Saturday, August 30, 2014


After the temple open house yesterday, Stan, Kristi, Jeff and I with our families headed to a hotel in Ogden where we stayed the night. The kids enjoyed swimming then watching the BYU football game (of course because Stan was here) at the hotel. Today we woke up, had breakfast, packed up, and headed to Lagoon! I know my kids were looking forward to this day for quite some time. Jeff isn't a huge fan of amusement parks, but he has lots of memories as a kid at Lagoon so I don't think he minds it as much. Once we got to the park, the kids divided up and went their own ways. Dallin and Grant stuck together while Daniel ran off with Carson and Bennett. Laurin was able to join us so she paired up with Amber. Stan and Kristi took Maci and Travis to some of the less adventurous rides, which meant that Jeff and I were able to wander the park on our own. We had a blast! The weather was perfect (cloudy and not too hot) and there weren't huge crowds. In fact, we never had to wait more than 2-3 minutes to get on a ride. Plus, both Jeff and I get motion sick so we agreed on which rides to avoid and which rides to ride. I laughed hysterically several times as I sat next to Jeff on the roller coasters, specifically the Spider. In that ride, the car turns around as well as the track so you never really know if you're coming or going. Jeff kept twisting in his seat to try to see what was coming next but never really knowing. We both got soaked on Rattlesnake Rapids. Luckily, I planned ahead and wore clothes that dried quickly, but I think my favorite ride was the Sky Lift. I just enjoyed leisurely floating above the crowds of people with my handsome husband by my side. I really enjoyed the day. We met up with everyone for both lunch and dinner. After dinner, Jeff and I made sure we experienced some of the rides with all the kids. Because of the sparsity of people, we were able to ride several rides more than once. The kids seemed to have a blast! They were still full of energy after 11 hours at the park when we finally decided to head home. I'm so glad we had the opportunity to do this. Thanks Stan and Kristi for inviting us along!
Grant, Amber, Laurin and Dallin getting ready to ride Wicked (with Colossus in the background).
The girls and I on Mousetrap...not a ride I repeated.
Me and my handsome husband outside the famed wooden Roller Coaster.
Amber and Laurin on their way up Re-Entry Rocket only to be dropped several hundred feet!
Jeff and I on the Ferris Wheel.
The kids on the Turn of the Century...and ride Jeff and I avoided.
SOAKED!!! Grant, Dallin, Jeff, Me, Daniel, Amber and Carson
The kids heading up Rocket...again!
Jeff and I and Grant and Dallin heading up Colossus.
Grant and Dallin on Wicked. 
Carson, Bennet, and Daniel on the Sky, I wasn't pleased to see Danny precariously standing on the ride.
Amber goofing off on Flying Aces.
Happy Family!
We couldn't leave the park without indulging in some ice cream.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Ogden Temple Open House

Today we had the privilege of attending the Ogden Temple Open House. We met up with Stan, Kristi, and their kids for the occasion. Jeff's parents and grandparents also joined us. I don't know how to describe the experience without using trite words. It was breathtaking, inspiring, peaceful, and so much more. I was extremely grateful that I had the opportunity to tour this temple with the kids (unfortunately, Laurin was unable to join us because she had class). I appreciated the questions they asked and the opportunities those questions provided to share my thoughts and feelings about the temple. As I wandered through that sacred edifice, I admired all the art work and the skilled craftsmanship that went into creating this gorgeous temple. I appreciated the way in which the other people in the tour showed reverence and didn't detract from the peace one could feel within those walls. I think all the kids were grateful for the experience...even if it wasn't their top choice of "fun activities".
The Southwick kids and cousins outside the temple after finishing our tour. From L to R: Maci, Tracis, Bennett, Carson, Daniel, Grant, Dallin and Amber.
Daniel and Bennett

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Court of Honor

Tonight Dallin attended our stake court of honor where he received 15 merit badges and was awarded the rank of Star! I am so proud of Dallin! Yes, I have had to remind him to work on his merit badges and I've had to help do some of the paperwork, but overall he has done all the work. Dallin always strives for excellence and is goal-oriented, which has helped him get to this point. Now only 2 more merit badges and a Eagle project to go!! Way to go Dallin!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Weber State University

I promise I wasn't a slacker the whole week, but there wasn't anything truly picture worthy during the rest of the week. I tended to some Relief Society responsibilities, helped Laurin get some last minute items she needed for college, and shuttled kids to scouts and sports. Almost a typical week...until Friday (22nd). This was Laurin's last day before we moved her up to Ogden to attend Weber State University. She was busy packing up her stuff all week. I know I'm kind of coming in late to the game and it may not be as strange for me, but it is going to be weird not having her around. I know she'll still be coming home on occasional weekends and during holidays, but this is just another transitional change for this family. I am genuinely excited for Laurin. I'm excited that she gets to have a new chapter in her life; hopefully one devoid of some of the heartaches and trials she's experienced up to this point in her life. I know trials are necessary to learn and grow, but some trials, because of the people in our lives, seem extra hard to endure or cope with. In any case, Friday night, we got together with some of Jeff's family for dinner at the Art City Trolley - a "last meal" of sorts. Afterwards, Grandma Penny and Katie came over to help Laurin finish packing.
Clockwise starting at the head of the table: Trudy, Grandpa, Grandma, Laurin, Amber, Dallin, Danny, Jeff, Katie, Great Grandma T., and Great Grandpa T.
Saturday (23rd) was the big day. We loaded everything up and headed to Weber State. It's only about an hour and a half away - so close enough to come home but far enough to have space. We took all the kids with us. Everyone chipped in and within a few hours Laurin was settled. We had to make a couple last minute runs to the store, but by the time we left, she was set. Before we left, we all knelt in Laurin's tiny dorm room and had family prayer. Finally, it was time to leave her and head home. She gave all of us a hug. No tears were shed. This is an exciting time for her. We know our family will never be the same again, but when you see a child becoming an adult, making wise choices for their future, the sadness you may experience at the loss of having them around more often is swallowed up the pride you feel. We are so proud of you Laurin! You are going to do amazing things because you are an amazing young woman! Good luck!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Back to School!

The kids are officially back in school! Woohoo! I survived my second summer...and I think everyone would agree that this summer was a little more smooth than last. I am amazed at how far we've come in such a short amount of time...and I am pleased with the direction we're heading in. It hasn't been easy for any of us, but we're getting there. We're learning each other's personalities and adapting to new expectations. It was fun to spend more time with the kids this summer; however, I think we're all glad school has started least for the social aspect, maybe not all the homework. Monday (18th) I took Danny to meet his teacher. She is fresh out of college and has (dare I say) more energy than Danny so I think it will be a good fit.
That evening we had family night. For dinner, I prepared a back to school banquet. We feasted on carrot sticks, fruit cups, PB&J sandwiches, and juice boxes with "lunch lady bars" (chocolate/PB bars) for dessert. Afterwards, Jeff and I presented the kids with the 7-UPlifting things we hope will help them to be successful this school year. Finally, Jeff had the privilege and opportunity to give each child a father's blessing. I remember my father doing this at the beginning of each new school year. I remember yearning to hear the counsel I received from my earthly and heavenly Fathers and the blessings that would come through obedience. I am so grateful Jeff is worthy to administer these blessings through the Priesthood authority he holds. I think we were all able to feel the sweet peace that comes from the Spirit of God in our home. I know the kids were touched by the words that were spoken and the blessings pronounced. I am excited for each of them. This is going to be an adventurous year, especially for the girls. Laurin will be starting college (next week) and Amber is beginning her senior year. I have seen so much growth in each of the kids, and I know they will all do great this school year!

Tuesday (19th) was the first day of school. I am glad to be back in a routine again. I may not appreciate the early mornings, but I do appreciate being able to read the scriptures as a family and have family prayer before everyone goes their separate ways. After getting the kids off to school, I did NOTHING! Yup! And I didn't even feel guilty about it! I went to a breakfast party one of my friends (Rachael Liddle) had at her house then went out to lunch with another friend (Michellle Grant). The rest of the day I did all those little things that I couldn't do during the summer because I was trying to entertain and attend to the kids. I love school! 
Dallin (8th grade), Amber (senior), Daniel (4th grade)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Amber's 17th Birthday!

Happy Birthday Amber!! Today was Amber's "golden" birthday. She turned 17 on the 17th. It is amazing how quickly the years go by. It seems like just yesterday she was getting her driver's permit then license...and now she's entering her senior year of high school! It's crazy to think that most likely in a year from now it will be just me and the boys at home. Amber continues to be our comic relief. She has a great sense of humor and a very forgiving nature. At times, she can be accused of being a little naive, but in some ways, I think she is wise beyond her years. She has such a fun-loving personality and a good heart. It makes Jeff and I proud to see the good choices she is making and her positive interactions with others. In any case, we invited family over for dinner and dessert. She chose to have cheese tortellini, salad, and garlic bread for dinner with brownie sundaes for dessert. It was a fun evening with family!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Summer 2014: Week 11

I can't believe we've reached our last full week of summer! The kids go back to school on Tuesday. Even though I hear them whining about that fact, I secretly think they're all ready to go. This week was just a week of randomness. I tried to do some last-minute fun stuff with the kids, but they were mostly content just hanging out at home. On Monday (11th) we spent the day doing laundry, mowing the lawn, and other chores. Tuesday (12th) I took the boys to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They were quoting it the rest of the day. Based on their laughter, I think they liked it.

On Wednesday (12th), I took the boys and Amber (Laurin was at work) out shopping. The boys were looking for birthday gifts for Amber and Amber was looking for new school clothes. This was the first time I didn't really hear the boys complain about shopping. I guess it helped that they were playing hide-and-go-seek in the junior's clothing department at JC Penny's or the fact that they knew we were going out to lunch with Jeff at Winger's when we were through. Thursday (13th) Jeff enlisted the boys' help with building the rest of the "barn" or lean-to off the shop. We decided to extend it along the whole exterior wall. It's great that they are old enough to help and not be a hinderance. They worked hard all day. That evening Danny got to go swimming with his cousin, Kaia. Poor Dallin had football practice. Oh well...'tis the season.

Friday (15th) Laurin won the favorite sister award and took the boys to Seven Peaks. It's hard to believe in a week from now she will be moving up to Ogden to go to college. Laurin and I have definitely had our ups and downs (the downs were deeper than the ups were higher). I think this situation has been the hardest on her. I couldn't imagine having to accept a new woman in the home when I was almost 17 years old. There have been several struggles and changes that we both have had to make. It has been a humbling and difficult experience for the both of us (I think), but I am so proud of the woman she is becoming. Both Jeff and I have seen her growth over the last two years and couldn't be happier with the direction she is heading in. She is a beautiful, intelligent, kind-hearted, generous, young woman. We are extremely excited to take a sideline seat and watch what she does with the rest of her life. We are absolutely confident that she will succeed in whatever she decides to do. In any case, the kids all had a blast at the water park. This is probably the last time they'll go to Seven Peaks this year. I'm still in minor disbelief (but grateful) that the summer is over.


Saturday (16th) was a busy day. All the kids (except Laurin who started packing up her room) helped Jeff and I rearrange our food storage closet. It was a crowded, cramped mess. It took a couple hours, but I am so pleased with the results. For anyone who knows me, you know how organized and uncluttered I like to keep things. I am not extremely sentimental when it comes to material objects. If it's not serving a purpose...get rid of it! After we finished, we headed to Costco (which seems to be a Southwick tradition now). Yup, the kids and Jeff had samples for lunch. I just had to shake my head and smile as they quickly moved from sample station to sample station. Some of them would run ahead of the others then return and report their findings. We ran a few more errands after Costco - one of which included buying 5 flats of raspberries! You would think Laurin had died and gone to heaven. She was excited to make freezer jam...which we did! All 33 bottles!! We told her she could only take one bottle with her to college that way we know she'll come back to visit.
To end the week, Jeff and I had were lucky enough to have the opportunity to babysit Nolan. Krystle and Jordan got their redneck on by going to the demolition derby, which was fine with me! We had fun playing with Nolan. Nolan even played with Jeff, which doesn't happen often (he definitely likes females rather than males). Nolan went to bed about an hour after we got there. Jeff and I enjoyed a quiet evening "alone" after that. I treasure those quite evenings with just Jeff. They don't happen often. Anyways, stayed tuned for next week's back to school adventures! The school year 2014-2015 here we come!