Tuesday, January 19, 2016

3 years

Today Jeff and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary! To be honest, I can't believe it's already been three years. It is crazy how fast the time has flown. In some ways, however, it seems like this is how life has always been. It has been a good three years. It hasn't been the easiest three years of my life, but I wouldn't change my decision to marry Jeff for anything in the world. He is truly my best friend. Sometimes I just have to shake my head at how incredibly well we fit. Our personalities are a perfect balance. We have enough in common (e.g., likes, goals, aspirations, love, etc.) to enjoy and love each other and enough different to inspire positive change in each of us. It has been easy to love Jeff...and that love continues to grow as we've laughed, disagreed, struggled, and enjoyed life together. I knew I loved Jeff the day I married him; I just didn't realize how much I would love him as time passed. When we were courting, Jeff introduced me to a song about a little girl and a strand of faux pearls. As the song unfolds, the little girl's father continues to ask the little girl to give him her treasured strand of pearls. At first the little girl wouldn't even consider it. She would cry each time he asked and he would assure her it was ok. However, he never stopped asking. Eventually, the little girl trusted her father and his love for her. With tears in her eyes, she finally gave him her faux pearls. In return, he gave her a real strand of pearls. Jeff and I discussed the symbolism behind this beautiful song. We talked about the safety and comfort of my life in Arizona (like the strand of faux pearls). It was hard for me to want to give up all that I had created and accomplished, but (just like the song) I knew if I trusted my Father in Heaven, He would give me something so much better. I decided to trust Him. I gave up my little strand of pearls...and in return, I have received so much more than I could have ever imagined (even if the growth and love I've received hasn't come easy). On our honeymoon, Jeff gave me a real strand of pearls to represent all I had given up and all I was getting. This year, for our anniversary, Jeff bought me some earrings and a bracelet to go with my necklace. Needless to say, just like the little girl in the song, I cried. Jeff and the kids are my greatest treasures. They truly are my pearls of great price.

Well, with Jonas, we weren't able to get away for the weekend as we've done the past two years, but Grandma Penny was nice enough to babysit so we could at least go out for the evening. It actually turned out for the best because I got the flu and was sick the entire day. Luckily, I was feeling well enough to at least go to Kneaders for a chicken noodle soup dinner before going to Hale Center theater where we watched a comedy, The Nerd. It wasn't my favorite show, but as long as I was with Jeff, it didn't matter what we did...or how I felt. I am truly the luckiest woman in the world!

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