one occasion) that while I may not be the biological mother, I am the mother - no matter what the law or church have record of. I love my little family. I couldn't have asked for a more supportive, loving husband or more fun, loving kids. I truly am the luckiest girl in the world!

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