Saturday, August 31, 2013

Chad's wedding

Krystle and Jordan left yesterday but Stan, Kristi, and their kids came in today. Needless to say, I was busy this morning cleaning their room, washing sheets and towels, and preparing an impromptu dinner for them when they we left. On top of all that, Jeff and I raced up to Provo to help Jordan unload the two trailers that had been housing their stuff for the past week. I'm sure Krystle will be happy to be settled into their new place and finally be able to set up her nursery. She has had a tough enough pregnancy without having to worry about a move on top of it! Oh well...we all seemed to be thrown curve balls in life. We've just got to go with the flow. In any case, we hurried home after unloading everything, cleaned up, then headed out the door to Chad's, one of Jeff's employees, wedding. It was a really nice evening for an outdoor wedding. The event took place at Nielson's Grove in Orem. This is the first wedding I've been to since being married. While this ceremony was nothing like the one we had, it still provided for moments of reflection. I am eternally grateful for Jeff. I can't imagine my life without him...or the kids. I feel blessed to know that we are sealed for eternity. He is my best friend and my greatest support. Thank you Jeff for being my eternal companion!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Hypno Hick?!

This weekend is Golden Onion Days in Payson. Why did we get stuck with our town festival being named after an onion?! Oh is what it is. In any case, Jeff and I decided to take advantage of the evening's entertainment - the Hypno Hick. Yup...a cowboy who hypnotizes people. We should have known better, but I guess we'd hoped for more. We started our night at the Pizza Factory for dinner and couldn't leave without trying their dessert, Never on Sundae! It is basically what you Arizonans would know as a pizzookie. It's a half baked cookie with vanilla ice cream topped with whipped cream, caramel, and chocolate sauce. Yumm!!
Afterwards, we went to Payson Park to watch the Hypno Hick. I have to admit that I'm still skeptical. I have never been a huge believer in hypnosis so that's probably why. Still, it had some entertaining moments. At least I can say I've been to a hypnotist show.

Here they are watching the swinging string. 
Now their all in a "sleep" state.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Yummy goodness!

My sister, Krystle, and her husband, Jordan, have been staying with us for the week. They had to move out of the condo they were in because the owners were moving back in. They found a new place to rent and were scheduled to move in on Labor Day...until the owners of their current residence discovered black mold and asked them to move out a week earlier than planned. It was a bit of a scramble to pack up so quickly, but it was fun to have them stay with us. Unfortunately, I didn't get any random pics. We mostly just ran errands and hung out around the house (when I was around the house and not busy with other obligations), but Thursday we picked up my niece, Kaia, from school and Krystle made peanut butter, butterfinger Rice Krispy treats with the kids. I think you can tell from the picture how much they liked the treats!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pack meeting and FOOTBALL!

Today was a crazy busy day!! On top of Relief Society meetings and visits, Jeff called me about mid afternoon to tell me a family from Canada that he knew awhile ago was coming over for dinner. I scrambled to put something together then entertained them for a couple hours before running Danny to his pack meeting while Jeff went to his bishopric meetings then I ran from there to Dallin's first football game, which should have been rained out but they kept playing! By the end of the day, I was one exhausted, wet mommy!!, but when I see the smiles on my kids' faces, it makes it all worth it. Danny had a great time at his pack meeting. They had a raingutter regatta in which they made and raced boats.
Danny received a belt loop for nutrition. 

Jeff (of course) had to get in on the action...only he tried to cheat by using a leaf blower and... 
he lost! Just goes to show you that cheaters don't win. 
Jaemon and Danny with their certificates.

Dallin played well during his football game, but ultimately they lost. Still, he smiled when the opposing coach approached him to compliment him on his speed and agility during the game. Dallin seems to have a natural talent for most sports and never seems quite as happy as he is with a ball in his hand. This is just the start of many more games to come. Wednesdays are going to be busy for the next month! Wish me luck as I continue to juggle everyone's schedules!! (Just like baseball, I won't inundate you with football pics. The following pics are from his first 3 games. Dallin is #7. He has been playing free safety, running back, linebaker, and defensive end.)

Dallin's the one reaching his arm out to grab the opposing player. He was just out of reach. 
I spent most of my time watching his first game from the can see the rain on the windows and the rainbow in the background. 

Dallin's ready to catch the ball. 

Dallin's in the blue jersey on the right side. 
Dallin getting up from tackling the other player. 
Running to catch the ball. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Shrek: The Musical

All summer long, Amber has spent countless hours in rehearsals for the highly anticipated production of Shrek: The Musical produced by Payson Community Theater. I know we were all excited to go...and they didn't disappoint! It was hilarious!! The performers were extremely talented. It was a proud parent moment for Jeff and I as we watched and listened to Amber perform her solo in front of a large audience. She has a natural talent...and an intense desire to share that talent with others. She has worked hard (even though we know she enjoys it as well). We are immensely proud of the beautiful young lady she is and the amazingly gifted woman she is becoming! The whole musical was well done and thoroughly entertaining! The props, lighting, and tech stuff were great as well. I have to admit I was a little skeptical of a small town theater production, especially since I've seen much bigger productions, but I'm a believer now. I'm excited for next year's production (which I'm sure Amber will try out for again...even though she's already made her high school musical, Peter Pan, as a Lost Boy...which means more rehearsals!).

Here is Amber singing her solo. Sorry about the poor pic quality...we weren't supposed to be taking pictures so I snuck one in! 
When Amber wasn't playing teen Fiona, she was an elf in Lord of the Rings in the fairytale cast.
The cast 
Amber with the rest of the cast 

I got Amber a jar full of Starbursts and a star keychain to celebrate her being a "star"!

Monday, August 26, 2013

More to the menagerie...

Today we introduced another animal to our growing little farm...a goat. Jeff's dad decided that Daisy (our cow) was lonely. It took a couple days for them to warm up to each other, but now they're the best of buds. The goat (a male) has many names. Laurin calls him Billy. Danny calls him Arrow (because of the white mark on his forehead). I personally call him Prince George, in honor of the recent addition to the British royal family. Jeff just calls him a dog (he still hasn't learned his animals well enough). In any case, he's been fun to watch...and I'm sure he won't be the last addition.

Friday, August 23, 2013

West Mountain date

For this week's date night, Jeff and I took the 4-wheelers up West Mountain. We had wanted to do this a few weeks back to commemorate the year anniversary of when he took me up there to watch the sunrise and held my hand for the first time, but with my back injury we decided to postpone it. Well today was just as good a day as any to make the trip. This time we actually went further up the mountain. I am a novice at driving 4-wheelers so the first time we drove up last year, we decided to stay on the road that led up to an observatory. This year we took off onto more rugged trails. Jeff still had to maneuver some of the roads for me. In fact, we ditched one 4-wheeler and I hiked up some hills that Jeff expertly drove up until I could join him on the 4-wheeler. I'm happy to report that we made it to the top without any accidents or injuries. The view was breathtaking! Like last year, it was sprinkling a little when we got there, but after about 10 minutes the sun came out casting out the dark clouds and spreading a warm, golden glow over the valley. Sometimes I think the Lord delivers messages through nature if we are willing to see the symbolism in His creations. I felt that the little storm we experienced represented the storms of the past few months as I struggled with various aspects of parenthood. The sun represented the bright dawning of a new day as it chased out all the dark, gray moments. I am not (and never will be) a perfect parent. I think I did more stumbling over the summer than actual standing, but I'm grateful for forgiving children and a patient husband who work with me as we all labor together to make this home and our family a refuge from the storms of life. I feel so lucky to have the family I have. I feel blessed to be married to the amazing man I am. Thank you Jeff for your love! Thank you for taking a chance on an overly structured, overly organized city girl. Thanks for being the balance I've needed in my life. I love you!
My best friend! 
I will never let go. 

The sun breaks through the clouds.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

First day of school and Court of honor!

Summer is officially over and I survived!! I have to admit that there were a few moments this summer when I wondered if I was going to last. I loved having the kids around but it required more patience and more creativity to keep them occupied. I think I will be better prepared to tackle the summer next year. Even though the older kids wouldn't admit it, I think everyone was a little excited to get back to school and enjoy time with friends. I can't believe Laurin will graduate this year! It's crazy how quickly time is passing us by. Just goes to show you that no matter what the moment is like - treasure each of the moments you have.
The boys showing what grade their in...7th and 3rd. 
Super Dallin and Daniel! Ready to tackle a new year of school. 
The girls couldn't put up all the fingers they needed to show which grade they're in so Jeff tried to help. It didn't work out so well. 
Much better!
That evening Dallin had a court of honor. He earned 4 merit badges! He is also just one step away from earning his 2nd and 1st class then it's on to his Star! I'm glad the boys like to scout program. I think the skills they learn can be invaluable. Congrats Dallin! Keep working!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Orientation day and Meet the teacher

Today was an exciting day for both boys. Today Dallin went to Mt. Nebo Jr. High for his first day as a 7th grader! The school invites all the 7th graders to school the day before school starts for a day of orientation. They have an assembly then the kids get to practice going from class to class for 10 minute periods before having a pizza lunch and coming home. I think it's a great idea to help those 7th graders with the transition from elementary school to jr high. Dallin admitted that he felt butterflies as he was on the bus heading to school, but he said he felt more prepared for school to start. He was also excited to see one of his best friends in 5 of his classes. Plus, he said that he knew at least two kids in all his classes. I think he's looking forward to a fun first year of jr high.
Dallin and Tanner 
Dallin surrounded by his friends. What a good group!
The benefit of having a mom with a great memory is that she can sneak into the school before the first day and hide candy and a little note in your locker!
Danny was also excited for today because he got to go meet his teacher. He had originally wanted another teacher, but after meeting his teacher today he was pretty excited that he was in her class. She seems to be really fun and engaging...which is what Danny needs to maintain his attention. I think both my boys are going to have a great school year!
Ms. Provstgaard made Minon hats and cupcakes for all her new students! How fun!!