Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Well...I can't say that 2016 has really started off with a bang. It's started off with a cough, sneezes, runny noses, wheezing, congestion, and more. While in Arizona, Jonas contracted croup. That was the scariest couple nights of my life. My heart broke as I vigilantly listened to his strained breathing for two entire nights. I wanted to do more, but was grateful for the blessing Jonas received from Jeff and Papa. I knew he would be alright, but he had a couple rough nights first. I guess I should be counting my blessings. This is the first time he's been sick and, luckily, he's old enough to take some medicines so I knew we'd be ok. He just had to fight through some of it. But, in true Jonas fashion, he was a champ! Even though he was sick, he would still smile and try to talk (he lost his voice). When we got back to Utah, we took him to the pediatrician where he received a steroid shot for the croup and some antibiotics for the ear infection he contracted as well. He has been doing really well since then, but has been understandably more tired...just like Jeff and I. Because of our lack of sleep, we have also come down with sore throats, coughs, congestion, etc. It has been a rough week! Let's hope we can all get well soon! In the meantime, I have enjoyed snuggling with Jonas.

Movie night at home.

I love this picture. Poor thing was so tired he couldn't even stay awake to finish his green beans.

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