Friday, August 2, 2013

Just another normal week...

There hasn't been many noteworthy events that have occurred in the Jeff Southwick home this week. Dallin started football season and has been attending a conditioning camp all week. He got his pads on Thursday and immediately wanted to start running into something or someone. He is very excited to play for Salem this year although he is a little worried he won't be on the same team as his friends, Tyler and Tanner. Still, this is a sport that he really gets into and it's fun to watch him play. Other than that and the normal household routine (e.g., laundry, library, bank [the kids have started savings accounts so we've been going to the bank to deposit money. I'm really proud of how frugal the kids are starting to become and how much they are saving], scouts, YW, etc.), we've been starting the registration process (and shopping, which Jeff is grateful that I am here to do with the kids) for school. I've already registered Danny (3rd grade) and Amber (11th grade). Dallin's registration isn't until next week and Laurin needs to schedule an appointment with a counselor to review her schedule prior to finalizing the registration process. I can't believe the summer is already over! These next few weeks might be a little boring as we finalize our preparation for school.
On another, more solemn note, Jeff's grandfather went to the hospital today to supposedly have a simple (if anything involving a hospital can be classified as simple) surgery to insert a stent into his heart. However, once they got inside, the doctors realized that there was more blockage than originally which will require a bypass surgery. The doctors recommended that he remain in the hospital until they could do the surgery on Monday so Jeff and I paid him a visit on Friday night. Jeff wanted to bring him a bouquet, but his idea of a bouquet was a little different than mine. Yet, it was more perfect for Grandpa T. We pray that all will go well on Monday and that he will have a quick recovery. We love you Grandpa T!

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