Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Christmas came and it did not disappoint!! The kids LOVED their gifts...well, I'm not sure Jonas quite knew what to think of his new toys with lights and sounds, but he LOVED the wrapping paper! In fact, for a couple days previous to Christmas, I would lay him under the tree to look at the lights and play with certain ornaments. Well he found one of his gifts and successfully opened it...twice! Again, he was just more interested in the bright wrapping paper and the crinkling sound it made rather than the new toy. The older boys (and Amber), however, could have cared less about the wrapping paper! It was fun to see their faces light up as they received the gifts they'd hoped for. They are all amazing kids. It's easy to want to give them gifts and see their joy.
Jonas on round two of opening that gift. 
Jonas loved looking at the lights.

After we finished opening gifts and cleaning up, we had our traditional waffle breakfast before heading over to Jeff's parents house where we Skyped with Laurin. It was fun to see Laurin so engaged in her mission. She exuded missionary spirit. In fact, there were a few lags in the conversation because she wasn't sure what else to talk about. We are grateful for the service she is giving to the people of Kansas. 
We were only able to talk to her for about an hour before we had to say goodbye. It was a good visit though. After talking to her, we had a more traditional Christmas feast (e.g., turkey, mashed potatoes, etc.) then played games and hung out for a few hours before going home. It was a great day. It was what Christmas is all about - love - and spending time with those you love.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve

I think I've finally discovered that I actually enjoy celebrating Christmas Eve more than Christmas. I love traditions. I love being with family. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. These are all things that I get to enjoy on Christmas Eve. Christmas day seems more focused on gifts we've received (or didn't receive) rather than the true meaning of the holiday we celebrate. I think that's why I like Christmas Eve more. I have never (to my recollection) been one that seeks after or desires material things. Sure, I enjoy the comforts I have and I like receiving gifts, but I honestly appreciate the thoughtful, inexpensive gifts (e.g., a letter of appreciation or love) more. In any case, today did not disappoint. We kept with our Christmas Eve movie tradition. For the last few years, we'll go see a movie on Christmas Eve. This year we saw the final movie of Hunger Games. Jonas got to enjoy spending some time with Grandma Penny while I was able to watch the first movie I've seen since before he was born. The movie was a little intense, but the kids seemed to enjoy it. After picking up Jonas, we headed home to get things ready for the evening's festivities. Jeff's parents, Katie and her boyfriend, Greg, and Trudy all joined us. We started our evening with our traditional placement of the luminarios lining our property. I am so glad that Jeff supports this tradition. I have always loved growing up in the southwest and seeing luminarios at Christmas time. I love the symbolism behind the tradition (to guide the Christ child to our door). It's obviously a little colder up here so you don't see many luminarios, but we love it...and all our neighbors do too!

Once we were finished, we came inside to warm up and enjoy our Bethlehem dinner. Obviously this is not authentic, but we try to only eat an array of foods that are found in the Bible. It's actually one of my favorite meals because it has a little bit of everything. 
Our dinner was followed by a Christmas Eve devotional. Each year, someone is assigned to present a short message about the true meaning of Christmas. This year it was my turn. I chose to print off pictures of various symbols or items we see during Christmas (e.g., gifts, wreaths, candy canes, Santa, tree, lights, etc.). I handed everyone a picture and each person took turns explaining how that item could represent Christ. Afterwards, Grandma Penny read the nativity story in Luke 2. I loved the spirit of peace we felt. Too often, the holiday season is so busy that we forget to take time to pause and enjoy the peace this season brings. It is nice to take a moment on the eve of Christ's birth to do just that.

Everyone left following the devotional. It was nice just having Jeff and the kids around. The kids opened their Christmas "jammies" (except Jonas who was already asleep at this point) then headed downstairs to sleep in their fort...even Amber! It was a great Christmas Eve!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

12 Days of Service: Day 12

Today was our final day of service. Each year we choose to end our Christmas service activities with doing quiet acts of service in the home. Sometimes this is easier said than done. I think because the girls are gone and the boys only have each other, some days..ok most days...they find something to argue about. It is often frustrating for me to hear them bicker while I try to reason with them and point out the discrepancies or hypocrisy in their arguments. (I have gained a new appreciation for all my mom endured with the 5 of us!) Often times, I find myself getting frustrated as well. Well today we took a break from that. The boys really tried hard to not fight. Sometimes that meant that they had to distance themselves from each other, but most of the day they worked on building their annual Christmas fort that they sleep in on Christmas Eve. On occasion, I would hear some frustration being expressed but they were quick to resolve the matter or simply choose to let it go. I love my boys! They are really good kids. I know it's hard for them to see eye to eye, especially now that the age gap is becoming more apparent, but I know they love each other...and one day, they'll be each other's best friend. Sometimes service in the home is the service that is most often overlooked. It's nice, at least once a year, to put a spotlight on what more can be done for those who do so much for us all year round.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

12 Days of Service: Day 11

This was another new service activity we did this year. Last year, Nichole and her family started the 12 Days of Service tradition as well. They did one activity where they went to the Dollar Store and taped a dollar on the back of various items in the store. Tyler and Kate really enjoyed that activity so we decided to give it a try. The boys seemed to enjoy it as well! As you can imagine, being this close to Christmas, the store was a little busy so the boys had to go into stealth mode. They would slyly block a shopper's view from the other boy so they could tape the dollar onto the toy. It was fun to watch them work together (which is a rarity lately). I would say it was a successful activity.

Monday, December 21, 2015

12 Days of Service: Day 10

Tonight, for our service activity, we delivered neighbor gifts. We live in a very close knit area. Even though the houses are spread apart on 5 acre lots, we all know each other...which means A LOT of neighbor gifts! Each year, we try to give something a little unique. Well I think this year tops it all! This year we gave out plungers. read right...plungers! I guess that's what I get for marrying a plumber. It was actually pretty funny, and we got several funny comments once all was said and done. Prior to delivering the gifts, we tied ribbons around each one and put a sticker on them that said, "May your home "flow" with holiday cheer!" I don't know how we're going to top this one next year!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

12 Days of Service: Day 9

Today was a simple, yet profoundly significant, service least for those people who receive it. Today the boys were encouraged to donate money to the LDS Church Humanitarian Fund. This fund is used to send supplies worldwide to help those who are victims of natural disasters, political refugees, people in extreme poverty, and so many more. Many of these donations go unnoticed by the public eye, but so much good has come from this fund. I hope the boys realize how much even the smallest amount can mean to someone who may never know of the boys' donations.
After church, Katie came over to help the boys assemble a gingerbread house she got them. I think they ate more candies than they put on the house! It was a good way to end a nice, lazy Sunday (we don't get many of those this time of year!).