Sunday, September 27, 2015

2 months

Today Jonas is 2 months old!! In some ways, it seems like he's been with us forever. Yet, there are so many ways that the time is just flying by. Jonas seems to be growing so quickly. I finally had to pack up his newborn clothes a couple weeks ago. I have to admit I got a little teary-eyed. In the past 2 weeks, Jonas has seemed to come alive. His little personality is showing more and more each day. He actually reacts and responds to smiles now. Sometimes he will open his mouth trying to vocalize something. He will get super excited and occasionally get a squeak or coo out. During the past month, Jonas has had greater control over his head and gross motor movements. I swear Jeff is determined to have him stand up by the time he's 3 months! Jeff always picks him up under his armpits and Jonas will try to support his own weight. He actually does a pretty good job. Jonas still isn't too fond of tummy time, but is starting to pay attention to toys and track them better. In some ways, I want him to quickly grow up so he can play with toys and sit up by himself, but in other ways, I want him to stay permanently little. He is such a good baby. He is easy to console and sleeps pretty well (still not sleeping through the night, but that's ok). We couldn't have asked for a more perfect angel to join our family! Happy 2 month birthday Jonas!

PS - Jonas went in for his two month check up on the 28th. He now weighs 10lb 14oz and is 23 inches long. He seems so big but he's still so little. He got his two month shots (3 of them!). Jeff had to hold him...and we both cried. I don't like anyone hurting my little guy...even if it's a good thing. Still, he was a champ! He screamed a little, cried a little more, then whimpered and was over it. He's a tough little man! I love him so much and love to see his little personality develop.
Here he is with the little band-aids.
The next day he was pretty cuddly. I was sad he wasn't feeling well, but I didn't mind the cuddle time.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Scout stuff

This weekend both boys participated in scout activities. As I mentioned in Jeff's surgery post, Jeff organized and executed a scout camp out for the 12-15 year old boys. I wasn't really sure he was up to it after his surgery, but he was determined to see it through. I love my husband! I'm grateful that he is committed to his responsibilities. He is a great example of dedication and commitment to everything he does. Dallin went with Jeff on this camp out. Luckily, it was just up on West Mountain so they didn't have far to travel. The boys had a blast! Jeff planned several different games and activities that required cooperation from all boys. In one game, the boys had pipes over their arms so they couldn't bend them at the elbow. They then had to eat chocolate cake, which was only possible if someone else fed them. In another game, they had a large wooden stilt with 8 ropes attached. One of the boys would be on the stilt and the other boys would alternately keep their ropes taught to keep the boy on the stilt upright. There were so many more games and activities as well. I was actually surprised to get a few pictures from Jeff. Dallin (and Jeff) have been on several camp outs, but pictures never seem to be a priority for them. Here are the few pics that Jeff snapped of the boys having fun!

While Jeff and Dallin were on their camp out, Danny, Jonas and I decided to have a little fun too. After Danny's football game, I took the boys to IHOP. Danny LOVES their crepes. I swear he could eat more than just one plate, but there has to be some limits to his sugar intake! Afterwards, I took them to the Springville Museum of Art. As a part of Danny's scout goals, he had to attend an art museum. This is actually one of my favorite museums. I loved being able to share some of my love of art with him. I am not an art expert by any means, but I love enjoying the talents of others and experiencing the emotions the art invokes. There was one specific display that I really loved. An artist, Liz Lemon Swindle, painted several pictures of Christ's parables. However, she juxtaposed what that parable would look like in Christ's time with what the parable could look like now. Danny and I had fun (or maybe I just had fun) discussing what each painting meant and how we can follow Christ's teachings in his parables today. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of those paintings but I did snap a couple pictures of some of Danny's favorite pieces.

Before we went home, we dropped in to visit Great-grandpa and grandma Thompson. It was a fun visit. Great-grandpa Thompson finally got to hold Jonas. I think Jonas loved him as much as Grandpa T loved Jonas! It was a really nice day.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Jeff's surgery

Today Jeff went in for a "quick" outpatient surgery to repair an umbilical hernia. I'm sure the surgery was "quick" but there was plenty of waiting around for pre-op and post-op. I'm not sure who was more ready to be home...Jeff or Jonas. The surgery went well. Jeff had a rough time coming out of the anesthesia though. He was super nauseated and throwing up. The next couple of days were a little rough, but by the end of the week Jeff was on a scout camp out! I'm not sure he really should have gone, but it is difficult to keep him home on the couch. As much as that frustrates me in situations like this, I actually really love that my husband isn't content to just sit around and do nothing. I'm glad that things went well...and I'm sure in a few more days Jeff will be glad to have had the surgery.

Saturday, September 19, 2015


'Tis the season! Yup...fall is here and so is football season. Fall is actually my second favorite season. I love watching the mountains change colors, the crisp morning air, the anticipation of the upcoming holidays, I am not an avid fan of any particular team, but football is my favorite sport to watch. It's even more fun when I'm watching one of my kids play. This year Dallin opted not to play (due to last year's injuries), but Danny has waited all year to play. This is his first year in tackle football. He looks so small in his football pads! But his physical size has nothing on his determination and heart. He gets so excited and plays with all the energy his small stature has. It is fun to watch him play. During this game, he assisted on several tackles (even if the kid was bigger than him) and recovered a fumbled ball. Way to go Danny!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Kansas Wichita Mission

Today Laurin left the MTC to report to Kansas to serve for 18 months in the Kansas Wichita Mission! We haven't received much communication from her since she reported to the MTC, but she was able to call us briefly while she was at the airport ready to fly to Kansas. Also, we did get a letter from the mission secretary informing us that Laurin made it safely there. Later in the week, we received a text message from a branch president in Derby, Kansas with a picture of Laurin & her trainer, Sister Zollinger. We can't wait to hear about all the wonderful and, at times, difficult and challenging opportunities she is going to have while serving the people of Kansas. Laurin has reached superhero status in our home. I love how much the boys get excited to receive her emails and want to write her. I hope her example will also influence Jonas, even though he will not remember her being out on her mission. We are so proud of her!
All the new missionaries with the mission president and his wife.
Laurin with President and Sister Bell
Sister Southwick and Sister Zollinger

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Kate's baptism

This weekend, Jeff, the boys, and I flew down to Arizona to attend my niece's, Kate, baptism. This was the first time Jonas has done any sort of traveling and he did GREAT! I was a little nervous to take him on a plane because I wasn't sure how he would react, but he slept through both flights! He is definitely my son...he likes to travel (not like his daddy!).

We flew down on Thursday (10th) afternoon and stayed through Monday (14th). This was the first time my sisters had met Jonas. Now all of my family has finally met him...and fallen in love with him just like we have.  
Jonas and Kate
Jonas and Tyler
Jonas and Aunt Nichole
Jonas and Aunt Krystle
Jonas with Grandma meeting cousin Nolan. (Nolan wasn't sure what to think about Jonas.)
Jonas, Aunt Krys, and Uncle Jordan
Jeff, Jonas, and Papa
Because it is still over 100 degrees in AZ, we decided to either stay indoors or in the pool. I opted for the first option but the boys were little fishes all weekend! Dallin and Tyler did a great job playing with Nolan so that Krystle had a break.

Surprisingly enough it did cool off a little at night - at least into the 90s! One evening, we walked to the park at the end of the street to let the kids play. After it got dark, the boys decided they wanted to go scorpion hunting. I have already been stung by a scorpion and don't care to ever see one again! Still, they are pretty cool to see at night with a black light. They literally glow a neon green!
Me and my sisters enjoying a "cool" AZ summer night.
Nolan and Danny
Hunting for scorpions
Saturday was the big day! Kate's baptism was beautiful. Kate is such a spunky, fun-loving, tender hearted little girl. She has always had a desire to do what's right. I know she is still young, but her testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ burns bright. We are so proud of her decision to be baptized. Jeff and I both took part in the program. I led the music and Jeff spoke to Kate about the Gift of the Holy Ghost - the Spirit that Jesus promised to send to comfort, guide, and protect to all those who are willing to follow Him. I could feel that same Spirit during the baptism. I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is true. When I experience feelings of peace, love, joy, etc., I know that is His Spirit testifying to me of the veracity of His truth. I am grateful for my decision to be baptized so many years ago. I'm grateful for the knowledge of the gospel in my life. I'm grateful for the protection, peace and perspective it provides. I'm grateful for a beautiful little niece who helped remind me of all the blessings I have as a member of His church because of her decision to be baptized.
The cousins...Nolan was not too happy!
Us with Kate
The Lowes
I love my little niece!
Kate with Uncle Jeff and Uncle Jordan - who both spoke at her baptism.
Most of the Shumway clan
My mom wore the same white dress on her baptism day 50 years ago!
After the baptism, Nichole hosted a brunch then quickly un-decorated the baptism stuff and decorated for Tyler's birthday. Yup...Kate was baptized on Tyler's 15th birthday. I'm not sure if Tyler cared or not, but I was glad to be there for both events. Tyler is my first nephew. I never knew how much a person could love a child until Tyler came along. I love being an aunt! I get to spoil my nieces and nephews then hand them back to their parents. Tyler is such an amazing young man. He has always been sensitive and caring. He is such a good example for others and really strives to do the right thing. For his birthday, he took all the boys to Top Golf. It's basically a driving range with targets. I don't know how else to explain it. All the boys loved it. Jeff even came back saying that he would like to go again when we come back to AZ. For dinner, we headed to Joe's BBQ. This is a regular birthday stop for our family. Not only is it great food, but Joe's also gives you $10.00 off your meal if it's your birthday! Gotta love that. All in all the weekend was great! I just enjoyed spending time with my sisters and parents. I wish they lived closer...especially Krystle who is now in TX. I am so grateful for family. I'm grateful for my family. I couldn't have asked for better parents, siblings, nieces and nephews. I truly feel blessed!
Jeff...I'm pretty sure all my boys just enjoyed smacking the balls as hard as they could.
The wild party bunch...Dallin, Jeff, Decker (friend), Jordan, Ryan, Tyler and Danny
Dinner at Joe's...Nolan, Kate, Ryan, Nichole, Danny, Jordan and Krystle
Tamara Lowe (Tyler's other Gma), Dallin, Decker, and Tyler
Jeff, Jonas in the carseat, Dad and Mom
Me with the birthday boy! He needs to stop growing! He is officially taller than I am.
A better cousin picture...Tyler, Nolan, Danny, Dallin, Jonas, and Kate
Me and my beautiful sisters....Krystle and Nichole