Wednesday, December 23, 2015

12 Days of Service: Day 12

Today was our final day of service. Each year we choose to end our Christmas service activities with doing quiet acts of service in the home. Sometimes this is easier said than done. I think because the girls are gone and the boys only have each other, some days..ok most days...they find something to argue about. It is often frustrating for me to hear them bicker while I try to reason with them and point out the discrepancies or hypocrisy in their arguments. (I have gained a new appreciation for all my mom endured with the 5 of us!) Often times, I find myself getting frustrated as well. Well today we took a break from that. The boys really tried hard to not fight. Sometimes that meant that they had to distance themselves from each other, but most of the day they worked on building their annual Christmas fort that they sleep in on Christmas Eve. On occasion, I would hear some frustration being expressed but they were quick to resolve the matter or simply choose to let it go. I love my boys! They are really good kids. I know it's hard for them to see eye to eye, especially now that the age gap is becoming more apparent, but I know they love each other...and one day, they'll be each other's best friend. Sometimes service in the home is the service that is most often overlooked. It's nice, at least once a year, to put a spotlight on what more can be done for those who do so much for us all year round.

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