Friday, January 8, 2016

Funny farm moment

Before Christmas, Daisy (our cow) had another calf. Unfortunately, that calf didn't survive. (I was pretty devastated about it.) However, we did go purchase another calf from a local jersey dairy farm. In any case, prior to Daisy having her calf, we moved her other two calves to Katie's pasture next door (to prepare them to be slaughtered in a couple months and to give Daisy and the new calf their own space). Well on Friday night, Danny and I noticed a cow wandering around our yard. At first, we thought Daisy had gotten out, but it wasn't Daisy, it was one of the older calves. We knew this was going to be a problem. Jeff has worked with Daisy so if she ever gets out, she is easy to coax back in. However, the calves have not be trained...and they aren't little any more. So what do you do when you can't muscle a cow back into his pasture? You grab the 4 wheeler...or so we thought. Jeff was able to get a rope around the calf then tied the rope to the 4 wheeler. It seemed to work for a few paces then the calf started to resist. It quickly became a tug of war between Jeff and the calf. The calf won! The rope broke. The un-tethered rope immediately became a whip and Jeff's bum became the target. I swear you could hear the smack of the rope throughout the neighborhood! I have never seen Jeff jump so high or so fast. Let's just say the rope definitely left it's mark. Obviously, the 4 wheeler wasn't a good option. It took some time but Jeff was eventually able to wrestle the calf back into Katie's pasture. This time we made sure all the gates were tightly closed and locked. Oh life on a "farm"!

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