Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Christmas came and it did not disappoint!! The kids LOVED their gifts...well, I'm not sure Jonas quite knew what to think of his new toys with lights and sounds, but he LOVED the wrapping paper! In fact, for a couple days previous to Christmas, I would lay him under the tree to look at the lights and play with certain ornaments. Well he found one of his gifts and successfully opened it...twice! Again, he was just more interested in the bright wrapping paper and the crinkling sound it made rather than the new toy. The older boys (and Amber), however, could have cared less about the wrapping paper! It was fun to see their faces light up as they received the gifts they'd hoped for. They are all amazing kids. It's easy to want to give them gifts and see their joy.
Jonas on round two of opening that gift. 
Jonas loved looking at the lights.

After we finished opening gifts and cleaning up, we had our traditional waffle breakfast before heading over to Jeff's parents house where we Skyped with Laurin. It was fun to see Laurin so engaged in her mission. She exuded missionary spirit. In fact, there were a few lags in the conversation because she wasn't sure what else to talk about. We are grateful for the service she is giving to the people of Kansas. 
We were only able to talk to her for about an hour before we had to say goodbye. It was a good visit though. After talking to her, we had a more traditional Christmas feast (e.g., turkey, mashed potatoes, etc.) then played games and hung out for a few hours before going home. It was a great day. It was what Christmas is all about - love - and spending time with those you love.

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