Friday, January 22, 2016

The Klondike

Today was the day Danny has been anticipating for the last month! The Klondike!!! Yup, his first scout camp out. After school, he came home and told me it was the "longest day ever" because he couldn't wait to go on the camp out. He also said that he had this "tickling feeling" in his lower stomach all day. You would have thought he was going to Disneyland! Because he's only 11, Jeff had to go with him, which was just fine with Jeff. He likes going on camp outs...even in the snow. They both had a blast. Danny ended up sledding all night long. The following day, they participated in a ropes course and played on a zipline that crossed a lake. They did actually do some scout stuff too...but, let's be honest, they really just went to play. Jeff didn't really take a lot of pictures so here's just one group shot and one that I took of Danny with his HUGE pack after they got home. Here's to starting another boy on his journey to his Eagle Scout award!

This was Jeff after the camp out! 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

3 years

Today Jeff and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary! To be honest, I can't believe it's already been three years. It is crazy how fast the time has flown. In some ways, however, it seems like this is how life has always been. It has been a good three years. It hasn't been the easiest three years of my life, but I wouldn't change my decision to marry Jeff for anything in the world. He is truly my best friend. Sometimes I just have to shake my head at how incredibly well we fit. Our personalities are a perfect balance. We have enough in common (e.g., likes, goals, aspirations, love, etc.) to enjoy and love each other and enough different to inspire positive change in each of us. It has been easy to love Jeff...and that love continues to grow as we've laughed, disagreed, struggled, and enjoyed life together. I knew I loved Jeff the day I married him; I just didn't realize how much I would love him as time passed. When we were courting, Jeff introduced me to a song about a little girl and a strand of faux pearls. As the song unfolds, the little girl's father continues to ask the little girl to give him her treasured strand of pearls. At first the little girl wouldn't even consider it. She would cry each time he asked and he would assure her it was ok. However, he never stopped asking. Eventually, the little girl trusted her father and his love for her. With tears in her eyes, she finally gave him her faux pearls. In return, he gave her a real strand of pearls. Jeff and I discussed the symbolism behind this beautiful song. We talked about the safety and comfort of my life in Arizona (like the strand of faux pearls). It was hard for me to want to give up all that I had created and accomplished, but (just like the song) I knew if I trusted my Father in Heaven, He would give me something so much better. I decided to trust Him. I gave up my little strand of pearls...and in return, I have received so much more than I could have ever imagined (even if the growth and love I've received hasn't come easy). On our honeymoon, Jeff gave me a real strand of pearls to represent all I had given up and all I was getting. This year, for our anniversary, Jeff bought me some earrings and a bracelet to go with my necklace. Needless to say, just like the little girl in the song, I cried. Jeff and the kids are my greatest treasures. They truly are my pearls of great price.

Well, with Jonas, we weren't able to get away for the weekend as we've done the past two years, but Grandma Penny was nice enough to babysit so we could at least go out for the evening. It actually turned out for the best because I got the flu and was sick the entire day. Luckily, I was feeling well enough to at least go to Kneaders for a chicken noodle soup dinner before going to Hale Center theater where we watched a comedy, The Nerd. It wasn't my favorite show, but as long as I was with Jeff, it didn't matter what we did...or how I felt. I am truly the luckiest woman in the world!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Drift trike

Over the past couple months, the boys and Jeff have been working on a drift trike. Last summer, the boys saw these motorized trikes with non-treaded back tires that allowed the bike to drift during some of the small town summer parades. Ever since then, the boys have been obsessed with building one of their own. So...they dismantled a bike and purchased some pipe to build a frame. Today we went to a furniture warehouse and found an old plastic chair for $2.50 to use for the bike seat. It has been fun to watch the boys' (including Jeff) ingenuity as they've worked to build this bike. They still aren't done. They need to do some welding, mount the engine, set the back tires, etc. It will be fun to see the finished product!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Utah State Capitol

Today the boys didn't have school because it was the end of the term so Danny and I decided to take advantage of the free day and head to Salt Lake City. Danny has recently become an 11 year old scout and is already starting his trail to his Eagle Scout award. This means more  PowWows, more merit badges, more campouts, and more adventures for Mom. Jeff and I have already signed Danny up for his first BYU PowWow. I actually can't believe it. He still seems so little. He seems too young to be starting all this. They are all growing up so quickly. In any case, he is signed up to complete 3 merit badges - Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, and Signs, Signals and Codes. For his Citizenship in the Nation merit badge, he is required to visit his state capitol and a building or site that is listed on the National Historical registry. Luckily for us, the Old Council Hall (the second "state capitol" building) of Utah is adjacent to the State Capitol so we were able to visit both sites in one location. It was a cold, snowy day, but we both really enjoyed our outing! I have been to Arizona's Capitol several times but have never visited Utah's. It was actually an impressive building with lots of cool history. We started at the Old Council Hall and learned about its history. It was actually relocated to the current site. This was the Territorial Capitol prior to Utah becoming a state. It currently houses the Film Commission and Visitors Bureau. (As a side note, there are A LOT of movies filmed in part or entirely in Utah!)

After we finished looking around there, we walked over to the Capitol. It is a very beautiful building. We decided to do our own tour and went on a little scavenger hunt for certain symbols that are spread throughout the building. It was really fun! I enjoyed spending the morning with two of my boys. Too bad we can't count this visit for Jonas's first merit badge. 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Danny's first basketball game

Today Danny officially started his basketball season. This year the rules have changed and he is able to do more (e.g., steal the ball, shoot free throws, etc.), but that also means more "fouls" are called during the game. Luckily, Danny only got a couple. It will be a learning process over the season I'm sure. He did a great job though. He scored several points and assisted in additional points. He is one of the fastest players on his team, and he knows how to dribble and run. I think it's going to be an exciting season for them. I am looking forward to watching his continued growth in the sport. We'll see if he takes after Dallin and dedicates himself to this sport.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Funny farm moment

Before Christmas, Daisy (our cow) had another calf. Unfortunately, that calf didn't survive. (I was pretty devastated about it.) However, we did go purchase another calf from a local jersey dairy farm. In any case, prior to Daisy having her calf, we moved her other two calves to Katie's pasture next door (to prepare them to be slaughtered in a couple months and to give Daisy and the new calf their own space). Well on Friday night, Danny and I noticed a cow wandering around our yard. At first, we thought Daisy had gotten out, but it wasn't Daisy, it was one of the older calves. We knew this was going to be a problem. Jeff has worked with Daisy so if she ever gets out, she is easy to coax back in. However, the calves have not be trained...and they aren't little any more. So what do you do when you can't muscle a cow back into his pasture? You grab the 4 wheeler...or so we thought. Jeff was able to get a rope around the calf then tied the rope to the 4 wheeler. It seemed to work for a few paces then the calf started to resist. It quickly became a tug of war between Jeff and the calf. The calf won! The rope broke. The un-tethered rope immediately became a whip and Jeff's bum became the target. I swear you could hear the smack of the rope throughout the neighborhood! I have never seen Jeff jump so high or so fast. Let's just say the rope definitely left it's mark. Obviously, the 4 wheeler wasn't a good option. It took some time but Jeff was eventually able to wrestle the calf back into Katie's pasture. This time we made sure all the gates were tightly closed and locked. Oh life on a "farm"!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Well...I can't say that 2016 has really started off with a bang. It's started off with a cough, sneezes, runny noses, wheezing, congestion, and more. While in Arizona, Jonas contracted croup. That was the scariest couple nights of my life. My heart broke as I vigilantly listened to his strained breathing for two entire nights. I wanted to do more, but was grateful for the blessing Jonas received from Jeff and Papa. I knew he would be alright, but he had a couple rough nights first. I guess I should be counting my blessings. This is the first time he's been sick and, luckily, he's old enough to take some medicines so I knew we'd be ok. He just had to fight through some of it. But, in true Jonas fashion, he was a champ! Even though he was sick, he would still smile and try to talk (he lost his voice). When we got back to Utah, we took him to the pediatrician where he received a steroid shot for the croup and some antibiotics for the ear infection he contracted as well. He has been doing really well since then, but has been understandably more tired...just like Jeff and I. Because of our lack of sleep, we have also come down with sore throats, coughs, congestion, etc. It has been a rough week! Let's hope we can all get well soon! In the meantime, I have enjoyed snuggling with Jonas.

Movie night at home.

I love this picture. Poor thing was so tired he couldn't even stay awake to finish his green beans.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

I know I say this every year (and I probably won't stop any time soon), but where did 2015 go?! Time is flying by. This year we have been truly blessed to welcome Jonas into our little family. He is our little miracle and has brought such joy into our lives. We can't imagine our family without him. He completes us. We have also been blessed to send Laurin out on her mission and watch her growth in such a short time. Amber, Dallin and Daniel continue to do well in school. I am constantly amazed at their goodness and strength. In a world with such wickedness, these kids make good choices that maintain their moral characters. They are faced with more temptations to do wrong than I ever was; yet, they make choices that have set them on a path towards our Father in Heaven. I am so proud of them. 2015 has also seen fun family adventures and memories. We have seen consistent growth in the business and are continually amazed as to why the Lord has blessed us so much. I think the biggest thing I've learned in 2015 (and still need to learn) is to have faith. I have learned that the Lord is in control. I know I have to do my part, but most of the time, I tend to overdo things or think I have more control than I actually do. I know my Father in Heaven loves me...and I need to continue to trust that He will guide me on the best path back to Him. That's not to say it will be the easiest path or a path without hardships and trials, but it will be the best path. I can only pray that 2016 will be just as good as 2015...if not better. I think my motto for this year will be taken from the live action movie, Cinderella, "Have courage and be kind".

As has been tradition, we headed to Arizona to spend New Year's weekend. I have to admit I was a little nervous to take a 5 month old on a 10 hour car ride, but like everything else he does, he was a champ! He slept most of the way. It was only about the last 2 hours that he even started to get fussy. That made for one happy mommy. The weekend in Arizona was gorgeous! I think we spent more time outside than inside. The sun was in full force and the highs were only in the upper 60s/low 70s. We were in heaven! In addition to just hanging out in the sun, we continued our annual traditions of golfing for the boys (sorry, no pictures...Jeff forgot to snap a couple), a pedicure for me, and, of course, picking citrus to take home.
Tyler and Kate were super excited to see Jonas.

Tyler got a ping pong table for fast became the main attraction while at Nichole's house.

Pedicures with Kate...Nichole and Shawna.

Fun in the sun!
Jonas loved hanging out with Grandma.
It was fun for Danny and Kate to play at a park that isn't buried in snow.

Soaking up as much sun as we could get.

Danny picking grapefruit.
New Year's Eve was, of course, the main event of the weekend. In true Nichole fashion, she hosted another successful New Year's Eve party with food, games, and fun for all. As you can imagine, Jeff and I left around 8:00 to return to my parents house to put Jonas (and ourselves) to bed, but the boys partied all night long! Nichole is so amazing to do this each year. It really is something the boys enjoy and look forward to. As in years past, Nichole planned games and activities for the kids to do each hour starting at 6:00 leading up to the New Year. They started by hunting for their hour bags in the park. In each bag, there was a clue as to what activity or game they would play for that hour. The started with a photo booth and proceeded from there. Both boys had a blast! Here are just a few pictures from the evening:

Baby New Year 2016
The candy game...Danny's favorite.

007...the boys got lost.
More ping pong

Candy cane game

Card game
Pie in the face game

Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year! Bring on 2016!!